Entries by admin


what needs to fall into place doesn’t understand we live in now but thinks only about tomorrow thus real life is missed and never found work gets never done dream never ends words die of silence help me God forget the past and tomorrow


why do I still think about you? as if you and I we us in me happened for a reason in this no place at this no time Is this Virtual Now going to last for ever to hunt me? become another Machiavellian mechanism of broken universe or secret word of divine agency to heal […]

medical procedure

look I am sick I was born sick I will die sick life is my miracle cure but there is massive shortage of it everyone around gets a day or two but me I don’t get it at all they seem to apply its pills by mouth digging deep into beliefs fears demons bullet-proof attitude […]

It is Time

wake  up human for the rehearsal of life on Earth slow-dive beneath carousel of Sun Moon beneath two-faced vortex above silver lining of Axis Mundi its celestial sphere its deliberately crafted madness below walk against dust rain failures in your face against desert you become with each and every breath you clay of Gods in […]

Third voice

timeless Past flickering in and out of existence hazard of shadows I often take back beyond where I haven’t been yet in this special edition of life without any sense of expectation as this life is just another path I walk naked between the mass murder of Flood, plaques, ritual slaughters all brilliant displays of […]


Does the Sun shine for the rainmakers? for the designers of energies emotions for sculptors of behavior and words that morph into forms of landscape living elements stones seas wondering stars wondering me invisibility of time and watch towers around us? magic talk to me how dark are you? Absence of light and I since […]

Born into feeding grounds

I am not a number not the One not the Infinite Possibility in endless matrix of outcomes unless I lie to you and to myself it is not something I could have avoided being many numbers to many masters owners of symbols and quantities they count every rogue breath of mine every twisted thought process […]

Joy of over

when it is over it is not over the ocean over some hill over the brick wall of another sleeping pill it is closer It takes over me and I can’t ignore it as if it wasn’t meant to coexist look woman it is written in blood vessels all over my stone-faced patience of course there […]

Coming past

do jutra przyjacielu bo w jutrze będzie takie samo wczoraj jakie było w dzisiaj zanim zaraz i już pomieszały mi zmysły żebym nie widział różnicy pomiędzy uposledzonymi kurtynami czasu usiądź koło mnie porozmawiamy o wykwitach  godzin na naszych twarzach dłoniach i zębach my zwierzęta podddane naświetleniu życiem mamy w sobie dużo do przemilczenia w słońcu kolejnego poranka […]

padre illuminata

I forgot Elohim are born and I forgot Star of Bethlehem is bringing them forth one by one offspring of light into my realm into my conscious darkness below their heads glowing with golden rays their lips whispering words of wisdom on murals in cathedrals and caves I have abandoned anointed by loneliness I watch […]