Entries by admin

imagination of light

  it is All imagination of light nothing more or less nothing is really no light   and then Someone has created background and lenghts it takes to forse your brains against it which ever way you momentarily choose to die coming in or out of synchronicity followed by shadows of things familiar    

Assassinations By Induced Heart Attack And Cancer

Sunday, August 7th, 2011 |  by Veterans Today Editor’s note:  In light of recent events in Afghanistan, Norway, the United Kingdom, Libya and elsewhere, a reminder of our real history may be needed.   In 1975, during the Church Committee hearings, the existence of a secret assassination weapon came to light. The CIA had developed a poison that […]

god of Joshua tree /1999

behind that ridge or invisibly further away behind enigma of quietest Ocean and drapes of winds hanging on crossroads I’m fading from visibly lost to transparent no one while the fade darkens my thoughts still on my way  home away from home there is this clock I  need to set on fire while it ticks its last song of passage […]


… jezeli Polska ma istniec, jako kultura za nastepne sto lat i nadal stawiac “Szatanowi”  i wybranym przez niego niewolnikom – czola. Wolnosc, rownosc i sprawiedliwosc to idee warte bardzo wiele, jak wiele zalezy od kazdego z nas indywidualnie. Godnosc czlowieka –  szargana przez totalitaryzm skrzywionej okultem elity – to gra warta swieczki. Im tylko […]

did bp assassinate this man ? (Where ever you have gas or oil – you get “Smolensk” sooner or later)

By DJ Pangburn Thursday, September 02, 2010 Are BP and the Obama administration involved in a massive cover up that resulted in the assassination of Bush energy advisor Matthew Simmons? On August 8th, 2010, sometime in the late evening, investment banker, oil industry insider and energy advisor to President George W. Bush, Matthew Simmons, put on a […]


to return I will attach myself to any darkness and harvest its spells and secrets as I was the one blind and naive to plant its seeds by many rivers of Time so things reverse you exhale one life and breathe in another passage opens above and in the mountains of random Universe I will search […]


ide szukajac otwartej przestrzeni dla płuc wiec wiatr od Oceanu w takie noce to Bog milosierdzia i nie jest pocieszeniem ze ludzkosc kwitnie bo w betonie siedza zwierzeta napromieniowane stado przylepione do szklanych nadajnikow nagrzane zarlo w korytach POdane na wizji i rzeczywistosc smierdzacym zywcem odzierana ze skory czci i sacrum dzisiaj naglowki z ostatniej chwili sklonowany […]

Nie lubie pisac…

, bo nigdy nie wiem o czym bede pisal, jak juz  pisac zaczne. W dodatku  podpowiedzi z glowy akceptuje i nie akceptuje. I jest ich wiele. Zeby przelozyc mysli na pismo, nalezy mysli poddac tresurze,a to zbrodnia.Na przyklad teraz mialem podpowiedz, ze nikt nie zrobi z kobiety wiekszej kurwy niz jej wlasna matka, a teraz […]