Saturday jazz to wake up

On Green Dolphin Street  by Bronislaw Kaper.
My friend – an artis also from Warsaw (that’s three of us Varsovians) – did this metal entrance for Dolphin Street club on Webster. Jazz club.
Closed now.
We were secretly laughing at him because no one liked it. He did few pieces for me – when I was building houses. Lives in California now.
Did quite a lot of stuff in Bucktown before yuppie invasion. Yuppie invasion is similar to Arab invasion. But I have no time today to explain.
I hope you like it. Yuppie invasion closes a lot of good stuff. Thinking first of all. If Kapler saw you, he would love you at first sight. Everybody does.
I believe in honesty. Always did. There was and is this slogan on Currency Exchange on Grand and Chicago ” Honesty is still in style”.
Closed now. Jay owned it. Gypsis got him for two hundred grands.
You can’t trust everybody. I am not doing anything but playing with writing because Mr. Above told me that’s the only thing I should be doing.
I didn’t believe him till I saw you. I wanted to see you again so bad I even confused one other girl for you. When you were gone for few months.
Doesn’t matter. Energy explained to me my mistake. It works for me now. Thanks, Mrs. Goddess.
Tomorrow I will explain my mistake in detail. It has to do with Florida and abortion. The confusion.

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