if I ever

I am being told to do an internet radio. An hour a week?
We will see. Yesterday I talked to a woman. We were both waiting for our cars to be fixed. Breaks. So we talked cars sitting next to each other. Then she showed me things on her Eye-phone, I commented.
Then she looked me in my eyes. We talked about time. How it runs. And later had few jokes, to laugh. She asked me about places. Again showed my apartments on internet. She was looking for one. Asked if I lived by myself.
Looked in my eyes again. That was nice. She said she could live with me. Funny. I was thinking only about having sex with her, almost touched her.
She could sense. Maybe I should have. The problem with me is that I touch right away. Where it matters. If I ever.
Because I have this move in me. Always had. I go after the neck and pussy. Hands and lips get busy. They are disoriented. At first.
I have never abused the move. It was close though. She wouldn’t resist because I could sense too. Her accepting me inside.


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