Reason to grow up

Since childhood I have been preoccupied with finding one good reason to grow up and I have to admit that if not for this miracle : A Women, I wouldn’t even be born.

US national debt

US national debt suffers from gigantism.
It is a condition characterized by Monster Trucks driven by invisible Central Bankers crushing into your economy with no insurance, under Big Brother supervision, who blames your Huge Greed for his Immense Borrowing to cover this Unprecedented Damage you did,

Dziewczynka z zapałkami/ Little girl with matches

Jak jestem jakiś taki wypalony w środku to zawsze winnię dziewczynkę z zapałkami i dużum cyckiem
Boze, jak one dobrze przypalaja papierosa.
Feeling burned out inside I always blame on some little girl with matches and big boobs. God – they know how to lit a cigaret.

True Americans

True Americans are not white or black, European or African, Italian or Polish, German, Christian , Jewish, rednecks or libtards.
Americans are Americans. Piece of hell from each part of this world and probably beyond.
World, You Welcome.

Common denominator in correspondence

There is a common denominator in all official correspondence between you and many institutions and official bodies that says : “Shut up, fuck off, keep working” that you don’t see.
And it is not because you can’t read the small print or read between the lines. It is because you can’t read the small print between the lines.

Cos ukradles

Jezeli ktos posadza cie o to, ze mu cos ukradles, najpierw sprawdz czy jest to:|

– wlasnie podrywana dziewczyna,
– byly najlepszy przyjaciel,
– szeroko rozumiana opinia publiczna,
– rzad,
– sasiad,
– publicystyka telewizyjna.

Jezeli nie jest to zadne z nich, zacznij sie przejmowac.