Entries by admin

The Great American Recession

the Great American Recession and me yes we met half way to the Brave New World at each other’s throat me struggling for a breath her for make up and my faith in miracles and fairies flying around in New York up and down right to left as music of English Horns plays to invisible ears that […]


zeby jesc musze codziennie cos wymyslec raz robie to a raz tamto dzisiaj wymyslilem wiersz i jadlem go powoli wiedzac ze na dlugo mi nie starczy sama tresc tak jest jak jest ubogo w slowa wybaczenia


Syn Drugiego Boga dał ogłoszenie do porannej prasy że przyjmuje zapisy na apostołów zgłosił sie agent ubezpieczeniowy prostytutka dwóch bliżniakow kiedyś zrosniętych głowami i ja człowiek znikąd nie szukający miejsca ani czasu a później był rzeczywiście koniec świata na przejściu koło stacji metra przejechał Go samochód bo pewnie na śmierć mu to było potrzebne myśmy […]

Silence whispering in the Sun

there are keys made of silence that open symphonies and you will be awaken once you tune your mind to them just start listening to self orchestrating another day then embrace  peace divine membrane that dances with the wind of destiny but still choices are made infinite imprints on riot of life and Earth whispering in the […]


NLP is a sort of mental hypnosis or seed planting used by magicians such as Derren Brown. If done correctly the NLP operator can use hand gestures or word patterns to make you believe anything they want. Do a search on NLP to read more about it, or take a look at the Derren Brown […]

Secret Weapons Now Beaming Into Your Skull.

by Zen Gardner You’ll find it hard to believe how many types of technology are being used on human minds today. We all know we’re “steered” and “walled off” to some degree by influences around us, not the least of which is the media and the onslaught of its corporofascistdisinformation and advertising arm. Deeper influences include so-called […]


zeby umrzec ciagle zyjac nalezy przywiazc cialo do okna zeby nie wyskoczylo za toba o Jaruzelskim i stanie wojennym : zycie to nie jest rura, ktora ma dwa konce. Zycie to cala kanalizacja. No ale to gowno – uwazalo,ze nie ma innego wyjscia.   W kazdym spoleczenstwie sa glupcy. W polskim jest najmniej,ale maja najwieksze pole […]

ENTRY LEVEL to hollow Earth.

China and India both know about underground UFO base in the Himalayan border area deep into the tectonic plates from India Daily by staff Reporter Kongka La is the low ridge pass in the Himalayas (the blue oval in the map). It is in the disputedIndia–China border area in Ladakh. In the map the red […]

The Great American Bubble Machine

From tech stocks to high gas prices, Goldman Sachs has engineered every major market manipulation since the Great Depression — and they’re about to do it again By MATT TAIBBI The first thing you need to know about Goldman Sachs is that it’s everywhere. The world’s most powerful investment bank is a great vampire squid wrapped […]