Rage against Mozart

I shouldn’t have started with Requiem in the morning
it will end with Rage against the Machine into each night
while I wanted to remain unnoticed
silently alter the Matrix
fabric of insanity
close all doors to all dimensions  I am made of
watch  Disneyland
dance with Trump
Donald the Duck
think about Sex in The City
in my eyes
while taking a shower alone
with seven walls and an opened  floor

by the way
did you see it walk?
where did the ceiling go?
that’s neighbor from Hell
gets me every time
walking its dogs
and why do I take the shower alone?
because I am Don Kichote?

try mirror
or next windmill
and they put you in jail
ass rape
for the good of the rest of humanity
she is a porn star in Los Angeles
got AIDS from African monkey
kept in some Midwest lab
loved her dress
now go
find a slave

Mozart in a Vienna coffee shop debating Requiem

O Fortuna,
why would you wish to share my fate
my Dear,
go away
leave me on this lonely night  for another world
someone else
more deserving
worthy of your grace and kindness
save yourself
from torments of my longest Hells
and momentary Heavens
I see no end to

leave at once
for those
better than me

Homo Americanus

this world is full of non-real persons
in Bolshevik Russia they had Homo Sovieticus
it was difficult to talk to Homo Sovieticus
Homo Sovieticus was a little
with features of a man or a women
depending on sex
but one couldn’t tell sex
because men would be quiet or run
and women dug graves

Germany has joined the trend with Nazis
gays financed by Zion
to be Jesuit Priests
called SS
bunch of semi-Germans
with brains the size of half Moons
with half perception
half everything
handsome fags they were
to shoot at

So you come to America
the land of the free
and slowly
you watch them learn how to drink tea and coffee from porcelain cups
Sweet Hamburgers programmed by porn
other shit on TV
Sets that set them free
so they become civilized
everyone to himself
a fluoride drinking
GMO eating losers of Sunday game
game of the Suns

Tea was introduces with the first invasion of Mongols
of Kievian Rus and Poland
wiped Rus out
Poles survived
Mongols got is from China
the tea
of our times


each life
with blind faith
in reason
for it
other than death
my religion
too good
to be true
if nothing good
comes out of you
(put your name here)
each life
with blind faith
in reason
for it
other than death
my religion
too good
to be true
if nothing good
comes out of you
(place your name Above)
(was it Bob?)
(thank you Bob, your number is coming up)


My birth was not mine
while death I can easily bring upon self
mainly for reading the mind of The Beast
my still watching Father
my enemy
the occasional bliss of darkness
when I am caught off guard
disturbed by the curse of ancient others
I carry my cross
smiling and giving the word away

how much of Him is in you
left to rot
or to flow against passage of these bastard lands
circulation of rivers drowning in blood
pools of different humans
all slaves
what side of the Moon
do you find more pleasing
and desire to travel beyond gray
traveler to opposite dead ends
how dead is your soul

My Am are not asking questions
thus My I
is asking answers

Down payment

don’t say a word buddy
let me help you
down to us

it must hurt
falling with open wounds
on silence
did they get you in Poland
Korea or Vietnam?
friendly fire I guess
that’s what they say on the air
and in their visions
channeled all over this sick place
craft as always
you were a craftsman yourself
don’t forget
we need you

now try to catch some sleep
I will sign a loan for you tomorrow
and land you money for down-payment and furniture
so you will again
live in your house
in this flower
burning on the night sky

and never mind
I just watched
and waited
for signs

try me again

I am a Polish speaking Pole
survivor of many times
when due to live sacrifices and fires
epidemic of violent death
it was a crime
to be me

that was set as an end
for my breed
for my blood
for my tribe of celestial nomads
here on Earth
thrown at this place for convenience called Poland
a cemetery of graves

but I smile
I smile
try me again
I want to be on History Channel
in your sick head
but I am not going away

I am not going away


God took another train
we have missed each other
in an open field
where immature humanity
was coming to life
first rays of Sun on its leaves
wait for the fruit
it was all already there
even before I knew
where I was going

each life I lost to you

ready when you are
for judgment or any other stuff really
day and night
since ready I was born and ready I am sure
I will die
stop whining
I have no others
forgot names
try to remain the one
without pissing me off
don’t make me change my heart
go back
to walk Elysian fields alone
its monuments and trees
finally free
free to breath
each life I lost to you
in peace
at war
against me

not a good excuse

if you believe in tomorrow
it is meant to come
by at least one person in this world
you are replanting your perception of it
you are reigniting what it is in you
that is the future
looking at the past
you will regret only time lost
in the end times
which is not a good excuse
when asking for more