
Does the Sun shine for the rainmakers?
for the designers of energies
for sculptors of behavior and words that morph into forms of landscape
living elements
wondering stars
wondering me
invisibility of time
and watch towers around us?

talk to me
how dark are you?

Absence of light and I since early childhood
the trials we endured together
the presence of guides
the silent confidence
the mirror sky and oceans to mysteries
I am tired of life
and life is tired of me
but what will it be when we separate from Creation
how dark are you?

Born into feeding grounds

I am not a number
not the One
not the Infinite Possibility in endless matrix of outcomes
unless I lie
to you
and to myself
it is not something I could have avoided
being many numbers to many masters
owners of symbols and quantities
they count every rogue breath of mine
every twisted thought process
every crime of seeing and wanting too much and at once

it is not that I am hypnotized by the promises of order
I was born into their lair
their feeding ground
and I still
do not identify as liability
or food to hidden
murderous parasites
so evident and irritating to my consciousness
is their constant running
and burning
in the Black Sun

Joy of over

when it is over
it is not over the ocean
over some hill
over the brick wall of another sleeping pill
it is closer
It takes over me
and I can’t ignore it
as if it wasn’t meant to coexist

it is written in blood vessels
all over my stone-faced patience

of course there is no forgiveness
just waiting around
thus I have been silent
rushing it wakes memories
I must leave you to another
boy scout

Coming past

do jutra
bo w jutrze będzie takie samo wczoraj jakie było w dzisiaj
zanim zaraz i już pomieszały mi zmysły
żebym nie widział różnicy
pomiędzy uposledzonymi kurtynami czasu

usiądź koło mnie
porozmawiamy o wykwitach  godzin na naszych twarzach
dłoniach i zębach
zwierzęta podddane naświetleniu życiem
mamy w sobie dużo do przemilczenia
w słońcu kolejnego poranka
nad przeszłością

czy nadal uważasz że horyzont
odradza sie dla nas?


see you tomorrow
because tomorrow
will become the same yesterday as we managed to live through today
before my mind
got all mixed up
by too soon
suddenly here
till I couldn’t really tell the difference
between the stalking us
curtains of time

possibly just
sit next to me
we’ll talk about the blooms of hours on our faces

hands and teeth
animals exposed to life

we have
a lot
to remain silent about
in the light of another morning Sun
over the coming past

new horizons
do you still believe they rise for us?

padre illuminata

I forgot Elohim are born
and I forgot Star of Bethlehem is bringing them forth
one by one
offspring of light
into my realm
into my conscious darkness below
their heads glowing with golden rays
their lips
whispering words of wisdom
on murals
in cathedrals and caves I have abandoned

anointed by loneliness
I watch Orion’s Belt to reclaim their world
the only home I should have ever known
marked by the holy cross with Pleiades
its stone already in space thrown at my prison
soon to be falling apart here on Earth
murderous plane
where humans
don’t make the best use of lives they get
and through death
they increase their chances of presence in Heavens
if not afraid of empathy and love
the swan songs from humanity’s soul

I do believe them
to be the Star Gate
and confession of faith


Awareness  of finality of each moment
and fully functional  life are not lining up for me
I need to redefine relationship with death

if I am to meet my end
on a day like this
when shift just happens
and my sense of danger is not truly awakened

if I am to move beyond material form of abstract me
become a wave
to calm my storms and raging self-awareness

or maybe

my Father
come as you are
I am an old soul
veteran of life and its loss
guide me to Elysium
let me crave the sounds
of trumpets and horses
let me watch the harvest
and touch the fire of judgement


there is no way to measure how far I have walked
dragged my two feet on this long
empty road
away from you
away from the coast and days where the Sun rises
to that lonely place named Nowhere Near
being recovered
from fascination and hope

took only a few false steps to spend eternity on a trip
to regret I really live
trip through my dreams
and all the way through the mist of time and space
to genesis
of what love was supposed to bring
the virtue of patience is killing my will
I am getting used to that annoying fear inside
of never touching your face
while always starring in the eye the fire I am
on you
and you only

let it burn
as everything does in the deep meditation of life
ashes to ashes are a promise we are pretending not to hear
and then
our shoes are walked in circles by millions of strangers
and  in the process
we turn
meaningless and forgotten


all mighty
all powerful
its poisons flow with my blood
rivers of betrayal in the ocean of sorrow
abnormal states of mind I had to surround to
and I suffer through them
with no glory to me
my name
or my Savior
murdering eternity for the promise of another living moment
slipping away into despair

what a sickening deliverance
in the context of last hour to bring about order
to the world of men

so liberating

not to look into myself for salvation
not to become an answer to a question:
to be or not to be
or remain anything in between still breathing the Lie
and finally
not to fight the wheel of fortune
from turning
worthless to me

owner of love

this love
is yours
I have found it by chance
and it is the youngest among all the others
I came across
while looking for all the wrong answers
to finally being alone

take it now
and run with it far
before I destroy it
because when I do
it is You, baby
who will be crying

It will become a scar on your beautiful face
tears of unspoken words
vindictive motion of skies leading to nowhere but fear
I personally love

the intensity of coming to terms
with flames of self-combustion


fabrications of the Dark Side of the Earth
and artificial path of the Moon
following waves of ocean of misery
lowest layers of fate
hit and run episodes against distant  shores
their lands
overrun by human apes and followers of sacrificial death

sin hungry
sitting at a table to eat flesh
and mainly
slowly eating ourselves
we are
in the house
where the blessed ones are all dead
and mystics are high with a promise of future people born
and living 
the same lie
to parasite on

ignorance of overlord
ignorance of purpose

my human mother is torn
naturally  hesitates
If I am to be
another herd thing

back in the nights
the Moon tries to ride the darkness
to hell with me
everything down that needle
takes  a trip to my shadow
free fallen at God’s feet