Scientific President
I have been running from US Presidency till I become The One and my whole running away over the years will turn out to be running for. Polish luck.
If I am to be the New Official Messiah of The New Atlantis I’d better stop calling Americans – Hamburgers in my posts. Or at least start being more scientific about it, along socialist lines and use my Marxist
childhood brain damage from communist occupied Poland, start calling them Hamburgeroise Class of Americans.
Who are the Hambergoroise Class of Americans?
I have no fucking clue but I know that in order to become your president I must become this Super Hamburger myself and that is a problem.
I have not watched television since 2005.
I do not follow sports.
Never got a flu shot because I hate half-viruses, love my blood type and I am not some low-life no matter how poor. I know free is bad for you.
I do not eat red meat, especially hamburgers or anything that is grained into some faceless, armless, legless feed and thermally abused for this brown, sickening look.
Too bad US Presidents are chosen twenty years before elections and there is no South Pole. Facts. I have no history of the above features of Super Hamburger in my past too much. Fact again.
I will only remind this Polish, epic, legendary documentary “Szczurolap” – “Rat catcher”.
It is about a man who was hired by various businesses (mainly in human feed storage section of the economy) – who was feeding the rats, whole wild tribes of them till he identified the King of The Rats and through
generosity and basic human goodness was able to replace the King. Killing him at some point as well. Rats didn’t mind the murder of ex-King. From that moment he would be followed blindly by all the rats, as their best King ever … where ? into a trap.
He was mercilessly killing them through poison in the food they so deeply and willingly loved him for, for the food he was sharing with them. He got so well known among different tribes of Rats that there were moments when he would show up at a new business to do the usual King Replacement Act and the next day all the rats were gone. Rats were smart after few genocides. Humans are not that smart. Humans follow. Every generation gets its Rat Catcher King.
Germany got Merkel, England Cameron, Poland had Tusk, France seven million Arabs but US must get me. Why?
I am not like them.I know genocides are wrong regardless of results.
And I have a Queen for you. She laughs like no one I have ever known. She laughs like life was now.
It is now.This might be the official beginning of my campaign to save US from Fake Rat Kings and give US its first US Queen as well.
“Before you destroy them, you must choose a method by studying them” – Fake Rat Kings words.
I know how to tell the fakes. Here I am. Use me before it is too late. I will not live for ever, My Queen.
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