Entries by admin


there is not much left but I still want to live where there is nothing so I am waiting for more to go away and when it all started I had everything but I couldn’t see a thing so what’s the difference ? was it all about the trip?        

Od nova

dzisiaj zatrzymalem czas zeby sie nie cofnal probowal zrobic mi niespodzianke w jego ostatnim momencie opamietalem go swoim pojawieniem sie z przyszlosci do ktorej nie mial odwagi wejsc   teraz jest zawsze    


you and you only made it so beautiful you gave passion heart of mine and both wings of yours took it to Heaven to weather the storms of  fate and to calm awakened by love uneasy at dawn furies at least that’s what I thought it was to you that I prayed each and every day of the […]

Macajace Macki

To jest po prostu moja wycieczka w nieznane. Wzialem sie za siebie i poznaje ile zla jest na swiecie. I widze, ze wszystko z powodu tej samej ideologii, ktora podszywa sie pod inne ideologie, nigdy nie ujawniajac swojego prawdziwego oblicza. Oblicze jest z kosmosu – zielone ,a jednak pewne siebie. Wracajac na Ziemie – Leppera […]

Nella Fantasia

Nella fantasia io vedo un mondo giusto, Li tutti vivono in pace e in onestà. Io sogno d’anime che sono sempre libere, Come le nuvole che volano, Pien’ d’umanità in fondo all’anima. Nella fantasia io vedo un mondo chiaro, Li anche la notte è meno oscura. Io sogno d’anime che sono sempre libere, Come le […]


if you are not driven by hunger and you are not driven by fear and it is not desire what is it, animal ? why uniform and weapon ? why carbon bones and shields ? why steel and lethal force on other people’s dreams ? animal your Master is a flying pig with your precious […]


z tego skrzyżowania ulice płyną rzekami rozlanych świateł w cztery strony świata jednak Ona i On nie rozdwoją się po ciemku na niedługim już poczekaniu tonąc w zgiełku z sercem wyjętym na ręku ponad wstyd stargana bezdomność przez szyby patrząca na całe to zbawienie w ludziach ale ludzie jadą dalej odwracają głowy zachowując sumienie dla […]

Power companies prepare as solar storms set to hit Earth

  Power companies prepare as solar storms set to hit Earth   By Scott DiSavino | Reuters      NEW YORK (Reuters) – Three large explosions from the Sun over the past few days have prompted U.S. government scientists to caution users of satellite, telecommunications and electric equipment to prepare for possible disruptions over the […]


BY www.wattpad.com STAFF   Jaime Roldós Aguilera (1940–1981) was President of Ecuador from 10 August 1979 to 24 May 1981. In his short presidency, he became known for his insistence on human rights. His death in a plane crash has given rise to accusations he was surreptitiously assassinated by the United States government. The Ecuadorian […]

one reality behind

there are phantoms to my darkness and familiar objects I bring to measure forms all those representations taking refuge in unscrupulous Ocean above and its fallen waves touching us below us the lamb herded into bondage of celestial Horn mass murdered stranded in protein and cloned and so created was this New World with a blind Eye […]