I have never been this me before
God knows it is difficult
to exist anew
walk the nonsense of reality processed through the living brain
through the flesh of
someone biological and sensual I suddenly became
constantly identify own face against the old soul
who I was born for this short frame of time
with its  narrative of events
its schism with truth
still called history I am a part of now
under the dome

Again not a test but a mission
in remaining me eternal
regardless of what the Intern Overlord
is trying to force me to accept this me
me I awoke to
from an out of body life

I feel I have been pretty consistent over the ages
not tempted to harm or to be harmed
aware of the surroundings being farthest from divine
and always
always kept meaningful associations between my spiritual essence
and its short-lived expressions in the world of lower instincts
I hope
consistency makes eternity end with some bliss
of hard-earned enlightenment
because where is the end not to this me
but me eternal?
me the soul?
it is not that I am tired or lost
I am bored with those
annoying episodes of being out of harmony with my psychopath God
whom I have no choice
but to trust





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