Entries by admin


I don’t make any mistakes they somewhat make me another person inside and out I most definitely don’t want to be possibly and if I ever pull these selves together you will see a mess of black and white rainbows hinged on otherworldly hells exotic foreign  heavens all roots of a single tree of circumstance and desire […]

Bio-Accumulation: Effects of spraying

Roy C Dudgeon Bio-Accumulation (also referred to as biological amplification and biological magnification) refers to the process by which persistent organic pollutants (POPs) accumulate in higher levels as they are passed from one trophic level to another through food chains. POPs are a class of artificial chemicals with the following five characteristics. 1. they are persistent […]

Take a Guess At the World’s Net-worth

The entire world officially owes itself more money than it can produce in the form of equity assets.  Of course, the calculation might be meaningless, since the numbers are an aggregate of the nations involved, and it doesn’t make sense to imagine the world not being able to pay itself back. But it’s still a thought-provoking […]

The YHWH Code

By Rabbi Dani’el Rendelman The mapping of the genetic code, known as DNA, is probably the most important scientific breakthrough of the new millennium.  On June 26, 2000, President Clinton and a group of world renowned scientists presented the first genetic map of the human DNA molecule.  Clinton called the discovery the “language in which God created […]


as you are pushed against the wall you wish you were a brick but the wall desires no part of you other than fear Fear inspires the wall to grow beyond everything you see and more much more is lost you can spend your entire life carving your name on it or force your mind […]


look above how heavy handed skies are your breath of life barely hanging in there suddenly no Angels to be found with trumpets shining at dawn overjoyed with harvest of Time The Latest planted on humans and ripe for sacrifices just grey scars that are long drawn under the blinded Sun for the next generation […]

English Note

I am not writing in English I am translating from foreign thoughts into one of the common misrepresentations of thoughts known as human language if I use verses in Polish will I ever get closer? to what? all thoughts are faster than light how about that ? A,B,C,D articulators !


once dead you live for ever again knowing and it gets personal between you and you as many in more ways than the two of you can ever imagine in a flash veil of ignorance is missed   once crossed you live for ever free again knowing of no other self but somehow it gets […]


for the moment the only thing that matters is to put middle of nowhere with some scenic route blue skies and simmering ocean in your still breathing life you forgot to carry with caution and love dream unless you really don’t give a fuck if your cosmic river suddenly dries up in a ghetto that […]