Fingerprints of Creation

Did you know that scientific evidence abounds to support the biblical accounts of creation and the flood? Were you aware that reports outlining this evidence passed peer review, and were published in the open scientific literature? Have you heard that, decades later, this evidence still stands unrefuted by the scientific community?

An Overview

Etched within Earth’s foundation rocks — the granites — are beautiful microspheres of coloration, halos, produced by the radioactive decay of primordial polonium, which is known to have only a fleeting existence.

The following simple analogy will show how these polonium microspheres — or halos — contradict the evolutionary belief that granites formed as hot magma slowly cooled over millions of years. To the contrary, this analogy demonstrates how these halos provide unambiguous evidence of both an almost instantaneous creation of granites and the young age of the earth.

A speck of polonium in molten rock can be compared to an Alka-Seltzer dropped into a glass of water. The beginning of effervescence is equated to the moment that polonium atoms began to emit radiactive particles. In molten rock the traces of those radioactive particles would disappear as quickly as the Alka-Seltzer bubbles in water. But if the water were instantly frozen, the bubbles would be preserved. Likewise, polonium halos could have formed only if the rapidly “effervescing” specks of polonium had been instantly encased in solid rock.

An exceedingly large number of polonium halos are embedded in granites around the world. Just as frozen Alka-Seltzer bubbles would be clear evidence of the quick-freezing of the water, so are these many polonium halos undeniable evidence that a sea of primordial matter quickly “froze” into solid granite. The occurrence of these polonium halos, then, distinctly implies that our earth was formed in a very short time, in complete harmony with the biblical record of creation.

Replies to Objections

Every question regarding the validity or implications of this polonium-halo evidence has been systematically dealt with, in our published reports and in various discussions with those holding differing views. We invite you to peruse the points we have raised in our exchanges, consider them, and decide for yourself the truth of the matter.

Of particular interest will be our recent discussion with the Institute for Creation Research (ICR) regarding the validity of our work.

In the Exchanges section of our website we’ve posted our letter to Dr. K. R. Walker, requesting the references to successful granite synthesis experiments that UT’s Dr. Larry Taylor had referred to. We also have posted two letters from Dr. Brent Dalrymple that refer to the unrefuted Polonium evidence for the creation of granite.

Challenge to the National Academy of Sciences

The Academy has vehemently opposed creation science, even claiming that the evidence for creation has been scientifically invalidated. We have repeatedlychallenged the Academy to publicly explain where the polonium-halo evidence for creation has ever been scientifically invalidated. For over 15 years, they have refused to even try, for they know that their statement is insupportable when it comes to the polonium-halo evidence.

We have posted here letters and other documents pertaining to our challenge to the National Academy of Science.


Our published reports date back to the 1960’s. Twenty of these reports can be downloaded free of charge from this web site. A number of these also appear in the appendix to our book, Creation’s Tiny Mystery.

Every question regarding the validity or implications of the polonium-halo evidence for creation has been systematically dealt with in our publishedreports. Every proposal for an evolutionary origin of polonium radiohalos has been systematically and experimentally falsified. No hypothetical, naturalistic scenario has yet been suggested that can account for Creation’s “tiny mystery” of the polonium halo.

Of course, you can find claims to the contrary on the internet and elsewhere. But if these claims had any real substance, they would have passed peer review and been published in the open scientific literature. The fact that they have not been, or have themselves been experimentally falsified, demonstrates the fact that this unique evidence for Creation still stands unrefuted.

Some of our newest research concerns astronomy and cosmology. Our findings provide a radically new model of the cosmos while also showing why the Big Bang Theory is fatally flawed. For more on this topic, please see our sister site,

Tax-Funded arXiv Engaged in Religious Discrimination

Our sister site,, has an entire section on this topic. Basically, what happened is that we posted ten papers outlining fatal flaws in the Big Bang theory on the arXiv, an internet service hosted at the time by Los Alamos National Laboratory. The arXiv distributes physics papers worldwide, and we had previously posted papers there with no problem. This time, when those in charge of the arXiv discovered that our papers very clearly outlined the fallacies of the Big Bang, and were supportive of a model of the universe that harmonizes with Genesis, the papers were removed. After we posted them again, they were removed a second time, and our password was revoked.

You can read the subsequent letters that were exchanged by clicking the links on the page “Documentation of Censorship by the Los Alamos National Laboratory arXiv Staff”, a page on our sister site.

The arXiv is funded by tax funds. It is therefore inappropriate for the arXiv to discriminate on the basis of religion against scientists who do not ascribe to evolution.


One of the easiest ways to learn more about polonium halos and similar evidence for creation is to watch our two videos, Fingerprints of Creation andThe Young Age of the Earth. Both are available on VHS cassettes and DVD, and both can now be seen immediately over the internet as a free video stream.

Check out our latest video, Center of the Universe — The Great White Throne. In this documentary we explore the amazing astronomical discovery that the universe has a nearby center that can be identified with the location of the Great White Throne, God’s dwelling place in the heavens described in the book of Revelation.


Our book, Creation’s Tiny Mystery, by scientist Robert V. Gentry, chronicles the evidence of polonium halos, and the challenges of proposing a scientifically-based creation model of the Earth amidst the widespread acceptance by most scientists of ancient, evolutionary models.

The entire book may now be read online, but you’ll also want the convenience of having a printed copy to peruse.

To order our book and/or videos,

Call Us at (800) 467-6380, or use our order form.



The New Eugenics: The Case Against Genetically Modified Human

by Marcy Darnovsky

At the cusp of dot-com frenzy and the biotech century, a group of influential scientists and

pundits has begun zealously promoting a new bio-engineered utopia.  In the world of their

visionary fervor, parents will strive to afford the latest genetic ìimprovementsî for their children.

According to the advocates of this human future (or, as some term it, ìpost-humanî future), the

exercise of consumer preferences for offspring options will be the prelude to a grand

achievement: the technological control of human evolution.

My first close encounter with this techno-eugenic enthusiasm was in a 1997 book written for an

unconverted lay audience by Princeton geneticist Lee M. Silver.  In Remaking Eden: Cloning

and Beyond in a Brave New World (New York: Avon Books), Silver spins out scenarios of a

future in which affluent parents are as likely to arrange genetic enhancements for their children

as to send them to private school.

Silver confidently predicts that upscale baby-making will soon take place in fertility clinics,

where prospective parents will undergo an IVF procedure to create an embryo, then select the

physical, cognitive, and behavioral traits they desire for their child-to-be.  Technicians will

insert the genes said to produce those traits into the embryo, and implant the embryo in the

motherís womb.  Nine months later, a designer baby will be born.  After a few centuries of

these practices, Silver believes, humanity will bifurcate into genetic ubermenschen and

untermenschenóand not long thereafter into different species.  Here is Silverís prediction for

the year 2350:

“The GenRichówho account for 10 percent of the American populationóall carry synthetic

genes. Genes that were created in the laboratory….The GenRich are a modern-day hereditary

class of genetic aristocrats….All aspects of the economy, the media, the entertainment

industry, and the knowledge industry are controlled by members of the GenRich class.”

How do the other 90 percent live? Silver is quite blunt on this point as well: “Naturals work as

low-paid service providers or as laborers.”

That rich and poor already live in biologically disparate worlds can be argued on the basis of

any number of statistical measures: life expectancy, infant mortality, access to health care.  Of

course, medical resources and social priorities could be assigned to narrowing those gaps.

But if Silver and his cohort of designer-baby advocates have their way, precious medical talent

and funds will be devoted instead to a technically dubious project whose success will be

measured by the extent to which it can inscribe inequality onto the human genome.  Silver

pushes his vision still further:

“As time passes,…the GenRich class and the Natural class will become the GenRich humans

and the Natural humans entirely separate species with no ability to cross-breed, and with as

much romantic interest in each other as a current human would have for a chimpanzee.”

Silver understands that such scenarios are disconcerting. He counsels realism.  In other

words, he celebrates the free reign of the market and perpetuates the myth that private

choices have no public consequences:

“Anyone who accepts the right of affluent parents to provide their children with an expensive

private school education cannot use ëunfairnessí as a reason for rejecting the use of

reprogenetic technologies….There is no doubt about it…whether we like it or not, the global

marketplace will reign supreme.”

When I first read Silverís book, I imagined that these sorts of bizarre prognostications must be

the musings of a lab researcher indulging in mad-scientist mode. I soon learned differently.

They are not ravings from the margins of modern science, but emanations from its prestigious

and respected core.  Silver vividly and accurately represents a technical and political agenda

for the human future that is shared by a disturbing number of Nobel laureate scientists, biotech

entrepreneurs, social theorists, bioethicists, and journalists.

Since the late 1990s, this loose alliance has been publicly and energetically promoting the

genetic technology known as ìhuman germline engineeringîó modifying the genes passed to

our children by manipulating embryos at their earliest stages of development.  Such genetic

modifications would be replicated in all subsequent generations, providing supporters with the

basis to claim that “we” are on the brink of “seizing control of human evolution.” Frank about

their commitments to control and ìenhancement,” advocates of human germline engineering

claim that the voluntary parental participation they foresee refutes any characterization of their

project as “eugenic.”  With public conferences, popular books, scholarly articles, websites, and

mainstream media appearances, they are waging an all-out campaign to win public acceptance

of their techno-eugenic vision.

The promoters of a designer-baby future believe that the new human genetic and reproductive

technologies are both inevitable and a boon to humanity.  They exuberantly describe near-term

genetic manipulationsówithin a generationóthat may increase resistance to diseases, ìoptimizeî

height and weight, and boost intelligence.  Further off, but within the lifetimes of todayís

children, they foresee the ability to adjust personality, design new body forms, extend life

expectancy, and endow hyper-intelligence. Some even predict splicing traits from other

species into children: In late 1999, for example, an ABC Nightline special on human cloning

speculated that genetic engineers would learn to design children with ‘night vision from an owl’

and ‘supersensitive hearing cloned from a dog.’

How plausible are such scenarios?  Because human beings are far more than the product of

genesóbecause DNA is one of many factors in human developmentóthe feats of genetic

manipulation eventually accomplished will almost certainly turn out to be much more modest

than what the designer-baby advocates predict.  But we cannot dismiss the possibility that

scientists will achieve enough mastery over the human genome to wreak enormous damage –

biologically and politically.

Promoting a future of genetically engineered inequality legitimizes the vast existing injustices

that are socially arranged and enforced.  Marketing the ability to specify our childrenís

appearance and abilities encourages a grotesque consumerist mentality toward children and

all human life.  Fostering the notion that only a ‘perfect baby’ is worthy of life threatens our

solidarity with and support for people with disabilities, and perpetuates standards of perfection

set by a market system that caters to political, economic, and cultural elites.  Channeling hopes

for human betterment into preoccupation with genetic fixes shrinks our already withered

commitments to improving social conditions and enriching cultural and community life.

Germline engineering is now common in laboratory animals, though it remains at best an

imprecise technology, requiring hundreds of attempts before a viable engineered animal is

produced.  Human germline manipulation has not been attempted: The only kind of human

genetic procedures currently practiced involve efforts to ‘fix’ or substitute for the genes of

somatic (body) cells in people with health problems that in some way reflect the functions of


In about five hundred ‘gene therapy’ clinical trials since the early 1990s, doctors have tried to

introduce genetic modifications to patientsí lungs, nerves, muscles, and other tissues.  These

efforts have been largely unsuccessful.  In late 1999, their safety was also called starkly into

question by the death of an 18-year-old enrolled in a clinical trial, and by ensuing revelations of

almost 700 other ‘serious adverse effects’ that researchers and doctors had somehow failed to

report to the proper regulatory authorities.  Some observers have commented that gene

therapy would more accurately be called “genetic experiments on human subjects.”

Many people are reluctant to oppose human germline engineering because they believe that

‘genetics’ will deliver medical cures or treatments.  But there is no reason that we cannot forgo

germline engineering and still support other genetic technologies that do in fact hold promising

medical potential.  In fact, the medical justifications for human germline engineering are

strained, while its ethical and political risks are profound.

Fortunately, the distinction between human germline engineering and other genetic

technologies (including somatic genetic engineering) is a reasonably clear technical

demarcation.  In many countries, this demarcation is being drawn as law.  Legislation that

would ban human germline engineering and reproductive cloning is making its way through the

Canadian parliament.  Germany’s Embryo Protection Act of 1990 makes human cloning and

germline engineering criminal acts, and the Japanese legislature is considering establishing

prison terms for human cloning.  A number of other European countries forbid cloning and

germline engineering indirectly by outlawing non-therapeutic research on human embryos.

Twenty-two European countries have signed a Council of Europe bioethics convention that

includes similar restrictions.  In the United States, however, neither federal law nor policy

forbids human germline engineering or cloning, though federal funds cannot be used for any

kinds of human cloning experiments.

In order to bring the new human genetic technologies under social governance, strong political

pressure and a broad social movement will be necessary.  Though no such movement

currently exists, efforts to alert and engage a variety of constituencies are getting underway.

The movement that this work aims to catalyze will need to draw in a wide range of

constituencies, and encompass a variety of motivations.  Some participants will base their

opposition to a techno-eugenic future on their commitments to equality and justice, and to

human improvement through social change rather than technical fix.  Others will be moved by

the threats to human dignity and human rights, and the horror of treating children as

custom-made commodities, that germline engineering and cloning entail.  Still others will find

their primary inspiration in the precautionary principle, or their wariness of techno-scientific

hubris and a reductionist world view, or their objections to corporate ownership of life at the

molecular level, or their skepticism about the drastic technological manipulation of the natural


It will be far easier to prevent a techno-eugenic future if we act before human germline

manipulation develops further, either as technology or ideology.  This is a crucial juncture: a

window that the campaign for human germline engineering is trying to slam shut.  Your

participation is urgently needed.

(A longer version of this article is forthcoming as ‘The Case Against Designer Babies: The

Politics of Genetic Enhancement,’ in Brian Tokar, ed.  Redesigning Life? The Worldwide

Challenge to Genetic Engineering, Zed Books.)

Venus possibly habitable for billions of years

The hellish climate of Venus may have arisen far more recently than previously supposed, suggests new research. If so, pleasant Earth-like conditions probably persisted for two billion years after the planet’s birth – plenty of time for life to have developed.

Venus is virtually the same size as Earth and, on average, is our nearest neighbour. Today, its atmospheric temperatures are hot enough to melt lead and concentrated sulfuric acid continuously drizzles down from thick sulphurous clouds that completely block out the Sun.

But the planet once had a climate similar to Earth’s and vast oceans of water. Planetary scientists agree that period ended when Venus lost its water due to a runaway greenhouse effect, but the question is when.

Until now, the best estimate, calculated 15 years ago by James Kasting, of the Pennsylvania State University, was four billion years ago – just 600 million years after the Solar System’s birth.

But new work by David Grinspoon, at the Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, Colorado, suggests the momentous transition may have occurred much later. He points out the Kasting’s estimate was just a lower limit on when the change happened, because it did not include the effect of clouds in the Venusian atmosphere.

Reflected sunlight

Clouds reflect sunlight back to space and therefore cool a planet’s surface, and Grinspoon’s preliminary calculations indicate that the effect can be dramatic – keeping the atmosphere 100 Kelvin cooler than without them.

Although more detailed modeling remains to be done, Grinspoon says the difference could mean that oceans and pleasant temperatures may have persisted on Venus for at least two billion years.

This also suggests that another global transformation on Venus about 700 million years ago, in which the whole planet’s surface appears to have melted and reformed, may actually have been a continuation of the same greenhouse warming that dried out the planet.

Once the water was lost, Grinspoon says, plate tectonics would have stopped completely, and with it the most efficient way for the planet to shed its internal heat. This could have led to a buildup that eventually caused the whole crust to melt and then reform.

More generally, if this analysis is right, it means that the “habitable zone” for planets around other stars may be much wider than has been assumed, since Venus had been thought to be far outside it.

Grinspoon presented his work at the American Astronomical Society’s Division for Planetary Sciences meeting in Monterey, California on Saturday.

Slonce w twoim domu.Slonce w moim domu.

Slonca nie maja nad ludzmi litosci. Sa tak odmienne, tak przebiegle : od najjasniejszych do najwiekszych I wszystkie w stanie ulotnym,ze ledwie nadarzamy z naszymi elektronicznymi, sloniowatymi maszynkami. Zreszta slonca to straszni pozerzy, ktorzy nadymaja sie na nasz ludzki widok,a za plecami spuszczaja z wentyla I karlowacieja zniencka,aby zapasc sie pod materie I dalej nawet nie wiem co sie dzieje I wole nie wiedziec. A moze powinienem. Moze powienienem sie bac,ze wiatr sloneczny naszej prywatnej bomby wodorowej trzymanej helem w kupie z helem wygra, przbije pasy van allena przedrze sie przez atmosfere I zwegli moje tak przydatne ramiona I seksi lydki w czasie opalania na plazy albo orki, bo nie zwrocilem uwagi na to – co stalo sie z Ikarem. Jeszcze tragiczniejsza wersja to zmierzch elektroniki w ulamku sekundy I nagle okaze sie,ze nikt nie wie ile I komu wisi pieniedzy, wszystkie domy I mieszkania stana sie splcone z dnia na dzien, bo nie bedzie, jak wyslac I wyliczyc elektronicznych rachunkow. Moze te samoloty tak lataja po calym swiecie I rozpylaja aluminiom, bo aluminium utlenione ma ladunek ujemny I jest to jakies uziemienie,a moze izolator nie wiem, nie wnikme.Znowu moze ten pyl aluminiowy rozpylany w powietrzu to sztuczny pas Van Allena, trzeci,ale juz w naszej atmosferze,ktory dzielnie walczy z fotonami. Jedno miasto juz kiedys wysiadlo w Kanadzie z powodu “przebicia” z kosmosu , trzy dni naprawiali zanim stala sie swiatlosc ta nasza..z elektrowni – samorobka. Tego samego obawiano sie w Chinach niedawno, bo duzo zalezy od tego czyja buzia chinska, czy brazylijska na przyklad Ziemia akurat sie opala. I musze podziekowac tym panom,ktorzy kopijuja moje pisanie na komputerze,ze przestali mi przeszkadzac, bo moze ich zainteresowalem ? To milo, jak klawiatura nie traci liter, spacji I teksty nie znikaja, jak wsciekle duchy tesciowej na widok jalowego seksu z jej corka na stole w kuchni.

Chyba odszedlem od tematu. Glod. Mysle o kuchni. Tak – slonca nie mozna bagatelizowac ,99,9% procent “materii” w naszym ukladzie slonecznym to nasza bomba wodorowa – uczesana w swastyge – bo swastyga to wykres ruchy wiatrow slonecznych w granicach slonca,albowiem fakt, ze jadro kresi sie szybciej niz powierzchnia powoduje prady wiatrow slonecznych z cyklicznymi wyladowniami…co iles tam tysiecy lat. Do tego trzeba jeszcze dodac, ze nasze slonce karlowacieje I moze dlatego jest coraz zimniej…hmmm…Al Gore to wielki czlowiek,ze nam tak stara sie dodac otuchy, zaklada na nas ten globalny kozuch globalnego ocieplenia – szkoda ,ze tylko w wyobrazni,ale zawsze cos. I skoro slonce maleje – to czemu na Marsie sa piramidy I maja to samo rozstawienie co pirmaidy w Gizie …jezeli slonce bylo jeszcze niedawno wieksze – naturalnym sie wydaje,ze zycie na Ziemi bylo niemozliwe…i wtedy mieszkalismy na czwartej planecie od wiekszego wtedy slonca , bo jak kurczaki w wylegrani nasze bilogiczne zycie wymaga bardzo konkretnych warunkow, aby istniec. Nas na Ziemie zaimportowano na zmywak. I to wszystko z powodu jaj,ktore wyprawia Slonce. Ile lat zanim nasza cywilizacja bedzie mieszkac na Venus… o to by byly juz jaja – mieszkac na planecie na ktorej dzien jest dluzszy od roku. Nikt nie chciallby isc do wiezienia ani do szkoly nawet na jeden dzien. Lenie. Kto by glosowal na PO, jakby wszyscy byli tylko w pracy ? Policjantow nie licze – to musi byc hobby. Rozpisalem sie, a oczy od notebooka bola. Tak wiec nie nalezy bagatelizowac slonca – mimo,ze ono samo sie bagatelizuje w naszym ukladzie slonecznym I pisze to wszystko z jednego powodu. Zastanawialem sie nad zagadnieniem filozoficznym – a mianowicie : czyl ludzki intelekt jest w stanie, przy niepoliczonej ilosci slonc we wszechswiecie w swojej wyobrazni zaprojektowac niepoliczona ilosc motyk potrzebnych do rzucenia sie na nie ? I jaka jest potrzebna motyka na nasza zaplatana swastyge na nieboskolonie I jaka bedzie reakcjia motyki z naszym sloncem ? Czy te samoloty nie sa przypadkiem nasza ludzka motyka,albowiem zdecydowanie musi to byc najdrozsza operacja w dziejach ludzkosci. Jechalem nie tak dawno przez wiecej nie polowe Ameryki I liczylem smugi, samoloty, ilosc aluminium I innych zwiazkow rozpylanych w powietrzu, ilosc zalog w kazdym samolocie, ich stwaki godzionwe oraz stawki cen metali na gieldach oraz ich fabrykacja w stan, ktory mozna rozpylic I wyszly mi biliony dolarow w skali swiata. Z wrazenia w Ohio omal nie wjechalem do rowu,ale te smugi dzialaly na mnie , jak Peee-Owcee na niebie, takie barany, ktore sie liczy, aby zasnac. I nawet nie dziwie sie juz,ze ludzie wybieraja latwiejszy cel I rzucaja sie z motyka na Slonce Peru. Tylko ja sie pytam PO CO ? To juz dawno jest karzel – przez ptaki obsranej faszystowsko-komunistycznej rewolucji dla panowania Londynu. Tego ostatniego zdania mialem nie napisac,ale znowu nie potrafilem, nie byc soba. Polska urodzila sie na Slasku i to sobie Tusk zapamietaj.


“Your Rh status describes whether or not you have a protein on the surface of red blood cells. If you don’t have the Rh factor, you’re considered Rh-negative; if you have it, you’re Rh-positive.
About 85 percent of people are Rh-positive, though it varies by race. For African Americans, about 90-95 percent are Rh-positive, and for Asians, the figure is 98 to 99 percent.

Strange Facts Concerning Rh-Negatives
• Rh-Negatives are not only rare, but the Rh-Negative Factor is considered a mutation of unknown origin which took place in Europe approximately 25,000-35,000 years ago. This unusual group of people then spread heavily into the area of what is now Spain, England, Ireland, etc.
• Rh-negative women with a Rh-positive partners are at RISK of spontaneous miscarriage and other fetus REJECTION events.
• An Rh-negative woman with an Rh-negative partner has even a smaller chance of having a Baby born alive! In animals this is a problem with HYBRIDS!
• Rh-negative women and men display Reptilian Traits:
o An EXTRA-Vertebra (a “Tail Bone”). Some are born with an actual tail (called a “Cauda”). In Sanskrit, Ketuu = The south Lunar Node, also known as Cauda/Draconis, in latin, “dragon’s tail” in English.
o Lower than normal Body Temperature
o Lower than normal Blood Pressure
o Higher mental analytical abilities
o Higher Negative-ion shielding (from positive “charged” virus/bacteria) around the body
o High Sensitivity to EM and ELF Fields
o Hyper Vision and other senses
• Most Alien Abductees are Rh-Negatives. Are the gods/aliens
monitoring the growth and activities of their hybrid creations?

Distribution of Blood Types of Blood Donors
O Rh-positive: 37 percent
A Rh-positive: 36 percent
B Rh-positive: 9 percent
AB Rh-positive: 3 percent
O Rh-negative: 7 percent
A Rh-negative: 6 percent
B Rh-negative: 1 percent
AB Rh-negative: 1 percent
The Basques
Two facts set the Basque people apart from the other Europeans who have dominated the continent the past 3,000 years:
(1) The Basque language is distinctly different; and
(2) The Basques have the highest recorded level of Rh-negative blood (roughly twice that of most Europeans), as well as substantially lower levels of Type B blood and a higher incidence of Type O blood.

Some probable technological feats of the Basques or their ancestors are:
• Stonehenge and similar megalithic structures
• A unique system of measurement based on the number 7, instead of 10, 12, or 60
• Regular visits to North America long before Columbus to fish and to trade for beaver skins
• Recently unearthed British customs records show large Basque imports of beaver pelts from 1380-1433
• The invention of a sophisticated navigational device called an “abacus.” (No relation to the common abacus.)

Are the Basques genetically different from other Europeans? Apparently, yes. Not only do they have the highest proportion of rhesus-negative blood in Europe, but they also have one of the highest percentages of type-O blood (55%).

Another salient genetic feature in Basques is the shape and sutures (bone joints) of their cranial bones [The Reptilian skull ridge]. Another skeletal difference is the tendency to having a thicker breast bone.
More About Rh-Negatives

Some suggest the Rh-Negative Hybrids came from the DRACO Caverns in the Carpathian Mountains and are mostly red-headed people with green eyes; but some may have black hair and brown eyes.

There is little doubt that Rh-Negative people are Hybrids; and evidence seems to suggest they are part Reptilian and part Human. If two Rh-Negatives try to have a baby it will usually abort, be born dead, die shortly after birth, or be born a “BLUE Baby”, because it is not processing oxygen properly — thus the term “Blue-Bloods.”

Currently, only 5% of the Earth’s population are Rh-Negatives; but an amazing 15% of England’s population is Rh-Negative. On the other end of the scale, the lowest incidence of Rh-Negative individuals (1%) is in Iceland.
The most distinctive members of the European branch of the human tree are the Basques of France and Spain. They show unusual patterns for several genes, including the highest rate of the Rh-negative blood type. Their language is of unknown origin and cannot be placed within any standard classification.

Some Rh-Negatives:

Czy Cyganie


W kraju nad Wisła odpowiedz na to pytanie może być tylko jedna. Łatwo i bezboleśnie. Jeżeli byłeś komunistą, albo cichodajnym esbekiem nie trzeba będzie nawet cię rozdziewiczać. Już automatycznie jesteś starym, zjaranym członkiem i należą ci się brawa. Natomiast jeżeli należysz do grona zabłąkanych, mentalnych Peee-Owiec i szukasz schronienia w stodole kolesi oraz elementu kryminogennego administracyjnej Warszawki – wtedy najlepiej wysłać e-maila do Phlemiela o takiej treści:

“Najjaśniejsze Słonce Peru,

Lokomotywo Napędu,

Sterniku od Steru,

Malarzu Kominów,

spójrz na mnie, małego robaczka, parszywą Peee-Owce, zagubioną na łące możliwości PORL-u i łaskawie z wysokości swojej drabiny, z jej najwyższego szczebla przyjmij mnie na  pierwszy szczebel, żebym choć  kopytkami, ja biedna Peee-Owca tez się zaczepiła, bo szczęka mnie już boli i wczoraj straciłam siekacze na zderzaku twojego samochodu. Podpisano: Janusz Palikot, Polmos (na przykład).”

I to nie ma znaczenia, że popełniłeś kłamstwo sugerując, ze zęby straciłeś inaczej niż w bójce pod budką z piwem, bo to i tak nie Phlemiel czyta ten list, ale jego nadworny geniusz – Nowak. Po otrzymaniu twojego e-maila – Nowak będzie tylko wymagał, abyś zapisał się na FB i społecznie udzielał przez miesiąc na ścianach Polityki i Wprost, jako Henryka Krzywonos (znamy, znamy), jak Halina Siekierka (kierowniczka kas w Sosnowcu w sklepie z rowerami) albo Zenobiusz Kwalificki-Baum (prawnik i geodeta) po czym zostanie ci wysłana czerwona książeczka członka z honorami i orderem uśmiechu od pięćdziesięcioletniej wokalistki Gawędy z lat 70-tych… Książeczka co prawda miała być biało-czerwona, ale na białej kartce papieru – białego tuszu nie widać, wiec Nowak – geniusz zadecydował za Słońce Peru, że wszystko będzie na czerwono tak, jak w jego dzieciństwie i nie chodzi o Boże Narodzenie i strój Mikołaja.

Zresztą zaraz Nowak wyśle sms-y do prasy niereżimowej, że dzisiaj wszyscy piszemy artykuły o błędzie tych, którzy nie chcą być członkami. PO.


Z religii najbardziej interesowalo mnie opetanie.

“Ocean Swiatowy boleje w zalobie, w niej  pograzy sie  Ziemia, w calunie powolnego obumierania i wedrowki ” – tak zaczalby to pisac sredniowieczny jasnowidz. Nie jestem jasnowidzem. To wszystko widze zdecydowanie ciemno. Moze jestem anaomalia, taka samo jak Golfsztorm  na  Atlantyku – najcieplejsza rzeka wewnatrz Wszechoceanu na trzeciej planecie od Slonca. Na niej jestesmy i ja widzimy oczyma. Nasza skora na wschodnim wybrzezu  Ameryki Polnocnej i w  Polnocnej i Zachodniej Europie wygrzewa sie przy tej rzece – trzydziesci razy potezniejszej niz wszystkie rzeki na ladach razem wziete. To dzieki niej w  tych regionach uprwiamy jadalna roslinnosc dla siebie i zniewolonych zwierzat, cieszac sie ze sniegu w ilosciach akurat wystarczajacych na godzinne odsniezanie przed domem i ulepienie balwana. Jest radosc z  bialego calunu  lecz ten sielankowy obraz spadl wlasnie ze sciany w gabinecie nieobecnego Boga. Niczyje lzy nie pomoga. Stalo sie. A ze z religii zawsze najbardziej interesowalo mnie opetanie, postanowilem pozostac anomalia i zachowac wlasne spojrzenie szalenca. Moje zdanie wydaja sie wspierac polscy klimatolodzy.

Ci polscy odszcepiency w odroznieniu od Rosjan i szczegolnie Amerykanow  ostrzegali nas,ze zima 2010 bedzie srozsza i zimniejsza i ze jest to tendencja paroletnia, jednak to co sie dzialo na polnocy USA bylo wyjatkowe. Miasta polnocy rzucily na kolana opady sniegu tak obfite i blizard tak potezny,ze bez problemu mozna to bylo okreslac zima stuleca. Ulice przez pare dni bylo korytarzami wyzlobionymi w wawozach Alaski, a nie Midwest. Biznesy na trzy,cztery dni umarly, chlopaki z prostym  sprzetem do odsniezania wyciagali po tysiac dolarow dziennie od  zdesperowanych mieszkancow – wydawalo sie – klatek wkopanych w lodowiec. Na internecie Amerykanie nie zostawiali suchej nitki na nie gramotnym Al Gore i jego klamstwie globalnego ocieplenia.    cdn

They were numbers at Auschwitz, They were shadows in Katyn – the sin of being

As REAL ID looms, states revise driver’s license laws

Published 18 February 2011

States must be in compliance by May with the regulations laid out in the 2005 REAL ID Act; the law, a recommendation of the 9/11 commission that investigated the 2001 terror attacks, creates a national security standard for state-issued identification cards to be used for purposes like boarding airplanes and entering federal buildings; REAL ID, originally intended as a counterterrorism tool, has had an unintended side effect that has won support of immigration enforcement advocates — it requires driver’s licenses issued to immigrants to expire at the same time as their stay in the United States, invalidating the licenses of immigrants who overstay their visas; states that allow illegal immigrants to obtain driver’s licenses are now revising their laws as a federal deadline for REAL ID approaches

It’s got to start somewhere. So they are introducing  REAL ID.

The last three states to allow illegal immigrants to obtain driver’s licenses — Washington, New Mexico, and Utah — are now steeped in battles to revise their laws as a federal deadline approaches for all fifty states to issue identity cards that meet a new national standard.

States must be in compliance by May with the regulations laid out in the 2005 REAL ID Act. The law, a recommendation of the 9/11 commission that investigated the 2001 terror attacks, creates a national security standard for state-issued identification cards to be used for purposes like boarding airplanes and entering federal buildings.

Fox News reports that REAL ID, originally intended as a counterterrorism tool, has had an unintended side effect that has won support of immigration enforcement advocates — it requires driver’s licenses issued to immigrants to expire at the same time as their stay in the United States, invalidating the licenses of immigrants who overstay their visas.

“You are making (it) very difficult for them to assimilate,” said Janice Kephart, director of national security policy at the Center for Immigration Studies said of illegal immigrants. “The inability to assimilate plus enforcement will drive a natural attrition over time.”

Christian Gleim, director of policy and communications at the Coalition for Secure Driver’s License, said the regulations, combined with more than $100 million in grants to states, have already led to “remarkable improvements” in driver’s license procedures in more than forty states and Washington, D.C.

“The most important improvements have been in increasing scrutiny of identity claims by applicants,” Gleim said. “In addition to making it more difficult for foreign terrorists to get state issued driver’s license and IDs, it has made it much more difficult for common criminals to game the system.

As a result, thousands of imposters have been detained by police and hundreds have been prosecuted and convicted.”

Not everyone is sold on the idea that “national ID standards” will serve as a deterrent to illegal immigration.

Illegal immigrants “didn’t come here for a driver’s license,” said Ira Mehlman, a spokesman for the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), who nonetheless praised the move toward tighter driver’s license rules but argued it will not fix the broken immigration system.

“One reason why we have such large scale illegal immigration is because we’ve made it so easy. … We say, ‘Don’t come to the U.S. but as long as you’re here, we’ll give you what everybody else has,’” Mehlman said.

Immigration advocates are pushing for a repeal of the REAL ID Act, saying the license programs for undocumented workers provide public safety because unlicensed drivers usually do not carry auto insurance.

“The most common argument you hear against it is it’s an argument of attrition — if we make their lives miserable, the undocumented will go away,” said Christine Neumann-Ortiz, director of Voces de la Frontera.

“I think that argument doesn’t stand up to reality when you look at states like California where a majority of undocumented immigrants have had no access to driver’s licenses,” she said. “The undocumented do not go away. The only consequence of those state policies is you have more unlicensed, uninsured drivers on the road because by and large, public transportation is not as convenient as it is in other parts of the world.”

Fox News notes that many states, including Maryland, Michigan, Oregon, Wisconsin, and Hawaii, have repealed laws enabling illegal immigrants to acquire licenses, and experts say harder line approaches toward illegal immigration in Arizona and elsewhere has pushed illegals into states with lower thresholds for enforcement.

Melissa Savage of the National Conference of State Legislatures, said it is possible that some states could begin offering a two-tiered licensing system so illegal immigrants can still have driving privileges.

“If you go back to the core reason for driver’s licenses and making sure people have a record, if that’s a priority, that’s the one reason,” she said.

As for the remaining states that allow illegal immigrants to obtain licenses, all three are working on new legislation.

After a surge in applications from out-of-state illegal immigrants, Washington late last year tightened its requirements for issuing driver’s licenses in an effort to reduce the number of people who acquired them fraudulently. Now, the Democratic-controlled Senate is considering a bill that would require applicants for driver’s licenses to prove they are in the country legally. The bill is under review in the Senate Transportation Committee.

In Utah, which last year became the only state to offer a special class of driver’s licenses for illegal immigrants, the Republican-controlled Senate is considering a bill that would eliminate the state’s driving privilege card by the end of the year. The card, which doesn’t allow people to board a plane, get a job or buy alcohol, is held by nearly 42,000 illegal immigrants since the statehouse established the option six years ago largely to provide a way for non-citizens to obtain auto insurance.

In the Democratic-controlled New Mexico Legislature, a House committee last week rejected, on a party-line vote, a bill that would have allowed illegal immigrants to have annually renewable driving permits, which would not serve as a form of identification. Democrats on the committee supported the effort to shelve the bill, effectively dooming it for the session.

New Mexico Republican Gov. Susana Martinez, who did not support the bill, said she wants legislation that would stop the licensing practice and cancel more than 80,000 licenses given by the state to foreign nationals. The state contends it doesn’t know how many of the licenses have gone to illegal immigrants because it does not ask the immigration status of license applicants.


The Sun Is Shrinking
by Russell Akridge, Ph.D.

Since publication of this article in 1980, studies of the sun’s size have yielded different results. Currently, scientists are not united enough concerning any broadscale trends to support age estimates based on the size of the sun. In his 1998 article “The Young Faint Sun Paradox and the Age of the Solar System,” Dr. Danny Faulkner provided an updated perspective that is more consistent with the relevant solar data. Other studies do provide ample evidence for the youth of the solar system and earth, such as the studies cited in the Evidence section Many Earth Clocks Indicate Recent Creation.


Does the size of the sun change over the years? Recently, “John A. Eddy (Harvard -Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics and High Altitude Observatory in Boulder) and Aram A. Boornazian (a mathematician with S. Ross and Co. in Boston) have found evidence that the sun has been contracting about 0.1% per century…corresponding to a shrinkage rate of about 5 feet per hour.”1 The diameter of the sun is close to one million miles, so that this shrinkage of the sun goes unnoticed over hundreds or even thousands of years. There is no cause for alarm for us or for any of our descendants for centuries to come because the sun shrinks so slowly. Yet the sun does actually appear to shrink. The data Eddy and Boornazian examined spanned a 400-year period of solar observation, so that this shrinkage of the sun, though small, is apparently continual.


What does the shrinkage of the sun have to do with creation and evolution? The sun was larger in the past than it is now by 0.1% per century. A creationist, who may believe that the world was created approximately 6 thousand years ago, has very little to worry about. The sun would have been only 6% larger at creation than it is now. However, if the rate of change of the solar radius remained constant, 100 thousand years ago the sun would be twice the size it is now. One could hardly imagine that any life could exist under such altered conditions. Yet 100 thousand years is a minute amount of time when dealing with evolutionary time scales.2

How far back in the past must one go to have a sun so large that its surface touches the surface of the earth? The solar radius changes at 2.5 feet per hour, half the 5 feet per hour change of the solar diameter. The distance from the sun to the earth is 93 million miles, and there are 5,280 feet in one mile. Assuming (by uniformitarian-type reasoning) that the rate of shrinkage has not changed with time, then the surface of the sun would touch the surface of the earth at a time in the past equal to
t = (93,000,000 miles) (5,280 ft/mile)
(2.5 ft/hr) (24 hr/da) (365 day/yr)

or approximately 20 million B.C. However, the time scales required for organic evolution range from 500 million years to 2,000 million years.3 It is amazing that all of this evolutionary development, except the last 20 million years, took place on a planet that was inside the sun. By 20 million B.C., all of evolution had occurred except the final stage, the evolution of the primate into man.

One must remember that the 20 million year B.C. date is the extreme limit on the time scale for the earth’s existence. The time at which the earth first emerged from the shrinking sun is 20 million B.C. A more reasonable limit is the 100 thousand year B.C. limit set by the time at which the size of the sun should have been double its present size.

A further word of explanation is needed about the assumption that the rate of shrinkage of the sun is constant over 100 thousand years or over 20 million years. The shrinkage rate centuries ago would be determined by the balance of solar forces. Since the potential energy of a homogeneous spherical sun varies inversely with the solar radius, the rate of shrinkage would have been greater in the past than it is now. The time at which the sun was twice its present size is less than 100 thousand B.C. The time at which the surface of the sun would touch the earth is much less than 20 million B.C. Therefore, the assumption of a constant shrinkage rate is a conservative assumption.


The shrinkage of the sun greatly alters what we believe to be the energy source within the sun. The sun shrinks because of its own self-gravitational attraction. As it compresses itself, it heats itself. This heat is then liberated in the form of solar radiation, i.e., sunlight.

Would a 2.5 feet per hour contraction of the solar surface be sufficient to liberate all of the energy that comes from the sun? A crude estimate can be made by assuming the interior of the sun is uniform. The known formula4 for the gravitational potential energy of two masses m and M a distance r apart is U = – GmM/r, where G = 6.6 x 10-11jm /kg2. The gravitational potential energy of the sun’s mass Ms interacting with its own mass Ms is U= – Gms2/R, where R is the radius of the sun. The solar power produced as the sun shrinks at the rate of v = R/t is5 P = U/t = (Gms2/R2) . (R/t) = GMs2v/R2. The mass of the sun is 2 x 1030kg, the radius of the sun is 7 x 108 m, and the 2.5 feet/hour rate of shrinkage in the radius of the sun is 2 x 10 -4 m/sec. in metric units. The power formula gives a potential solar power of 1 x 1029 watts. This potential gravitational power is hundreds of times more than the 4 x 1026 watts of power actually produced by the sun. This figure is an overestimate because the sun is actually far from uniform. The massive interior of the sun is protected by the outer layers of the sun. Only those low density outer layers are thought to contract. Even so, there is plenty of gravitational contraction energy potentially available to account for all or a large part of the sun’s energy.


One thing is certain. Some of the sun’s energy comes from its gravitational self-collapse. Therefore, not all of this energy comes from thermonuclear fusion. This discovery greatly alters all calculations on the evolution of the sun, because all of those calculations attribute practically 100% of the sun’s energy over the past 5 billion years to thermonuclear fusion. The discovery that the sun is shrinking may prove to be the downfall of the accepted theory of solar evolution. All accepted theories of the evolution of the stars are based on the assumption that thermonuclear fusion is the energy source for the stars. If this assumption is unjustified for our own star, the sun, it is unjustified for the other stars too. The entire theoretical description of the evolution of the universe may be at stake. With the stakes that high, it is no wonder that the experimental evidence for the shrinkage of the sun is “explained away” by evolutionists. Evolutionists claim that the sun probably undergoes temporary shrinkages and expansions as small fluctuating oscillations on its overall regular evolutionary development.6 They point to other cyclic solar occurrences such as the 11-year sunspot cycle on the surface of the sun. This claim is made in spite of the evidence that the shrinkage rate of the sun has remained essentially constant over the past 100 years when very accurate measurements have been made on the size of the sun. Less accurate astronomical records spanning the past 400 years indicate the shrinkage rate has remained the same for the past 400 years.


Scientists have not always attributed the energy source of the sun to thermonuclear fusion. Prior to the discovery of thermonuclear fusion, Helmholtz predicted that the energy of the sun was supplied by the gravitational collapse of the sun.7 This model was accepted until the theory of evolution began to dominate the scientific scene. Then Helmholtz’s explanation was discarded because it did not provide the vast time span demanded by the theory of organic evolution on the earth. The substitute theory was introduced by Bethe in the 1930’s precisely because thermonuclear fusion was the only known energy source that would last over the vast times required by evolution. Science may now be on the verge of disproving the substitute evolutionary model of the sun.


The change in the size of the sun over the past 400 years is important in the study of origins. Over 100 thousand years these changes would have accumulated so much that life of any kind on the earth would have been very difficult, if not impossible. Thus, all life on the earth must be less than 100 thousand years old. The sun, 20 million years ago, would have been so large that it would have engulfed the earth. The earth cannot be more than 20 million years old. Those dates as upper limits rule out any possibility of evolution requiring hundreds of millions of years. However, the tiny change that would have occurred in the sun during the Biblical time since creation would be so small as to go almost unnoticed. Thus, the changes in the sun are consistent with recent creation.

The changes detected in the sun call into question the accepted thermonuclear fusion energy source for the sun. This, in turn, questions the entire theoretical structure upon which the evolutionary theory of astrophysics is built.


1 Lubkin, Gloria B., Physics Today, V. 32, No. 9, 1979.
2 Ordway, Richard J., Earth Science and the Environment, New York: D. Van Nostrand, 1974, p. 130. Fig. 5 – 23 on this page gives a good illustration of the accepted evolutionary time scale.
3 Scientific American, V. 239, No. 3, 1978. All articles in this edition list the various evolutionary time scales.
4 Halliday, David and Resnick, Robert, Fundamentals of Physics, New York; Wiley, 1974, Chapter 14.
5 The exact formula must be derived layer by layer using integral calculus. The result is identical to the formula listed, except that it contains an additional factor. The additional factor is so close to unity that it makes little difference in an estimation.
6 Lubkin, pg. 18.
7 Poppy, Willard J. and Wilson, Leland L., Exploring the Physical Sciences, Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, 1973, P. 324.

* Dr. Akridge earned his B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in physics from Georgia Tech. He earned the Th.M. degree from the New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. Dr. Akridge is an Assistant Professor of Physics at Oral Roberts University. He has written several articles in the Creation Research Society Quarterly in which he shows that the laws of physics support a recent creation. [Dr. Akridge and his wife, Anita, have two children, Floyd and Sheryl. They live in Tulsa, Oklahoma.]