
Na I-padzie Polityka
w telewizji TVN
napalony Tusiek bryka
w PORL-u wstaje dzien

a ze dzien to bedzie slodki
wiedza wszystkie PO-lskie ciotki
dla synusia i babuni
wazelina jedzie z UNI

jedzie Euro i warzywa
duzo miesa i widelce
premier wcale nie ukrywa
ze dostana nawet Kielce

o powodzi juz nie wspomne
(to odruchy sa obronne)
tam pan premier byl samemu
by przydzielic sloik dzemu

dal marchewki i buraki
troche siana dla Pee-owiec
nie chcial w koncu premier draki
wiec PO-dsypal takze owies

Nie powiedzial jednak szczerze
ze Rostowski szmalec bierze
za plecami polskich kmieci
od splacania beda dzieci

Nie powiedzial ze w Gazpromie
sa mordercy polityczni
a w Londynie “Monarchowie”
od stuleci sadystyczni

Zreszta po co mowic chamstwu
ze pracuje sie dla wroga
lepiej kity wciskac “panstwu”
ze jedyna jest to droga

Droga afer i przemocy
skrytych zbrodni, jawnej drwiny
w ktorej Premier wciaz bryluje
bo we krwii to maja …………… (wpisz dowolne slowo)

i tu moral az sie prosi
tak bolacy jak zlamanie
czemu Polske wciaz sie kosi
w mozgach ludziom robi pranie

nie odpowiem wam niestety
co z CZERWONYM zrobic zlomem
to zdechniete sa kotlety
i smierdzace Babilonem

… ale wygramy

Death-line to SMOLENSK

Interesujace, jak dalece posunieta jest drwina we wspolczesnej polityce miedzynarodowej. Jawne klamstwa nie moga juz byc jawniejsze, podli klamcy nie moga byc juz podlejsi.
Elity nadzorujace kierunek w ktorym zmierzaja spoleczenstwa swiata sa tak niebywale pewne swojej nietykalnosci,ze stawiaja sie ponad wszelka granica zwyklej ludzkiej przyzwoitosci. Ich smiech, ich tresowane, slepe zwierzeta w telewizji, bez refleksji i bez sensu powtarzajace slogany sluzace do programowania zaczadzonych, duszonych zywcem ludzkich zwierzat – to wszystko zmierza do konfrontacji. I kazda konfrontacja ma swoje akty.
Morderstwo w Smolensku bylo jednym z nich. Nastepne nadejda wkrotce. Z jednej strony to komplement, ze moj kraj byl tak wazny w tej wojnie swiatow, ze trzeba bylo zabic cala opozycje do EU i Euro. Europa Zachodnia jest zywym trupem.
I napisze death-line to Smolensk. Ale jest mi ciezko, bo ta drwina doprowadza mnie do szalu.


“The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he
cannot believe it exists”. — J. Edgar Hoover, FBI Director 1924-1972, quoted in The
Elks Magazine (August 1956).

“It is the duty of the patriot to protect his country from
its [corrupt feudal] government.” — Thomas Paine.

“Each of you, for himself, by himself
and on his own responsibility, must speak”. — Mark Twain.

“Gold is the money of kings;
Silver is the money of gentleman;
Barter is the money of peasant;
but Debt is the money of slaves.
— Norm Franz

“The money powers prey upon
the nation in times of peace and conspire against it in times of adversity.  It is more
despotic than a monarchy, more insolent than autocracy, and more selfish than
beaurocracy.  It denounces as public enemies all who question its methods or throw light
upon its crimes.  I have two great enemies, the Southern Army in front of me and the
bankers in the rear. Of the two, the one at my rear is my greatest foe.” — President
Abraham Lincoln.

“Don’t believe anything, unless it has been officially denied” – Claud Cockburn

“In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” — George Orwell.

“Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote.” Anonymous

“Imagine freedom is food. And imagine this is the only food that will make you choke if you don’t have it. How do you explain this to full-bellied beasts with red faces and blood shot eyes bound on raping the nature with their digestive systems ?” by Robert Bronski

“If you ask questions – you are a genius already. If you give answers – you commit yourself to momentary wishful thinking and that’s not smart. Run your risks wisely as only they provide clues to who you really are.”

“If men finally become God – they will still not be able to get one joke – themselves”

“If there is mission in life – it is death with no regret, death you can call your own since you did it to yourself and it is a beautiful being”.

“Creation I think of Thou – as a process and yes… I am guilty of stealing one human life. Repeatedly.”

“There is nothing I can tell you that you already don’t know – and then there are choices”

“They channel through me. I sense them lined up and have to open up to invisible – them. It is so crowded because other people are closed containers living in fear of the outside.”

“If I remain – it will be for ever, If I go – it will be for ever. For for ever always is NOW.”

“This prostatic life of mine … watch me give you a soul”

First Amendment (freedom of religion, freedom of speech)

Also The Code of  Hummarabi, US Declaration of Independence , Magna Carta … right here :




Diabolus enim et alii daemones


Greek daimon and daimonion, Latin daemonium.

In Scripture and in Catholic theology this word has come to mean much the same as devil and denotes one of the evil spirits or fallen angels. And in fact in some places in the New Testament where the Vulgate, in agreement with the Greek, has daemonium, our vernacular versions read devil. The precise distinction between the two terms in ecclesiastical usage may be seen in the phrase used in the decree of the Fourth Lateran Council: “Diabolus enim et alii daemones” (The devil and the other demons), i.e. all are demons, and the chief of the demons is called the devil. This distinction is observed in the Vulgate New Testament, where diabolus represents the Greek diabolos and in almost every instance refers to Satan himself, while his subordinate angels are described, in accordance with the Greek, as daemones or daemonia. This must not be taken, however, to indicate a difference of nature; for Satan is clearly included among the daemones in James 2:19 and in Luke 11:15-18.

But though the word demon is now practically restricted to this sinister sense, it was otherwise with the earlier usage of the Greek writers. The word, which is apparently derived from daio “to divide” or “apportion”, originally meant a divine being; it was occasionally applied to the higher gods and goddesses, but was more generally used to denote spiritual beings of a lower order coming between gods and men. For the most part these were beneficent beings, and their office was somewhat analogous to that of the angels in Christian theology. Thus the adjective eydaimon “happy”, properly meant one who was guided and guarded by a good demon. Some of these Greek demons, however, were evil and malignant. Hence we have the counterpart to eudamonia “happiness”, in kakodaimonia which denoted misfortune, or in its more original meaning, being under the possession of an evil demon. In the Greek of the New Testament and in the language of the early Fathers, the word was already restricted to the sinister sense, which was natural enough, now that even the higher gods of the Greeks had come to be regarded as devils.

We have a curious instance of the confusion caused by the ambiguity and variations in the meaning of the word, in the case of the celebrated “Daemon” of Socrates. This has been understood in a bad sense by some Christian writers who have made it a matter of reproach that the great Greek philosopher was accompanied and prompted by a demon. But, as Cardinal Manning clearly shows in his paper on the subject, the word here has a very different meaning. He points to the fact that both Plato and Xenophon use the form daimonion, which Cicero rightly renders as divinum aliguid, “something divine”. And after a close examination of the account of the matter given by Socrates himself in the reports transmitted by his disciples, he concludes that the promptings of the “Daemon” were the dictates of conscience, which is the voice of God.

Sons of Perdition; Lords of Fire

The origins of the belief of demons among the ancient societies of the world have been shrouded in mystery and it is uncertain just exactly where the concept started, though a good start would be with the Persian and Assyrian empires… some of the most ancient civilizations that we are aware of today.

Nearly every culture that has been recorded in the history of mankind has had some form or variation of demonic belief. Today the most widely recognized aspects of demonology are derived from Judaic, Christian and Catholic sources. Many archaic stereotypes presented within these religions, as well as the prolific historical inaccuracies long associated with fictional print and media, persist in spite of evidence to the contrary.

Most people today imagine short horns, leathery bat-like wings, long pointy tails and menacing pitchforks to be the common accepted image of demons in general, and Satan in specific. However, this is a far cry from how demons were presented in the past.

Initially, in many of the most ancient cultures of the past, demons were seen as having the capacity for both good and evil. The origin of the word demon, in fact, may have come from Indo-European sources and simply meant ‘Celestial Body’.

There has often been confusion when regarding Devils and Demons in many Orthodox traditions. A Devil is an entity who usually fights a goodly and divine authority for control of existence. Many such battles will be settled in an ‘End of Time’ scenario where the forces of good vanquish the forces of evil.

Demons are much like Angels in that they are lesser beings who are usually under the authority of the prevailing Devil. They are always malevolent in nature, and seek to torment humans with their dark and wicked ways. The means by which they wreak havoc are threefold:

#1: In spiritual form they whisper evil thoughts into a person’s mind, trying to corrupt them to do wrong.

#2: In spiritual form they restlessly wander the earth and torment others with their mere appearance.

#3: They actually possess someone and control their actions, usually causing them to harm others, or at the very least, themselves. This is called ‘Possession’, and even today it wreaks fear in many just by even mentioning it.

Another thing that is usually representative of demons in nearly every culture; they are usually grotesque in appearance, and more than likely half animal at least.

Perhaps one of the greater influences in restoring interest in demons and their study in the mid-20th century was Anton LaVey, the author of the Satanic Bible and the founder of the Church of Satan. LaVey believed that Christianity was a repressed religion, and the true power of Satanic belief was the lack of limits imposed on the believer. LaVey believed that man ought to have the supreme choice over his life, not a God, or any god.

It may be observed that a similar change and deterioration of meaning has taken place in the Iranian languages in the case of the word daeva. Etymologically this is identical with the Sanskrit deva, by which it is rendered in Neriosengh’s version of the Avesta. But whereas the devas of Indian theology are good and beneficent gods, the daevas of the Avesta are hateful spirits of evil. (See also DEMONOLOGY.)

Demons Are the Disembodied Spirits of the Nephilim (Giants) and the Gerbers (Mighty Men) prior to the flood.

They are not Devils.

Devils are fallen angels.

The angels who did not keep their proper domain are the Fallen Watchers and they are chained in Tartarus. Jude 6-7.

Demons are the disembodied spirits of the Giants (Nephilim) and the Gerbers (Mighty Men) prior to the flood. They are cursed to wander looking for dry places and contend with man. They are disembodied spirits and therefore are looking for and are incomplete without a body. They are cursed and not to be part of the resurrection.

“They are dead, they will not live;

They are deceased, they will not rise,

Therefore You have punished and destroyed them,

And made their memory to perish.”

Isaiah 26:14

The ‘Mighty Men of Renown’ are the Gibborim created by the Watchers when they left their heavenly abode and came down to the daughters of men as recorded in Genesis Chapter 6:4 of the Old Testament. They are half breeds, angelic hybrids, the Titans. The word in Greek titanos means grays.

When fallen angels shape-shift into a from of human being they may have intercourse but not without some aberrant genetic changes. The union of these beasts with humans produced children that were different in many ways. The first apparent difference was that they developed giantism. They were male giants or Nephilim. Og the King of Bashan had a bed that was 13 to 15 feet long; and Goliath was 6 cubits tall (9 feet). The second aberration was that they had six fingers and six toes. If a being is reported to be six cubits tall, have six toes, and six fingers, is that the mark of the beast (666)? Note: Marilyn Monroe had six toes. It is not untold for children to be born with six toes or six fingers. Doctors simply remove the extra fingers and toes. This is modern evidence of the intervention of the Fallen Watchers in their attempt to destroy the Seed of Adam through Eve. This is enmity between his seed and her (EVE) seed (Gen.3:15).

In addition to giantism, the Nephilim had powerful psychic abilities like out of body experiences, levitation, mind control, time travel, mind reading, remote viewing, the power of placing curses and diseases, the power of removing curses and diseases, and ways of knowing and predicting the future. They were cannibals and vampires! They were astrologers, homosexuals, lesbians, serial killers, and the mighty men of renown. They sacrificed human beings all over the planet in temples and pyramids. They drank our blood and slaughtered our babies. Human sacrifice was the order of the day. They had super powerful brains and they were extremely intelligent. They knew all the sciences, architecture, and engineering. In short, they had demonic powers. They used these powers to control and enslave mankind and this is how they built the great pyramids and great wonders around the pre-flood world.

The aberrant genetic tendencies of the Nephilim were unfortunately cloned into the D.N.A. of mankind and distributed around the earth in Genesis 10. According to the Bible, only Noah escaped this genetic intervention at the time prior to the flood. There are no records of these perverse tendencies prior to the intervention of the Watchers. There is no mention of demons prior to the days of Noah. These dormant genetic tendencies still surface today at times in different people as predicted in Genesis 6:4, “There were giants on the earth in those days, and also afterward.” These genetic mutations are the living evidence of the interaction of fallen angelic beings.

Even the ideology of reincarnation may be understood when a person understands the curse of the Nephilim. These familiar spirits move from one body to another, from one generation to the next generation, reporting intimate details of a past life. A previous life which may be revealed by divination or regressive hypno-therapy. This is also know as a generational curse. The original soul that inhabited that body is demonically supplanted with the wandering spirit of a Nephilim. Hebrews 9:27 says “And it is appointed for men to die once and then the judgment.” After the death of the individual their spirits passes from this life to the next and the familiar spirit or demonic spirit wanders on to another weak unsuspecting sinner proclaiming their prior occupancy.

The Watchers are a guardian class of angels that were assigned to watch over the earth and protect mankind from just this sort of thing happening. According to the Bible, the Book of Enoch, Jubilees, Jasher, and Testimony of the Twelve Patriarchs, they rebelled against God and attempted to enslave the whole world and provoke God. According to the Book of Jasher they not only tweaked with the D.N.A. of mankind but also with the animals. They may have produced such beasts as the Pegasus, Minotaur, the unicorn, and the dinosaurs.

There are some scholars that speculate that one day this will happen again to produce the antichrist. Fallen angels will make love to women and back breed until they have genetically produced a creature that is fully fallen angel and fully man. A bastard angelic incarnation. This may be an explanation for the reported cases of ‘alien’ abduction. If alien abductions are really happening then we know the source and the purpose. The source is fallen angels and the purpose is to breed the antichrist–Satan incarnate.

Jesus said, “But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.” Matthew 24: 37. How were the days of Noah? They were violent and according to 2 Peter 2 these are the days that the angels fell and were judged. According to Jude 6 these are the days that the angels fell and some were chained in Tartarus.

“And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and waves roaring; men’s hearts failing them form fear and the expectation of those things which are coming on the earth, for the powers of the heaven will be shaken.” Luke 21: 25-26.

(To be used together with pamphlet “How to Break Curses”)

(1 Corinthians 3:16,17; 1 Corinthians 6:19,?20)
Plan of Satan to defile temple, e.g. sexual intercourse outside of marriage, perverted sex, smoking addiction, alcohol addiction.
My first deliverance – spirit of abortion cast out of a Christian.
Man aged 40 years curled up like foetus and screamed. Mother had tried to abort him when he was in the womb.
Radio reporter had similar vision of angels around our home. Study became like a zoo.
(1) Can a Christian have a demon?
Correct terminology:
(a) Nothing in original Greek to justify putting the word “possessed” alongside the word “demons”. The correct translation is to have an unclean, evil spirit. (Matthew 11:18)
(b) A Christian cannot be possessed by demons but can be under the influence of or have an evil spirit. Ananias and Sapphira. (Acts 5:3)
Example. (Proverbs 20:27; Proverbs 20:30)
I have prayed for a pentecostal pastor of 20 years experience who had breathing problems. He manifested demons before he was healed.
(2) Satan is an intelligence who wants to stop us being a Christian or being an effective Christian. (Romans 6:6; Romans 6:11)
(3) Satan has descending orders of authority in the heavens. (Ephesians 6:12)
(Colossians 2:15)
Note Daniel 10:13. (cf Singapore Cathedral, Vanuatu, Suva Cathedral)
4. THE STRONG MEN (Matthew 12:29)
(1) Spirit of Jezebel which works with the spirit of Ahab in men. (1 Kings 16:29-33)
Isaiah 47:8-10,12; Revelation 2:20-21 False prophets, sexual immorality. Things offered to idols.
Origin: Disobedience to the commandment not to worship idols. (Exodus 20:1-5; Deuteronomy 6:5)
(a) She established idolatry (1 Kings 16:30-33; 1 Kings 21:26) Spirit of Jezebel means mother-child religion.
Double-mindedness (James 1:8) schizophrenia. Ahab was weak-minded (1 Kings 21:4), was the tool of his wife, Jezebel (1 Kings 21:7&25).
Isaiah 47 – Senility (verse 6), drug abuse (verse 9), occult
worship and witchcraft (verse 9), illicit sexual sins (verse 8), terror (verse 12 – NIV version), astrology (verse 13), Queen of kingdoms (Revelation 17:1-6; Revelation 17:15).
(b) Fruits of Jezebel: Radical feminism (e.g. worship of Wicca), homosexuality, the occult.
Sickness (Revelation 2:22-23). Strike her children dead. Divorce. (Revelation 2:20)
(c) Children of Jezebel Child’s name “Terror”.
Nimrod – Semerimus – Astaroth. Mother-child pattern – demonic Queen of Heaven, Venus, Diana, Astaroth, Semerimus, Nimrod.
Masculine characteristics. Example of woman of 50 years of age who raised her skirts like a child of 5 as the demon of rebellion manifested.
Spirits under the control of Jezebel
Children (Isaiah 47:8) Addictions, adultery, arrogance, broken marriages, charms, deception, divination, domination, drugs, fear, radical feminism, filthiness (of the spirit and the flesh), fornication, free love, frigidity, hatred, harlotry, heresies, homosexuality, idolatry, incest and indecency (comes as result of a curse from a previous generation involved in idolatry), jealousy, lasciviousness, lust, unclean thoughts, masturbation, occultic things, perverted sexual acts, oral sex, false religion and heresies (e.g. Mormonism, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Children of God), pride, sorcery, schizophrenia, spiritism, spiritual blindness (e.g. Freemasonry, Mormonism); spirit of religion, witchcraft, ie domination, lying, blasphemy, covetousness, humanism. The ruling spirit under Jezebel is DECEPTION.
Note: Four downward steps: pride, rebellion, deception, perversion. (Cut cords into heavenlies)
Note that Jezebel often lurks in the background, waiting to send its demonic power into a young child, either in the womb or after birth. The Jezebelic chain has often been established through the generations and the spirit is a familiar spirit, following the generations, but waiting for its chance to strike, e.g. at a time of trauma or shock or anger, rejection etc, it then enters the child and from then on the child will begin to exhibit Jezebelic tendencies. (Uncover her.)
(2) Anti-Christ (1 John 2:18; 2 Thessalonians 2:3-8)
Groupings of spirits (Galatians 5:20-21; Ephesians 5:4)
Spirits of abortion, anger, bitterness, blasphemy, corrupt communications, curses, dissension, drunkenness, envy or hatred, fear, filthy language, frigidity, lack of faith, lying, malice, murder, nightmares, outbursts of wrath, poverty, rebellion, spirits of wretchedness, rejection, selfish ambitions, stealing, strife, torment, unbelief, unforgiveness.
Manifestations: Sleepiness, yawning, various kinds of infirmity that respond slowly to prayer.
(3) Death and Hell (Revelation 20:13-14)
Spirit of Death and Hell
Groupings of spirits: Curses such as frequent accidents, succession of deaths in families. Remember to reverse the curse, “Bless those who curse you, bless and curse not.” (Matthew 5:44) Sickness, pain, plagues on Christians, breathing problems, guilt, condemnation (e.g. Luke 13:11 – woman bound by spirit of infirmity).
(a) Guilt (b) Torment of hell
(c) Prison (d) Physical infirmities
(e) Spirit of stupor (f) Lung difficulties
(g) Fear of death. (h) Sorrow, regrets, hopelessness, loneliness, darkness, depression and fear.
(4) Unholy Trinity: Cast out Jezebel, then Antichrist, then Death and Hell. (Revelation 18:7&8; 19:20; 20:14)
(5) Control Spirit: Many people have a control spirit which will deny the truth. The devil can bring peace as well as turmoil. Control spirits act to control the person and prevent deliverance.
The function of the control spirit is two-fold:
(a) To shield the human spirit from hurt.
(b) To bring calmness.
This demon frequently comes in during childhood as a result of a trauma, e.g. one day a child’s father says, “I am going away and will not come back.” Youngster may well take on the demon which eases the pain.
Jesus always commissioned His disciples to both preach the gospel and cast out demons.
(Matthew 10:1; Mark 3:14-15; Mark 16:15-18)
Demons are spirits without bodies. Angels have bodies but demons usually do not. Demons have personalities.
(1) They have a WILL (Matthew 12:44)
(2) They have EMOTIONS (James 2:19)
(3) They have KNOWLEDGE (Mark 1:23,24)
(4) They have SELF-AWARENESS (Mark 5:9)
Many times I have found demons will name themselves, giving such names as anger, hate, envy, jealousy and fear. Praying for a woman with long-standing condition in her stomach. Demon said, “I won’t go, this is my home, I will not leave her.” Asked the demon its name. It said, “Legion” and then disappeared and she was healed.
(5) They have a CONSCIENCE too seared to respond (1 Timothy 4:2)
(6) They have an ABILITY TO SPEAK (Mark 1:24)
Sometimes voice is high-pitched and sometimes screams or gabbles. Will frequently speak out of people as we are casting demons out.
(1) They ENTICE (James 1:14)
(2) They DECEIVE – e.g. heresies. (Timothy 4:1&2)
(3) They ENSLAVE (Romans 8:15) e.g. compulsive talking, eating, addictions to alcohol, smoking, masturbation.
(4) They TORMENT and oppress (2 Timothy 1:7) Fear, condemnation, doubt. Many people feel lighter when they have been delivered. They say, “Something heavy has left me.”
(5) They DRIVE AND COMPEL (Luke 8:29)
e.g. lust, murder assault.
(6) They DEFILE (Titus 1:15) e.g. rock festivals.
(7) Their function is to HARASS.
(8) They often work in groups, e.g. anger, fear, violence, defiling, rejection etc.
(1) Against our PERSONAL HARMONY
(2) Against our PEACE OF MIND
(4) They cause disruption with other people, especially those close to us.
Demons drive, compel, torment and harass. Fight against inner harmony and cause disruption in relationships.
Gifts of discernment of spirits (1 Corinthians 12:10). This is a thought, vision or impression or the audible voice from the Holy Spirit, given by God, which makes us realise that wrong spiritual forces can be effecting a person or even ourselves.
(1) From OUTSIDE the body. (2) From WITHIN the body. If they are outside, we must resist them. (James 4:7) If they are within the body, we must expel them. (Mark 1:39)
(1) Our emotions, attitudes, relationships, e.g. they cause resentment, hatred, fear or rebellion. Persistent, compulsive, bring fear.
(2) The thoughts of the mind, e.g. doubt, unbelief, indecision, procrastination, compromise.
(3) In the tongue, e.g. lying, cursing, gossip, blasphemy.
Psychiatrists claim that people tell up to 200 lies a day without knowing it. Spirit of lying can rest on our tongue like a spirit of unclean talk and blasphemy.
(4) In the sexual area, e.g. perversion, homosexuality and masturbation.
(5) In addiction – alcohol, nicotine, gluttony, anorexia – food (root is often frustration).
Following true repentance I place my hand on their nose and ask them to breathe in and out.
(6) Physical infirmities (Luke 13:12-13)
e.g. tumours, heart attacks, cancer, arthritis, allergies, cramps, asthma.
(1) Psychological areas, e.g. if we have recurrent evil and disruptive emotional attitudes which dominate us against our will, e.g. resentment, hatred, fear, envy, jealousy, pride.
(2) We have moods which are unreasonable and extreme, e.g. we can become very talkative or we can change to taciturn depression.
(3) Physical: There can be unnatural restlessness and talkativeness. Enslaving habits, e.g. gluttony, alcohol, nicotine, drugs, sexual immorality, perversion of all kinds, uncontrollable, unclean thoughts or looks, blasphemy, mockery, unclean language.
(4) Persistent or violent opposition to the truth of Scripture and the work of the Holy Spirit.
(5) Unscriptural doctrine or prohibitions, unnatural asceticism, superstitions observances (e.g. charms, fortune-telling, astrology, mediums).
Note: One of the foregoing symptoms alone would not necessarily be conclusive indication of demon present, but where several symptoms are found together, the probability of demon activity is extremely high.
(1) Through our own sin, e.g. idolatry, rebellion.
(1 Samuel 15:23; Romans 6:6; Galatians 5:16-21))
In Tonga, I prayed for a young homosexual who had a stunted leg. As he renounced homosexuality, his leg was totally healed. He was subsequently discipled as a Christian by the Prime Minister of Tonga.
(2) Through the sin of our ancestors, e.g. idolatry.
(Exodus 20:5)
Examples: Rejection, spirits of grief, spirit of memories.
Effect of hereditary bondages:
I prayed for a boy who was born totally deaf. The word of knowledge was that it was the result of the mother’s extensive involvement in fortune telling. She repented and the boy was healed.
(3) Domination of one person by another, e.g. spirit of Jezebel.
(4) Through our mind – through our thought life – fantasy.
(5) Touching dead bodies. (Numbers 19:11)
(6) Shock (particularly at times of accident)
(7) Grief
(8) Accidents
(9) Marriage breakdowns
(10) Habits, e.g. masturbation, smoking, oral sex, bestiality.
(11) Soul ties
(12) Transference:
(a) Moving with people who are not Christians.
(b) Movies, television, music, magazines.
(c) Alcoholism.
(d) Transference of spirits in a church.
(e) Scattered souls. (Proverbs 6:27)
(f) Sexual intercourse, child molestation.
(g) Satanically inspired music, e.g. some forms of rock music and dancing. Woman in Cook Islands renounced a spirit which had entered her while watching certain forms of dancing with sexual overtones in an island in the South Pacific. The spirit left her with a tremendous noise and she was finally set free – spirit of lust had entered through her eyes. Rock ‘n Roll, back masking, Jonathan Livingston Seagull
(13) Entry of witchcraft through feet and womb.
(14) Unforgiveness. (Matthew 18:34-35) e.g. man who was healed of arthritis in his hand in church at Eketahuna.
(15) Rejection. Can occur at conception, in mother’s womb, baby not bonded, adopted child, hereditary rejection, practices in the family home, caused by peers, self-rejection. This causes problems in later life.
(16) Spirits of tradition, pride and prejudice and religion. Encumbrances of tradition.
Doctrinal obsessions, legalism, personal prejudices.
(17) Occult. (Deuteronomy 18:9-12)
Familiar spirits affecting families.
Influences of witchcraft: Abnormal fears, especially in the dark, disturbing dreams, hatred of being left alone, spirits of Antichrist. Testimony of woman healed from bleeding – spirit out of ear – went to fortune teller at age of 10.
Results of involvement in the occult:
Depression, suicidal thoughts, no desire for prayer and Bible study, inner resistance to the Word of God, no word of prayer coming to one’s lips, visions of ghostly forms, fear, blasphemous thoughts against God and Christ, manic fits, visions of people in past generations, religious delusions, inability to make decisions, feelings of anxiety, gripping feeling about the throat, voices that you cannot get rid of no matter how much you fight, fits of rage, melancholia, schizophrenia.
(18) Ethnic traditions, culture and environment, e.g. Japanese ancestor worship, religious spirits.
(19) False religions Teachings which deny John 10:9.
(20) Heresies (1 Timothy 4:1-2) e.g. Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mormons, Freemasonry. Note curses pamphlet.
(21) Curses: Self-imposed, relational, by witchdoctors etc, by unscriptural covenants. Example of man who saw father try to throttle his mother when he was 5. Hated his father. Was told for years later, “You are just like your father.” This became a spirit.
(22) Watching people die, especially after nursing them.
(23) Fire-walking, e.g. Fiji and India.
(24) Charms and fetishes in our homes. (Deut. 7:25-26)
(25) Yoga and martial arts Kung Fu, Aikido, Tae Kwon Do, Karate, Tai Chi, Judo (rooted in Taoism and Buddhism).
(26) Transcendental Meditation, Extra Sensory Perception, Hypnosis.
(27) Piercing the flesh (Leviticus 19:28, Leviticus 21:5,
Deuteronomy 14:1, 1 Kings 18:28, Mark 5:5)
(1) Humble ourselves.
(2) Be completely honest.
(3) Confess our sins. (James 5:14-16) Examples of healings in meetings where people have confessed their sins.
(4) Repent.
(5) Forgive.
(6) Call on the Name of the Lord. Acts 2:21.
Hissing (tongue goes in and out like a snake’s tongue), spitting, wriggling, sighing, coughing and gasping (smoking demons), shouting, lying down as though dead (spirit of coma, hypnosis), mucus (demons of sexual uncleanness – white foam), animal noises, yawning, sobbing, roaring (hate demons), screaming, eyes roll back and flutter – only white part visible – or operate independently, nostrils flare, lips purse, foul smelling fluids, twisting figures – often masturbation, blood from mouth, smell like sulphur. Sometimes nothing. Example of manifestation: Acts 8:7. Housekeeper – dog in house – boy on church floor barking like a dog at the moon – man rushing forward on his hands and knees, baring his teeth as he made his way towards the altar rail in our church during a deliverance – the spirit of lion has come out on occasions.
(1) They do not repent. Note difference between repentance and remorse. (Matthew 27:3)
(2) They fail to repent of their sins, especially adultery and abortion. (James 5:6)
(3) They fail to forgive (Mark 11:25-26)
(4) They fail to break with the occult (Acts 19:19)
(5) They fail to resist the devil (James 4:7)
(6) Failure to repent from pride.
Note: Four downward steps: pride, rebellion, deception, perversion.
(1) Listen carefully to what the person says about their problem so the Holy Spirit can give you guidance.
(2) As you minister in deliverance, work with others.
(3) Take rest periods during deliverance.
(4) The agent of deliverance is the Holy Spirit.
(1) Total forgiveness required.
(2) Honour and forgive parents.
(3) Renounce any curse.
(4) Renounce all forms of idolatry and false religions.
(5) Confess all sin and unbelief.
(6) Renounce sins of ancestors Galatians 3:13&14.
(7) Take off any charms or demonic jewellery.
(8) Cleanse house from idols, carvings etc.
(9) Confess blood Scriptures (Ephesians 1:7; 1 John 1:7; Romans 5:9; Hebrews 13:12.)
(10) Person should expel spirits by breathing out or coughing.
(11) Must have absolute faith in Jesus Christ.
(12) Total humility required – turning from all pride, rebellion, deception and perversion.
(13) Sometimes fasting is required.
(14) Call on the name of Jesus.
(15) Person must assert will and resist devil. (1 John 4:4)
(16) Use prayer cloth (1 Chronicles 13:14)
(17) Praise God (many times).
(1) Remember your authority in Jesus Christ. (Mat. 28:18)
(2) Know the anointing of the Holy Spirit.
(3) Use your prayer language.
(4) Command the person to look at you and tell demons to go.
(5) You should be baptised in the Holy Spirit.
(6) You should use the gifts of discernment of spirits and word of knowledge as you minister.
(7) We can agree and bind and loose the spirit.
(Matthew 18:18-19)
(8) Allow others in group to bring forward any words of discernment or knowledge.
(9) Don’t let the candidate use the name of Jesus or speak in tongues while deliverance is taking place.
(10) Cut cords of Jezebel, Antichrist, Death and Hell and any other spiritual powers from person’s forehead etc.
(11) Be aware of the children of Jezebel, e.g. child of Terror.
(12) Find master of demon and cast out.
(13) Cut ungodly soul-ties.
(14) Remember the agent of deliverance is the Holy Spirit.
(15) Listen to what the Holy Spirit is saying as to how you should pray.
(16) Be persistent and by the word of knowledge follow through the network of demons to the principal strongman.
(17) Fix your mind on Jesus Christ.
(18) Have absolute belief in the power of the Word of God and use the Word of God. (1 Corinthians 6:9)
Example at rock festival.
(19) Anoint with oil.
(20) Consecrate various parts of the body. (Romans 12:1-2).
(20) Putting water on the person’s forehead as a reminder of their baptism and cutting off from the power of sin.
(21) Laying on of hands.
Ministering angels surround us.
Hebrews 1:14: “Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation?”
Note R.E. Group Ministry – always have others present to help you. Ensure that the groups have pleaded the blood of Jesus before they commence practising deliverance.
No certificates issued after deliverance.
(1) Totally yield to Jesus Christ in every area of our life, making Him Lord of every area.
(2) Be always filled with the Holy Spirit. (Ephesians 5:18)
(3) Believe and live by the Word of God. (Matthew 4:4)
(4) Put on the full armour of God. (Ephesians 6:14-18)
(5) Stay with the right people and receive ongoing counsel from pastor.
(6) Have the right relationships with people.
(7) Make Jesus the centre of every part of our lives. We must die daily to our old self and reassert our position daily in Jesus Christ.
(8) Possess the land. Deliverance can be progressive – people should be told to go away, read the Word, get on their knees before God, confess their sins and come into true repentance and be baptised with the Holy Spirit. (Exodus 23:28-33)
(Matthew 18:18-20) Example of person in prayer meeting causing difficulty. Parents who have prayed for children who have disappeared – not heard from for a long time. Bound demon power affecting those children, prayed in belief and been full reconciliation.
22. SELF DELIVERANCE (James 4:7)
Heavy oppression, suffocation, pain or sickness.
These notes can be used to accompany the five-hour teaching series, “Deliverance from Demons”, available on DVD, video, CD or audio cassettes.
[ ] Abstract art (under hallucinogenic stimulus)
[ ] Acupuncture
[ ] Amulets (tiger’s claw, shark’s tooth, horseshoe over door, mascots, talisman (magic picture)
[ ] Ankh (a cross with a ring top used in satanic rites)
[ ] Apparitions – occultic
[ ] Astral travel
[ ] Astrology
[ ] Augury (interpreting omens)
[ ] Automatic writing
[ ] Birth signs
[ ] Black arts
[ ] Black magic (involving hidden powers for bad ends)
[ ] Black mass
[ ] Blood subscriptions (pacts)
[ ] Cartomancy (using playing cards)
[ ] Chain letters
[ ] Charming or enchanting (attempts to use spirit power)
[ ] Charms and charming for wart removal
[ ] Chinese astrology
[ ] Clairaudience (ability to hear voices and sounds super-normally – spirit voices alleging to be those of dead people giving advice or warnings)
[ ] Clairsentience (supernormal sense perception)
[ ] Clairvoyance (ability to see objects or events spontaneously or supernormally above their normal range of vision – second sight)
[ ] Colour therapy
[ ] Concept therapy
[ ] Conjuration (summoning up a spirit by incantation)
[ ] Coven (a community of witches)
[ ] Crystal ball gazing
[ ] Crystals
[ ] Death magic (where the name of the sickness plus a written spell is cast into coffin or grave)
[ ] Demon worship
[ ] Disembodied spirits
[ ] Divining rod or twig or pendulum (Hosea 4:12)
[ ] Dowsing or witching for water, minerals, under-ground cables, finding out the sex of unborn
child using divining rod, pendulum, twig or planchette
[ ] Dream interpretation (as with Edgar Cayce books)
[ ] Dungeons and dragons
[ ] Eastern meditation/religious – Gurus, Mantras, Yoga, Temples etc
[ ] Ectoplasm (unknown substance from body of a medium)
[ ] Enchanting
[ ] E.S.P. (extra sensory perception)
[ ] Findhorn Community
[ ] Floating trumpets
[ ] Fortune telling
[ ] Gothic rock music
[ ] Gurus
[ ] Gypsy curses
[ ] Hallucinogenic drugs (cocaine, heroin, marijuana, sniffing glue etc)
[ ] Handwriting analysis (for fortune telling)
[ ] Hard rock music – Kiss, Led Zeppelin, Rolling Stones
[ ] Heavy metal music – AC/DC, Guns and Roses (all heavy rock)
[ ] Hepatoscopy (examination of liver for interpretation)
[ ] Hex signs (hexagrams)
[ ] Horoscopes
[ ] Hydromancy (divination by viewing images in water)
[ ] Hypnosis
[ ] Idols
[ ] Incantations
[ ] Iridology (eye diagnosis)
[ ] Japanese flower arranging (sun worship)
[ ] Jonathan Livingston Seagull (Reincarnation, Hinduism)
[ ] Kabbala (Occult Lore)
[ ] Karma
[ ] Levitation
[ ] Lucky charms or signs of the Zodiac or birthstones
[ ] Magic (not sleight of hand but use of supernatural power)
[ ] Mantras
[ ] Martial arts (Aikido, Judo, Karate, Kung fu, Tae Kwan Do etc)
[ ] Matthew Manning
[ ] Mediums
[ ] Mental suggestion
[ ] Mental telepathy
[ ] Mental therapy
[ ] Mesmerism
[ ] Metaphysics (study of spirit world)
[ ] Mind control
[ ] Mind dynamics
[ ] Mind mediumship
[ ] Mind reading
[ ] Moonmancy
[ ] Motorskopua (mechanical pendulum for diagnosing illness)
[ ] Mysticism
[ ] Necromancy (conjuring up spirits of the dead)
[ ] Numerical symbolism
[ ] Numerology
[ ] Occultic games
[ ] Occult letters of protection
[ ] Occult literature, e.g. The Greater World, The 6th & 7th Book of Moses, The Other Side, The Book of Venus, Pseudo-Christian works of Jacob Lorber, works by Edgar Cayce, Aleister Crowley, Jean Dixon, Levi Dowling, Arthur Ford (The Overt Worship of Spirit Beings), Johann Greber, Andrew Jackson Davis, Anton Le Vay, Ruth Montgomery, John Newborough, Eric Von Daniken, Dennis Wheatley.
* Such books should be burned, regardless of cost.
[ ] Omens
[ ] Ouija boards
[ ] Pagan fetishes
[ ] Pagan religious objects, artifacts and relics
[ ] Pagan rites (Voodo, Sing sings, Corroborees, Fire walking, Umbahda, Macumba)
[ ] Palmistry
[ ] PK (parakinesis – control of objects by the power of the mind and will)
[ ] Parapsychology (PS) – especially study of demonic activity
[ ] Pendulum diagnosis
[ ] Phrenology (divining/analysis from the skull)
[ ] Planchette (divining)
[ ] Precognition (foreknowledge of the occurrence of events)
[ ] Psychic healing
[ ] Psychic sight
[ ] Psychography (use of heart shaped board)
[ ] Psychometry (telling fortunes by lifting or holding object belonging to the enquirer)
[ ] Punk rock music
[ ] Pyramidology (mystic powers associated with models of pyramids)
[ ] Rebirthing
[ ] Reincarnation
[ ] Rhabdomancy (casting sticks into the air for interpreting omens)
[ ] Satanism
[ ] Seances
[ ] Self hypnosis
[ ] Significant pagan days
[ ] Silva Mind Control (SMC – Psychorientology)
[ ] Sorcery
[ ] Spells
[ ] Spirit knockings or rappings
[ ] Star signs
[ ] Stichomancy (fortune telling from random reference to books)
[ ] Stigmata – ie occultic types.
[ ] Superstitions (self or parents or grandparents)
[ ] Table tipping
[ ] Tarot cards (22 picture cards for fortune telling)
[ ] Tea-leaf reading
[ ] Thought transference
[ ] TK (telekinesis – objects move around room, instruments play, engines start…)
[ ] TM (Transcendental Meditation
[ ] Trances
[ ] Transmigration
[ ] Travel of the soul
[ ] UFO fixation
[ ] Uri Geller
[ ] White magic (invoking hid-den powers for ‘good ends’)
[ ] Witchcraft
[ ] Yoga (involves Eastern demon worship
[ ] Zodiac charms, birthdates
[ ] Zodiac signs
* Acts 19:19: “Also, many of those who had practiced magic brought their books together and burned them in the sight of all. And they counted up the value of them, and it totaled fifty thousand pieces of silver.”

* Deuteronomy 7:25&26: “You shall burn the carved images of their gods with fire; you shall not covet the silver or gold that is on them, nor take it for yourselves, lest you be snared by it; for it is an abomination to the Lord your God.
Nor shall you bring an abomination into your house, lest you be doomed to destruction like it; but you shall utterly detest it and utterly abhor it, for it is an accursed thing.”

Venus Transit

We have experienced an increasing number of large-scale natural disasters since 1950. This includes earthquakes, volcanoes, hurricanes and floods. While people are waiting for an explosive 2012 event to announce Armageddon, the signs these are indeed the ‘End Times’ appear to have already occurred.

According to the ancient Maya solar priests, the end of this age – the 5th Sun – would be precipitated by an era of increasing earthquakes. Seven of the ten biggest tremors of last century happened after 1950. In fact, there has been a sharp increase in the number of large-scale earthquakes and volcanic eruptions since 1960.

The frequency in occurrence of earthquakes analysed from data accumulated since 1900 shows there were 120 strong (6-6.9) tremors, 18 major (7-7.9) and 1 great quake (8-8.9) on average annually. A chart for the number of earthquakes worldwide from the last decade is more revealing of recent tremor activity. In 1994 there were 161 strong, 13 major and 2 great earthquakes. The next year there were 185 strong, 22 major and 3 great earthquakes. In 2000 we find 153 strong, 16 major and 4 great earthquakes.

The data makes it very clear that the latter half of the century diverged greatly from the first half in terms of Earth changes. From 1900 to 1960 there were few major volcanic eruptions. Over the past 43 years dormant volcanoes around the globe have become active again. The 1990s saw swarms of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions around the globe. At the same time weather patterns became more erratic and severe storms more potent.

My research into the Maya 5th Sun prediction, over the past 3 decades, has turned up some very interesting connections: 1) the 2012 forecast is tied to the sunspot cycle and 2) the 2004-2012 Transit(s) of Venus.

The solar priests appear to have been aware of short and long-term solar output cycles. I am convinced the Five Suns or ages the Maya Long Count calendar kept track of were linked to the 26,000-year equinoctial precession, which is connected to the patterns of alternating ice ages and warming interglacial periods.

The Long Count calendar, which marks the passage of a ‘Sun’ cycle, about 5,150 years, began for this age in 3013 BCE. This calendar cycle simply counts the number of days in a ‘Solar’ age. When that number has elapsed the age comes to an end. The previous, 4th Sun, was said to have ended in a deluge, and this 5th Sun is predicted to culminate in earthquakes and impacts from cosmic objects in 2012.

Now, here is where things get very interesting and even disturbing. When I realised the Transit of Venus occurred in June of 2004 and then again in December of 2012 I knew I had to go back and examine past transit cycles. Venus Transits are much like lunar eclipses only the planet passes between the Earth and Sun. It is a fairly rare celestial phenomenon and they occur, in pairs separated by 8 years, in alternating cycles every 105 and 120 years. My first surprise came when I went back and discovered a Venus Transit took place in 1518-1526.

It was during this transit that Cortez invaded and conquered Mexico . The Aztec priests predicted this period would be fraught with danger and this is why Montezuma failed to meet the challenge the Conquistadors posed.

During this 8-year period many paranormal events occurred in Mexico . Strangely enough, “shields” appeared in the skies booming out dire warnings to the citizens of the Aztec Empire. Several temples were set afire by curious beams of light flashing down from the heavens. And the people also told the Spanish chronicler, Bernardino de Sahagun, that a “Pillar of Fire” had been seen hovering on the horizon for an entire year.

Perhaps even more chilling, a decade before these events took place unexplained events accompanied a lunar eclipse. Just after the lunar eclipse occurred, Mt. Popocatepetl erupted. The volcano, which can be seen from the Valley of Mexico, had been dormant for many years so the eruption made the people apprehensive. In 1991, a similar sequence of events took place. As the residents of Mexico City lined the streets to watch a full lunar eclipse, a UFO appeared over the city at 1 pm.

Mount Popocatepetl and nearby Mount Colima began erupting shortly thereafter and they have remained active ever since. UFO sightings have become common throughout Mexico over the past decade. In fact, so numerous that local bishops petitioned the Vatican asking how they should handle the increasing inquiries about UFOs from their parishioners. The Vatican told them to simply accept the reports at face value.

I examined the next Venus Transit, which took place in 1631-39. I found that sunspots stopped appearing for 70 years immediately following this cycle. The radical drop in solar output caused the ‘little ice age’ from 1640 to 1710. Then I pulled up solar data and found that solar output has been on the increase for almost 300 years. Sunspots went from zero in the late 1600s to above 200 in 1960, which appears to have been the peak.

This is when the real meaning of the 2012 prediction dawned on me. The ancient priests were alerting us to a change in solar output. I then turned to the 11-year sunspot cycle and found connections between rising solar maximums and increasing natural disasters, wars, economic cycles and so on. It became apparent that natural disasters and human activity were clearly tied to the sunspot peaks and troughs. You can look at the recent sunspot peaks in 1990-91 and double peak in 2000-02 to see the connections to earthquakes, volcanoes and wars.

We are in a solar minimum phase right now, which would normally last until the end of the decade. The next solar maximum is predicted for 2012. Now, this certainly puts a sharp edge on the end of the 5th Sun prediction. It would appear the ancient solar priests were aware of this double conjunction, the sunspot peak and the second leg of the Venus Transit both occurring in the same year.

Looking at a graph of sunspot activity over the past 300 years what jumped out was the fact 1960 was the peak. Sunspot peaks have actually been declining in each succeeding 11-year cycle since then, from over 200 down to about the 150 range. Oddly enough, the last two peaks have been mirror images of each other. There was a dramatic increase in earthquakes and volcanic eruptions from 1990-92 and again in 2000-02. In terms of the human sphere we witnessed attacks on the World Trade Centre and Bush I & II go to war against Iraq .

The wild cards in this next cycle are the Transits of Venus. We have never gone through a Venus Transit since the advent of our ‘electromagnetic’ civilisation. The last transit was in 1882 and Mt. Krakotoa erupted in that year.

My theory on the transit is that it disrupts the normal flow of energy, the solar wind and other energies the Sun transmits to the Earth. We already know solar flare-ups disrupt radio-telecommunications and even power transmission. If my take on the ancient perception of Venus is correct, we are in for some nasty surprises in the coming eight-year cycle.

Normally, the solar minimum period from now until 2010 would be a fairly calm time with few natural disasters and little social unrest. However, the transit may change that scenario. We can surely count on the years from 2010-2012 being intense and chaotic. We have been very lucky so far because none of the huge earthquakes have hit major cities. If the 9.2 quake that hammered Alaska last year had struck Los Angeles, the American economy would have gone in the tank and taken the global system with it.

We forget how interconnected we are today. My own forecast for this period includes a radical increase in paranormal events, UFO sightings and even miracles. The world is going to be transformed and that process is already underway.

The unity of all life in the cosmos and the fact the Universe is teeming with intelligent beings on many worlds will be an undeniable reality by 2012. We will know the truth of the ancient mysteries and also experience the reality of being spirits in a material world.

FROM: http://www.newdawnmagazine.com/articles/Venus%20Transit.html


Effects of Electromagnetic Surges on the Earth

On the one hand, the Sun is known to “ring like a bell.” Furthermore, it changes its tune (or the acoustic frequency at which the sun oscillates), increasing slightly as the solar cycle goes from a minimum to a maximum – a change of about 1 part in 10,000. [14] There is also “a sharp drop in neutrino flux” as the solar cycle approaches its maximum. [15] This is mentioned in that one might have been missing some of their neutrino income during such times. From the technical scientific viewpoint, “Something does something to the neutrinos.” [15] Isn’t science wonderful?

The effects of sunspot activity and solar wind conditions on the Earth and its inhabitants is considerable. Climate, for example, follows the sunspot cycle, such that “alternate sunspot peaks coincide with highs and lows in the temperature cycles. [16] Solar flares can cause compass readings to be wrong by as much as ten degrees, thus playing havoc with navigation. [17] “Fluctuations in the sun were once correlated with the taste of wine.” [18] In years when certain equatorial winds were blowing from the west, polar temperatures rise and fall with solar activity; but when these winds are from the east, the opposite effect is observed. [19]

Correlations also exist between peak sunspot activity and serious deterioration in electronic or electromagnetic power [20] and communication channels on Earth. Such solar activity affects weather and climate in significant ways, in some cases causing worldwide cooling [12]. As noted before, some researchers have noted correlations between sunspot activity and popular uprisings. Possibly first commented on “by the Estonian astronomer Ernst Opik in 1956, the years 1789, 1830, 1848, 1871, 1905, 1917, 1937, 1956, 1968, 1979, and 1989-90 are all notable both for their popular uprisings and maximum or near-maximum sunspot activity.” [13]

The gist of the argument by Estling [13] is that heavy sunspot activity leads to a decrease in the number of “negatively ionized gases in the Earth’s atmosphere, and inasmuch as a heavy concentration of negative ions (atoms or groups of atoms with one or more extra electrons) provides an increased sense of wellbeing, it follows that a sharp rise in positively charged ions (especially hydrogen nuclei or protons) results in a decreased sense of well being and thus the occasion for yet another popular revolution!” One might note that the extremely heavy sunspot activity of 2000 led to the appointment of George Bush as president, and the instigation by various fundamentalists of a “popular revolution” which pointed the USA in the direction of a theocracy. Obviously, such a “popular revolution” is not necessarily a good thing!

The effects of massive solar fluctuations in the electromagnetic field can also influence life on Earth in other significant ways. For example, it is believed that extremely minute doses of magnetite in bacteria allow swimming bacteria to orient to the geomagnetic field. Similarly, homing pigeons, bees and termites are believed to use the same magnetite in conjunction with the geomagnetic field in the form of a navigational aid — much as humans use compasses. Recently, researchers [21, 22] have found the mineral magnetite in human brain tissue, where it may represent part of a magnetic sensing system. The consistency of size, shape and distribution of the crystals has suggested that the magnetite has some biological function. In addition, such magnetite containing tissues may interact directly with weak magnetic fields.

Interactions of human or animal tissues with magnetic fields include the possible link of electrical distribution power lines with heightened cancer incidence and the onset of Alzheimer’s disease [23]. In addition, there is increasing evidence that low intensity electromagnetic energy interactions might be fundamental to life processes, including the potential for therapeutic use [24]. Gregor Wieser [25] has conducted experiments with human subjects which suggest that changes in a magnetic field, rather than its mere presence, is the important factor; and that furthermore, weaker magnetic fields (such as the Earth’s geomagnetic field) may be better at influencing the brain than stronger fields! The human immune system efficiency appears to particularly susceptible to fluctuating electromagnetic field (EMF) effects [26]. Obviously, a rapidly fluctuating geomagnetic field or a field reversal would have much greater effects on the human organism.

Effects of a geomagnetic pole reversal on the Earth as a whole is highly speculative, but could involve some dramatic effects. For example, any reversal of the geomagnetic field would influence the electrically conducting outer core of the Earth, particularly at the interface between the outer core and the Earth’s mantle. This could result in a massive increase in volcanic activity. The fact that volcanic activity appears cyclical [12] may correlate with the cyclical nature of the planets, Sun and Moon – including their alignments. Volcanic activity is, in turn, intimately tied to weather and climate — the massive flooding in the American Midwest during the spring and summer of 1993 was, according to some experts [27], directly caused by Mount Pinatubo ‘s eruption in 1991!

In addition to volcanic effects there is the possibility of a significant increase in the shifting of the continental plates, which would in turn, cause major increases in earthquake activity. While there is no evidence that the disturbances in the outer core-mantle interface would result in a geographical pole shift, the fact remains that such disturbances could act as a trigger for built up pressures in the continental plates. Major continental plate shifts of sufficient strength could then correspond to a geographical pole shift or something approaching such severity. This latter possibility is highly speculative, but not easily dismissed out of hand. It does, however, allow for the possibility that the Richter Scale may need some revisions upward.

From an energy viewpoint, an apparent geographical pole shift is possible by shifting the continental plates, while at the same time, the bulk of the Earth continue to rotate about the same axis. Thus the geographical pole’s location with respect to the surface of the Earth and its relationship to the orientation of the continental plates has apparently been shifted, even while the bulk of the Earth continues to rotate essentially as before. In this fashion, major shifts of the continental plates with respect to the rotating bulk of the Earth have already been well documented by the events which occurred worldwide about the time of the Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt, approximately 3,500 years ago [28]. See, for example, Sun, Stand Thou Still.

FROM: http://www.halexandria.org/dward761.htm


Radio Ham Discovers Sunspot-linked Geomagnetic Reversal. Kev Peacock, an Australian ham radio enthusiast claims to have discovered, by accident, as a result of investigating radio interference,  a forthcoming flip of Earth’s magnetic poles.  In 2011, there will be 3 eclipses between the 2nd of June and the 1st of July. (2 solar & 1 lunar)


These coincide with the height of the summer in the Northern  hemisphere, when the magnetic North pole of the Earth is closest to the Sun.. The combination of aligned Sun, Earth & Moon, with the 11-year sunspot cycle maximum, and the Earth’s North magnetic pole pointing to the Sun hasn’t happened for 65 million years, according to Peacock. (Peacock says that the sun’s polarity reverses every 11 years; the polarity of the sunspots  reverses – they appear on alternate solar hemispheres every 11 years. This is not the same as a “full reversal”, or “super reversal”, as predicted by the Maurice Cotterell theory).  By observing trends in geomagnetic activity and seismic activity, he claims to have predicted the forthcoming polar flip, which may take a year until 2012, to take full effect, judging by previous correlations of earthquakes to solar changes.

FROM: http://www.diagnosis2012.co.uk/6.htm


Geomagnetic Variations

For the last hundred years geophysicists have observed a steady and significant weakening in the strength of the Earth’s magnetic field. The weakening rate suggests that the magnetic field may vanish altogether within the next 1,500 years [1]. This weakening is about one percent per decade, and has deteriorated over the last two thousand years by about fifty percent. The magnetic field pattern also rotates in some areas by about one degree every ten years [2]. Much more noteworthy, however, are major shifts in the locations of the magnetic poles, in the form of complete reversals and in the form of “excursions”.

Excursions refer to those cases in the sedimentary and volcanic records where the geodynamo apparently failed to complete a geomagnetic field reversal and ended up backtracking. These large leaps in the field direction may have been produced by abnormal secular variations or may be “manifestations of unsuccessful, or aborted, reversal attempts” [1]. For our purposes, the explanation of the causes of an “excursion” or a complete reversal of the magnetic poles is essentially the same, differing only in the intensity of the causal factor — the lesser intensity events occurring when the geomagnetic field does not quite complete a reversal.

Evidence of reversals in the geomagnetic field indicates 200 reversals over the last 178 million years. This includes a 35-million year hiatus during the Cretaceous period, and 33 reversals in the last 25 million years. Over the last 70 million years, “polarity reversals have been taking place at an increasing rate” [1]. In fact, there have been 9 major reversals in the past 3.6 million years (i.e. on average one every 400,000 years), with the most recent one, 730,000 years ago. Even more noteworthy is evidence of a looping excursion by the geomagnetic field some 28,000 years ago.

The evidence of major variations in the geomagnetic field derives from sedimentary and volcanic lava records. These records provide the timing and location of the magnetic pole from the angle of dip and the horizontal orientation of magnetite material in the sediments and lava flows. Unfortunately, sedimentary records are limited in that they tell us more about the pre- and post-geomagnetic records than about the actual reversal process itself. Lava records, on the other hand, being laid down in a matter of days (instead of thousands of years in the case of sediments) provide much more detail in the description of events in a geomagnetic pole reversal.

It has been assumed by paleomagnetists that geomagnetic pole reversals do not occur instantaneously from one polarity state to the other, but occur over a period that typically spans a few thousand years [1]. However, evidence from lava flows indicate rapid shifts, perhaps taking only a few years [1], OR “fast enough that it would virtually be possible to watch a compass needle move” [3]. Data from the Steens Mountain lava beds in southeastern Oregon , for example, indicate that the geomagnetic poles were moving between 3 degrees and 8 degrees per day! [3, 4, 5, 6].

The paleontological records provide not only evidence of geomagnetic field reversals/excursions and a description of the reversal itself, but also yield clues as to the origins of the geomagnetic field and, albeit indirectly, the possible causes of the geomagnetic field reversals.

Origins and Reversals of the Geomagnetic Field

It has been generally accepted that the geomagnetic field is generated by the motion of free electrons in the convection outer core [1]. Temperatures in the outer core reach those of the sun’s surface (5,800 degrees Celsius), allowing the liquid iron of the core to flow as readily as water and conduct electricity slightly better than does copper. According to theory the influence of the Earth’s rotation and heat propels the molten iron in the outer core, which when interacting with the magnetic field of the Earth, generates a magnetic field as well, reinforcing the Earth’s field [2]. The geodynamo is thus self-perpetuating.

However, this theory does not explain the original origin of the Earth’s magnetic field, other than to postulate that it “has been present to some extent throughout geological time” [2]. Neither does the theory explain the cause of the dipole field’s decay, nor the forces behind its secular variations (including westward drift). The dipole field, for example, is decaying about ten times faster than can be accounted for in the current theories [1].

Associated theories of geomagnetic pole reversals are similarly flawed. For example, Hoffman [1] suggests that “the reversal phenomenon may be triggered when something disturbs the convection pattern of the core fluid, and with it the magnetic flux” [emphasis added]. This “something” might derive from what some theorists conjecture to be the outer core of the Earth forming a chaotic system, and out of the chaos arising periodic geomagnetic reversals [3].

An alternative theory, but one which has found minimal support, is that a meteorite striking the Earth could loft dust into the atmosphere which would suddenly cool the Earth to the point where the formation of ice caps at the poles could speed the Earth’s rotation, and thus in turn cause shearing between the mantle and outer core, and thereby cause the reversal [7]. The flaw here is that major volcanic activity could yield the same result, but that such activity during the Cretaceous Period actually resulted in a stable geomagnetic condition [8].

At the time it was initially proposed, a basic assumption in the outer-core-generated geodynamo theory was that there were no other planetary or solar system induced electromagnetic fields which, in turn, could account for the cause of the geomagnetic field. In effect, the theory was proposed prior to the discovery that the solar system is literally awash in electromagnetic forces. These forces include: the interplanetary magnetic field, the Sun’s magnetic field (and its continually progressing reversal every 22 years or so), the solar wind, and the magnetospheres of various planets (including the Earth).

There is also the tendency for geo scientists of every stripe to specialize in their fields of research and thus ignore whatever was happening in the astro sciences! This is not an uncommon occurrence in mainstream, non-holistic science.

Bagenal [9] has shown mathematically that “magnetospheres of rapidly rotating planets with strong magnetic fields [e.g. Jupiter and Saturn] are dominated by rotation while the solar wind controls the plasma flow in smaller magnetospheres of slowly rotating planets [e.g. Earth].” If this is the case, then the Earth’s geomagnetic field would have as its primary initiator, and possibly controlling factor, an externally generated field (possibly the solar wind and/or the interplanetary magnetic field).

External Electromagnetic Field Effects on the Geomagnetic Field

The Sun and the solar wind provides the primary influence on the Earth’s geomagnetic field. The solar wind consists of charged particles from the sun, which varies with the degree of solar activity. This solar activity is best exemplified by sunspots, and results in a virtual sheet of current flowing from the sun (in turn producing a very complex magnetic field). Meanwhile, the Sun’s magnetic field changes from being aligned parallel to its axis of rotation at the minimum of sunspot activity, to perpendicular at the peak of what is referred to as the sunspot cycle [10]. The sunspot cycle and thus the orientation of the Sun’s magnetic field has a period, on average, of 22.25 years; and a longer term cycle of 178 years.

Planetary magnetic fields, such as Jupiter and Saturn, are considerably less documented, but appear to be rotation based. Because of the solar wind, the planets’ magnetic fields in outer space take on the configuration of tear-shaped magnetospheres. In the case of Earth, the strange orientation of the magnetic poles twists this tear shape almost 30 degrees, and thus imposes additional complexity to the problem. In the case of Jupiter, its magnetosphere extends out as far as the orbit of Saturn, with material being forcibly “disconnected from Jupiter and flung down the tail” [9].

This electromagnetic movement of charged particles from Jupiter might be termed the “Jupiter Wind”. In each case, the magnetospheres of the planets act as a shield against the effects of the solar wind, but a shield which may not be entirely effective. In the case of the Earth, the geomagnetic pressure very nearly balances the dynamic pressure of the solar wind. This equalized pressure surface layer is termed the “magnetopause” [11], and acts as a shield for 99% of the solar wind [12].

Sunspots, the solar wind, and the interplanetary magnetic field induced primarily by the Sun, have numerous effects on the Earth. The Earth’s geomagnetic field, in all likelihood, is caused or originated by the solar effects [9]. Variations in the solar field would also, undoubtedly, effect the Earth. These effects include everything from massive disruptions in electronic or electromagnetic communications during heightened sunspot activity to correlations between sunspot activity and popular revolutions and uprisings. In the latter case, Margaret Thatcher arrived and departed from 10 Downing Street at peak periods in the 11.25 year sunspot cycle [13].

The effects of other planets’ electromagnetic fields on the Earth is generally dismissed as insignificant in comparison to the solar effects. While some astrologers may insist that all planetary effects must be taken into account, major effects such as other planets causing or triggering magnetic pole reversals are not considered as remotely possible. This is due to the fact that the solar wind dominates the interplanetary space.

However, if the solar wind was temporarily interrupted in a very limited locale, any planets’ magnetosphere might significantly influence the electromagnetic properties of other planets. The basis of this paper is that just such a temporary, limited interruption can and does periodically occur.

Alternative Theory for Geomagnetic Pole Reversals

During those periods which astrologers call “Sun-Jupiter oppositions”, the Earth is situated directly between the Sun and Jupiter. Strictly speaking, because of the differences in the inclination of the orbits of the two planets, such oppositions refer only to the longitudinal dimension—the latitudinal dimension is still considerably different. In most all cases the Earth is not effectively in alignment with the Sun and Jupiter. Instead the Earth is either considerably below or above the line connecting the Sun and Jupiter. A near perfect alignment of the Sun, Earth and Jupiter, when the Earth would quite literally cast an electromagnetic “shadow” on Jupiter’s magnetosphere, occurs extremely rarely. Such a near perfect alignment occurs only when the Earth passes between the Sun and Jupiter longitudinally, and simultaneously, the difference in latitude between the Earth and Jupiter is less than one minute of arc. The key factor is that, in those cases when such a near-perfect alignment does occur, the effects may be significant!

The concept being suggested here is that during a near-perfect alignment of the Sun, Earth, and Jupiter — i.e. the longitudes of Earth and Jupiter exact, and the differences in latitude within less than one minute of arc — the “Jupiter Wind”, i.e. the giant planet’s magnetosphere, responds to the temporary cessation of the dynamic pressure of the solar wind (caused by the Earth’s electromagnetic “shadow” falling on Jupiter’s magnetosphere) by an electromagnetic surge in the direction of the null spot of the solar wind, i.e. the Earth. Furthermore, this so-called Jupiter Wind consists of charged particles with the more energetic, negatively charged electrons leading the way and leaving the more massive, positively charged protons far behind [11]. The charged particles, no longer constrained by the pressure of the solar wind, are essentially flung out into space in the direction of the Earth.

The alignment is a dynamic event with the solar wind quickly reasserting its pressure as the Earth moves out from between the Sun and Jupiter. For this reason, with the charged particles reaching the Earth initially being electrons, and inasmuch as the protons might be turned back by the solar wind by the removal of the Earth’s shadow before the protons can reach the Earth, the portion of the Jupiter Wind reaching the Earth might be predominantly electrons. Because of the distance from Jupiter to the Earth (about four times the distance from the Earth to the Sun) and the time for the Earth’s electromagnetic shadow to pass over Jupiter’s magnetosphere, it is likely that only the most energetic electrons would reach the Earth in this fashion.

The leading edge of the Jupiter Wind would effectively sweep across the earth (just as the Earth’s shadow swept across the face of Jupiter), causing a negatively charged surge, which when in combination with the solar wind could cause a massive electromagnetic force against the Earth’s geomagnetic field. In many respects, the Jupiter Wind could provide the trigger and “reversing mechanism” while the solar wind provides the power.

The potential for such a geomagnetic pole reversal event would thus be predictable by simply calculating those dates when the Sun-Earth-Jupiter alignment is sufficiently precise to cause the shadowing effect. However, the intensity of the solar wind, the orientation of the Sun’s magnetic field, and the degree of sunspot activity might serve to add to or negate the Jupiter Wind effect. In this regard, at minimal sunspot activity and a relatively weak solar wind, the Sun’s magnetic field is parallel to its axis of rotation. This results in the interplanetary magnetic field transferring greater amounts of energy into the Earth’s magnetosphere [11]. Conversely, when the sunspot activity is at a peak, with a strong solar wind, the Sun’s magnetic field is perpendicular to its axis of rotation [10]. There is also the possibility that the planet Saturn could conceivably accomplish a geomagnetic reversal as well, but because its magnetosphere is less than Jupiter, and because it is much further away, the chances of Sun-Earth-Saturn alignments causing a pole reversal is much less.

There is also evidence that sunspots are connected with the alignment of planets. For example, if one considers the larger sunspot cycle of 178 years and Jupiter’s orbit about the Sun of 11.862 years, one obtains: 1/178 + 1/11.862 = 1/P where P = 11.121 (a value extremely close to the average solar activity of 11.125 years) [12]. Such a correlation lends credence to the concept that electromagnetism connects the solar system in a profound manner. If an alignment of the Earth with the Sun and other planets can cause a geomagnetic pole reversal, or an excursion, the connection is more than profound.

FROM: http://www.halexandria.org/dward761.htm




The Ecliptic

The Ecliptic is the Great Circle that describes the apparent path of the Sun around the Earth (but which is really the orbit of the Earth around the Sun. The Ecliptic extends approximately 8-9° of arc above and below (North and South of) the actual path of the Earth/Sun. The other planets in the solar system are always visible within this band of sky. The longitudinal (East-West) position of celestial bodies (i.e. planets, asteroids, etc.) is measured along the ecliptic.

Signs. The Signs are units of measurement each equal to 30 degrees of arc along the ecliptic.



The precession of the equinoxes has to do with more than just the two different zodiac systems. As the equinoxes precess, they relate to the Great Ages of Man. These Ages mark different periods where significant evolutionary changes occurred. The Ages are defined by the Sidereal Sign that is the current location of the Vernal Point. Currently, the Spring Equinox (0° of Aries in the Tropical Zodiac) occurs at about 7° of the Sidereal Sign of Pisces and we will be in the Sign of Pisces until the Spring Equinox precesses into the Sidereal Sign of Aquarius, which will mark the beginning of the Age of Aquarius. (Even agreeing on this definition of the “Ages” there is much dispute as to the actual year that the “Age of Aquarius” will begin.

The general thoughts about the Age of Aquarius are that it will mark a period of enlightenment and freedom

Dreams, visions and inspirational writings, point to the fact that we are already in the transition between Pisces to Aquarius.

Joe Mason discovered a connection in the quatrains of Nostradamus. It is in Century 4, Quatrains 28-33.


When Venus will be covered by the sun,
under the splendour will be a hidden form
Mercury will have exposed them to the fire,
by a rumour of war will be affronted.


The hidden sun eclipsed by Mercury
will be placed only second in the heavens.
Hermes will be made the food of Vulcan
the sun will be seen pure, shining and golden.


More than eleven times the Moon will not want the Sun
both raised and lessened in degree.
Put so low that one will sew little gold;
after famine and plague the secret will be discovered.


The moon, in the middle of the night over the high mountain
the young wise man alone with his brain has seen it
Invited by his disciples to become immortal
his eyes to the south, his hands on his breast, his body in the fire.


In those times and place that meat gives way to fish
the  common law will be made in opposition
The old order will hold strong, then removed from the scene
then all things common among friends put far behind


Jupiter joined more to Venus than to the Moon
appearing in a white fullness.
Venus hidden under the whiteness of Neptune
struck by Mars by the engraved wand.

This concerns the theories of alchemists about the sun (sulfur), the moon (salt), and Mercury (quicksilver). The glyphs on the corners of the triangle of Barbury Castle Crop Circle which appeared in 1991 are said to parallel these alchemical signs.

Their work involved the attempt to transmuting elements, such as lead into gold, and finding a substance that gave eternal life. This became centered on cinnabar, the Hell Fire Stone, which is the ore of mercury, sulfuric sulfide.

I believe it is symbolic of reaching the Trinity level of the Christ-Self, and eternal life.

The Age of Aquarius …The New Age, refers to the Second Coming of Christ which occurs when one works to attain the Christ-Self Consciousness.

Another symbol of the New Age … Aquarius – is the story of King Arthur returning which refers to the Second coming of the Christ. This is connected to the Grand Cross in the Sky when we have the Total Solar Eclipse on Aug. 11, 1999 which occurs at 11:11 a.m. in Cornwall, England.  More links about this and the King Arthur story are here: King Arthur and the Holy Grail

Nostradamus also said in C10, Q74 – “The year of the great seventh number accomplished, it will appear at the time of the games of slaughter, not far from the age of the great millennium, when the dead will come out of their graves.” (this seems to be a metaphor about the death/rebirth of changing, transforming).

Photo taken on 11-10-06 in a Massachusetts cemetery

There were six steps on the ratchet/Mercury spiral of Barbury Castle Crop Circle. The angle from the center of the triangle to the southwest corner was at 120 degrees. From that point to the center of the ratchet, it was 108 degrees, a mythical/Gematrian number. 120 is a tetrahedral point. 120 x 108 = 12,960, six raised to the fourth power times ten, and half the precession number. Divided by the six arcs, it is 2,160, six to the third times ten, and the number of years in one Zodiac Age.

There was an additional clue in the date the pattern appeared, July 17, 1991. Read Genesis 8:4, where the Ark landed on the 17th day of the 7th month. Blavatsky tells how the Patriarchs represent Zodiac signs. For example, Judah is Leo. In Genesis 49:9, he is called a lion’s welp, and he stoops down like a lion and lioness. (i. e., like a Sphinx). Noah is Pisces. These are strong clues that our Age is coming to an end, and Aquarius is near. (if not already begun). The Sphinx may well represent the same thing, that is, the Ages from Leo through Pisces, and the beginning of Aquarius.

About six months after I realized the number connection in Barbury Castle Crop Circle, a man at work told me a dream. He was in an airliner driven on a highway by a water treatment plant operator named, Andy. There was a detour because of construction. Then, he was with his boss, an engineer, and a woman. They were planning to install a new transformer at the water treatment plant, under a grill. The woman whispered something into the engineer’s ear.

This is a form of the Trinity, I have found a number of times in dreams. It is the Triple Male Trinity with the combined consorts as the single feminine Deity, or First Power. Together, the make the Perfect Four. The (real life) boss’s name in this dream translates to “the guardian of knowledge).

I asked if the dreamer knew which highway he was on. He said, yes, it was the highway that runs from Oakdale (California, about 20 miles from his home), toward Yosemite. That section of highway is where highways 120 and 108 RUN TOGETHER!

I had another dream in which I was helping disabled people to repair their lamps (the light of Second Coming of Christ) and the parts place was on 108th St.

Recently I had a dream in which the Old Woman (the Yuga in power) was going to be deposed and they wanted me to become the new goddess along with the Old Woman’s two daughters.  The Triple goddess is representative of the consorts of the Triple Male which is also the Trinity.  I have had numerous dreams about the Triple goddesses and the Triple males within the last year. (1997-1998)

Another dream was one of the Old Woman who brought in her young grandchild and turned her over to me before she fell over dead and the little child was asked to name all the animals like Adam had in the Garden of Eden.  Another sign that a New Age was coming in.

At the same time, I and many other people have had numerous WATER DREAMS in which the water was either being spilled, or roaring up on shore of the ocean and a recent one in which I had to measure the rain which was beginning to fall in a fine mist but would ultimately accumulate to 71 inches. I had to quickly put up the tube that would measure that rain before it got any heavier.

This all leads me to believe the the transition has already begun of the transformation from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius.  One can see this from the numerous web sites about the New Consciousness which people are attaining and of the Awakening that is occurring all over the globe. Dreams which show the awakening of people are numerous as well.

With the coming of the Age of Aquarius, we will see a transition from the patriarchal institutions and religions to those which are run by the ‘feminine principle’ and influence which teach that free thinking, creativity, intuition, are foremost, and that the education and nurturing of the children and the enhancement of the quality of life for all people will be uppermost on the agenda.

The sign of Aquarius is two parallel lines of waves,     The meaning of this sign is “the dissolution of forms,” it does not represent water as one might expect.  Aquarius is an air sign, and is the ‘water bearer’.  The forms that may be dissolving under the influence of the patriarchal systems of government, church, and family.  The waves that are dissolving them are the figurative waters of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth. This truth is on the airwaves, the waves of mass communication and the free press, which have made our globe, the Earth, into a village. The artificial barriers of nation, race, and creed, are breaking down, allowing individuals to see themselves as one flesh with all creation. The space flights of recent decades have enabled us to see ‘from a distance’ our whole planet as it really is with no fences, no barriers, no walls, no lines of demarcation between one or the other.

Our entire history has been steeped in Astrology from as far back as we can go in written language. The studies have been couched in symbolism over the years so that it could be practiced in safety outside of the patriarchal religions which attempted to wipe out everything that didn’t conform to their power and authority.

In the Middle Ages during the time of Pisces which symbol was of two fishes going in opposite directions, the study of alchemy was not primarily the search for a metallurgic formula to turn lead into gold, but refer to the transmutation of a natural person into a spiritual person. The Gospel tenets are of service and sacrifice. The transformed person is often equated with wisdom, and the sacred form of holiness/wholeness.

With the coming of Aquarius, we will find that the institutions of the word will be reunited with the feminine counterpart which has been missing and this reunion results in the blessings of joy, and fertility of the union between the two, which will spread to family and community. The woundedness of the past will be healed and transformed.

The Astrological Background and Origin of New Age Spirituality



Some artwork and text excerpted from The Secrets of the Sphinx



VENUS – pentagram

The pentagram (pentacle or pentalpha) is considered by some western occultists to trace its esoteric significance to an astronomical observance of the pattern of Venus’ conjunctions with the Sun.

A superior conjunction occurs when Venus is behind the Sun and the inferior conjunction is when Venus is between Earth and the Sun; in both cases Venus is not visible. But it is true that plotting the recurrence of Venus’ westward elongation from the Sun, over five consecutive synodic periods, will create the points of a pentagram. This period is approximately 584 days long, each period determining a different point of the observed pentagram—taking approximately eight years, five days to complete the figure. One would get a pentagram by picking any sunrise date on which the morning star is prominent and then repeating the observation at 584 day intervals following that date.

The synodic period of Venus, the time required for it to return to the same position relative to the Sun as seen by an observer on Earth, is 583.9211 days. There is a 0.0789 day slippage every 584 days, totalling a one day slippage each 12.67 synodic periods. This means that the pentagram figure is slowly revolving within an oval in a clockwise direction, alternating either one or two points ascendant roughly every 160 years. There is no observation point on Earth that would present a regular pentagram. Moving further north elongates the figure while on the equator the figure is an irregular pentagon.

The Pentagram has a special relationship with the planet Venus. Looking at the sky and noting the position of the “Morning Star” for eight (8) years, the route of the “synodic period” of Venus form a pentagram (synodic period is the time it takes a planet to return to the same position relative to the sun by an observer on Earth).

Therefore, the Pentagram has always represented the planet Venus, or the Morning Star, or Prometheus, or Lucifer. The planet Venus is also on the sacred feminine, the Goddess Temple and the Celtic Moon (Venus-Aphrodite, the goddess archetypal female).

In the ancient Rome times Lucifer was tha latin name of the planet Venus.

…and Venus was the name of the Goddess.

Nowadays Venus is the name of the planet.

…and tha name of the Goddess is…

Everybody knows that the words “LIVE” and “EVIL” are one the reverse of the other.

Nobody knows that the name “LIFE” may be the initials of : Lucifer Is Female Entity !!!

Venus dazzled Australian stargazers Tuesday as it made it first transit across the Sun in more than 100 years. A transit of Venus is a similar event as the Moon eclipsing the Sun but happen less often. Just as a new moon does not result in an eclipse so a conjunction of Venus with the Sun does not result in a transit, with Venus passing either above or below the Sun.

Although less spectacular than a solar or lunar eclipse, the transit of Venus is far more unusual. It also has particular significance for Australians because it led to the first British exploration of the east coast, by Captain James Cook. Prior to this Terra Australis Incognita or the Great Southern continent, a vast area of land which was believed to exist in Europe but had never been found.

Transits of Venus are very rare but astrologers claim are also very powerful. Eclipses are said to often bring unexpected developments which can change expectations and history. The imperial dominance of the Jupiter theologically based societies such as Babylon, Olympus and Rome have all been unexpectedly eclipsed.

Fate or not, the timing of April/May’s solar and lunar eclipses have coincided with a worldwide public loss of confidence in US occupation of  Iraq. Astrologers have pointed that the eclipses being on Taurus/Scorpio axis has lead from monopolistic financial scandals involving Haliburton to the sexual prison abuse at Abu Ghraib.

Five transits of Venus have been officially recorded. The last occurred in 1882 and Cook witnessed the phenomenon in 1769. Cook had sailed to the South Pacific to witness the transit and to try secretly to discover the Great South Land (Australia), which he did and claimed it for England dispossesing the local native aboriginal population.

According to one astrology website  “A transit promises everything from romantic breakthroughs to “great shifts in human consciousness”. The one in 1519, for example, was followed by the spread of the reformation, circumnavigation of the globe, and the age of female rulers in Europe, including Mary Queen of Scots, Mary I, Elizabeth I and Catherine de Medici.

While Venus transits happen only over a hundred years; they also happen in pairs, 8 years apart. The last pair happened in early December 1874 and 1882, and the ones before that on June 6 1761 and June 3 1769. Tuesday’s transit will be repeated 8 years later on June 6 2012

Venus takes around 225 days to orbit the Sun but it takes 584 days for Venus and the Earth to line up with the Sun. This is the time for a morning star or evening star to return. It takes 2922 days for Venus, Earth, Sun and stars to agree or complete one cycle of the zodiac.
The approx maths is 13 x 225 = 8 x 365 = 5 x 584.

pent drift.gif

Venus passes in front of the Sun in same monthly pattern 5 times every 8 years and thus Venus traces a five-pointed star pattern around the ecliptic. But due to the non exact precision this pentagram slowly rotates backwards over a longer period of time taking a quarter of a century for 72 degrees to coverof the one fifth of the pentagram. From one perspective this corresponds to the Sun-Venus conjunctions returning to the same date and same part of the sky.

Venus and the Olympics

Venus traces a five-pointed star pattern around the eclipticHistorically in the last century in every leap year the Sun and Venus meet in June, alternating with Venus passing in front of Sun ( Inferior Conjunction as in a transit) and Venus passing behind the Sun (Superior Conjunction). Thus giving rise to the morning and evening stars.

As the morning and evening stars alternate we have 5 Venus-Sun conjunctions every 4 years with morning and evening stars alternating in the same part of the sky with every cycle. The five venus conjunctions, 3 morning and 2 evening stars and vice versa, form a pattern like the 5 Olympic rings which are brought to prominence every 4 years.

The conjunction of a morning star and evening star with Neptune also forms a pentagram of such points with a periodicity of 144 years or 18 times 8 years. The superior Sun-Venus conjunctions with Neptune of 1814 and 1822 match those of 1958 and 1966.

The most spectacular case of Venus meeting Neptune at a solar eclipse was on November 12 1966 when this conjunction close to the Sun was photographed at high altitude during totality.

A series of recursive and embedded Sun-Venus pentagrams can be thus constructed to form a larger cycle “orbits” pentagram and  Mandelbrot Set.

Mayan calendar

Like the worship of Ishtar in ancient Mesopotamia Venus was also the key to Mayan cosmology and mythology. The ancient Mayans tracked the morning star risings of Venus, which occurs every 584 days, noticed that if Venus emerged in the east as morning star on, the spring equinox then Venus would again emerge close to the spring equinox eight years later. After 520 years the cycle was exact. Thus they created a framework of cycles for predicting the future morning star risings of Venus – for centuries to come.

There are 260 days from the first sighting of the morning star until it reaches the Superior Conjunction when it is on the opposite side of the Sun and becomes dim and dips below the horizon. It reappears some 50 days later as an evening star and is visible in the night sky for some 260 days again before reaching the Inferior Conjunction when it disappears for around 8 days and the cycle recommences. The calendar is based on the sacred cycle of the tzolkin (20 days x 13) or 260 days – a time interval which largely correlates with the human gestation period.

With this system, they could also predict solstice and eclipse dates. This moon cycle was incorporated into the Mayan Venus Calendar, by way of the 9-moon sacred cycle of 260 days.The solar year (20 days x 18 + 5) and the sacred cycle of 260 days synchronise with each other around one Exiligmos eclipse cycle or 3 Saros cycles when an eclipse returns to the same longitude but some 600 miles north or south of its predecessor. But the general relationship is even more straightforward. Eclipses on average occur every 173.33 days. This is known as the eclipse half year. Three times this equals 520 days which is exactly two tzolkins.

the golden proportion of recursionAdding further to pattern the ratio of the sidereal orbits of the Earth to Venus is 1.6222 or a good approximation of Phi – the golden proportion of recursion – which can seen in the spiral geometry of sea shells and fractal geometry. The simplest application of fractals is to plot the cumulative number of objects larger than a specified size against the size. In many cases, fragments, earthquakes, faults, mineral deposits, oil fields, etc.  fractal dependence is found. Hence the pattern of a pentagram of morning stars or evening stars around the zodiac takes on mystical geometry. The occult five pointed star of the Wicca probably has its roots in the discovery of this fact in ancient Egypt under the cult of Isis.

Note: Astrological versus Astronomical position

The precession of the equinoxes has created the astrological signs to be some degrees out of phase with observable astronomical positions.

Yet it is most convenient in examining recurrent pattern to use our “Tropical Calendar” where date and zodiac degree are fixed, that is based upon the notion that the Sun always enters the first degree of the astrological sign of Aries on the Vernal Equinox (March 21). However with the precession of the equinoxes, the astronomical observable vernal equinox moves through all the constellations of the Zodiac over the 26,000 year precession period. Every 72 years we actually move backward 1 degree. Presently the vernal equinox (March 21) is in the constellation Pisces and is slowly approaching Aquarius.

Modern astrology was based on the geocentric model of the universe developed by the Hellenic Egyptian astronomer Claudius Ptolemy in 2nd century AD and outlined in his principal work, the Almagest (al-Magisti -“the great work” in Arabic). Astronomically the alpha star of the constellation Piscis Australis is located at 7 Aquarius. Astrologically today it is located at 3 Pisces. Yet at the time Ptolemy was making his astronomical observations in Alexandria c132 AD the two positions were in agreement. This simple fact is often overlooked by some commentators.

Pentagrams and Pentacles

I had often wondered why magicians nearly always had stars painted on their capes, props and equipment. For a long time, I put it down to it being just one of those things that went with magic in people’s minds. On a whim, I started to delve deeper and to find out if there was a more substantial reason for the star design. As soon as I started to look it hit me that there is a reason and a very ancient reason why stars are synonymous with magic. The stars are pentagrams which are the ultimate symbol of magic and mysticism and are considered to possess magic in their design. It should have been obvious but until then I never made the connection. I knew a pentagram when I saw one and knew that they were mystical objects but I did not realise how they had influenced history, religion, belief and even day to day living.

Pentagram with Man

The pentagram, this five pointed star, is perceived by many cultures as one of the most powerful symbols in matters relating to belief and ritual magic. This concept carries through today just as strongly as it did in ancient times. From the ancient Egyptians as well as the ancient Greeks and before them, the Mayans and throughout India and China, it has been there with all of its potency. Even Neolithic man put pentagrams on cave walls although their significance is lost in time. But what gives this symbol and shape such awe that it comes to us today with belief undiminished.

Most of you reading this will already know exactly what a pentagram looks like but anyway, a description. By the way, it is also known as a pentalpha, a pentangle or as a star pentagon. It is simply the shape of a five-pointed star drawn with five straight lines. The word pentagram is originally from the Greek word pentagrammon, meaning an object that is five lined or has five lines.

The words pentagram and pentacle are now used to describe the shape and symbol but technically their meanings do differ. If you want to be really technical, the pentagram is the star shape and the pentacle is the star within a circle. In this write-up, the pentagram is really the subject.

The pentagram has long been associated with the planet Venus and with the worship of the goddess of the same name. In Babylonian culture this goddess was known as Ishtar. The Roman word “Lucifer” described Venus as the Morning Star, associated with the bringer of light and knowledge. These associations probably originated from the observations of ancient, even prehistoric, astronomers who found that successive inferior conjunctions of the planet Venus plot an almost perfect pentagram shape around the zodiac through an eight year cycle.

The first known uses of the pentagram symbol are found in Mesopotamian writings dating back to about 3000 BC.

In the Sumerian culture, pentagrams served as pictograms for the word “UB,” meaning “corner, angle, nook; a small room, cavity, hole; pitfall,” very similar in meaning to the ancient Greek pentemychos (see below). The five points of the Sumerian pentagram also represented the five visible planets and possibly directions. In René Labat’s index system of Sumerian hieroglyphs/pictograms it is shown with two points up (inverted).

In Babylonian culture, like the Sumerians, the pentagram probably represented orientations: forward, backward, left, right, and “above” and again, these directions also had an astrological meaning, portraying the five visible planets Jupiter, Mercury, Mars and Saturn, with Venus as the “Queen of Heaven” (Ishtar).

In ancient Greece, Pythagoras claimed that the number five was also the number of a man. He put forward a five way division of the body and division of the soul. The Pythagoreans called the pentagram Hygieia, an anagram of the Greek (ύγιεια) for the elements water, earth, spirit, fire and air. As mathematics was a profound and serious subject to be studied they identified the pentagram with mathematical perfection.

The five points were used by the later medieval neo-pythagoreans to signify the five classical elements and the conceptual extensions of these:

ύδωρ, hydor, water, fluid, liquid
γαια, gaia, earth, matter, solid
ίδέα, idea or ίερόν, Hieron “a divine thing”, mind, aethyr
έιλή, heile, fire, energy, plasma
άήρ, aer, air, breath, air
The points were labelled with the letters “υ-γ-ι-ει-α”. Dependant on which school of thought was using this motif, the ordering could run clockwise or anti-clockwise and the starting point could also vary.

Ancient Pythagorean pentagrams were constructed with two points up (inverted) and they represented the doctrine of Pentemychos. Pentemychos means “five recesses” or “five chambers”. The pentagram was also called the pentagonas – “the five-angle” and this was the title of a work written by Pythagoras’s teacher and friend Pherecydes of Syros. It depicted the “place” where the first pre-cosmic offspring had to be placed so that the ordered cosmos could come into being. The pentemychos is in Tartaros, also known as “The Gates of Hell”.

In very early Greek belief and philosophy Tartaros (or “Chaos”) was the primordial darkness out of which the cosmos appeared. Although Tartaros was sealed off after the emergence of the ordered cosmos, it still maintained a hold. So much so that Homer called it, “the subduer of both gods and men”. According to the ancient Greeks it was this situation which led to the world getting its “psyche” (soul) and its “daimon” as this underworld was the source of true wisdom. Later, it became a true Hell as Tartaros was also seen as the “chthonic realm”. A place where all enemies of cosmic order were imprisoned. Pentagrams were sorely needed to keep all this in balance and for much needed insight and protection.

All through the passage of time to the present day, this symbolic nature of the pentagram has persisted with profound influences for other theologies in various cultural traditions. By no means first to do so, the ancient Greeks used this symbol in ritual magic and this practice has also survived the passage of time.

Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa among many perpetuated the standing of the pentagram as a potent magic symbol in the Pythagorean tradition. Even so, during the 19th century, ideas were developing within occult circles on the relevance of a pentagram’s orientation.

Agrippa Pentagram with Man

Agrippa Pentagram with Pythagorian Letters

The pentagram was to receive its perceived duality of meaning where with a single point upwards, it was a power for good as it depicted the spirit presiding over the four matter elements. Two points upward (inverted) was seen as evil. The spirit no longer took precedence. “A reversed pentagram, with two points projecting upwards, is a symbol of evil and attracts sinister forces because it overturns the proper order of things and demonstrates the triumph of matter over spirit. It is the goat of lust attacking the heavens with its horns, a sign execrated by initiates.”
“Let us keep the figure of the Five-pointed Star always upright, with the topmost triangle pointing to heaven, for it is the seat of wisdom, and if the figure is reversed, perversion and evil will be the result.”

In the very early church, Christianity, too, adopted the Pentagram. Before the cross became the traditional symbol, the pentagram was the used to display a Christian’s belief. The pentagram was said to depict the five wounds of Christ, both hands, both feet and the wound in his side. The symbol also depicted God as it could be drawn in one continuous movement, signifying the beginning (Alpha) and the end (Omega) as one entity.

In the Renaissance period, Christians also revered the pentagram, believing that it was sent by God and proved Christ’s divinity. It was the mystic symbol of the holy spirit of Christ become man. It provided them many proofs of their faith by their interpretation and use of the geometry of the pentagram. It underlined the righteousness of their belief. Like their early Christian predecessors, they believed it symbolised the five wounds of Christ and as such it could protect against witches, demons and all other metaphysical evils within creation.

Christian Pentagram

Christian Pentagram

In literature, the pentagram is used widely, a good example being in Arthurian romance. In the 14th century poem, “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight”, it appears on the shield of the hero. In the poem the five points of the star each have five meanings: they represent the five senses, the five fingers, the five wounds of Christ, the five joys that Mary had of Jesus (the Annunciation, the Nativity, the Resurrection, the Ascension, and the Assumption) and the five virtues of knighthood which Gawain hopes to embody: noble generosity, fellowship, purity, courtesy, and compassion.

As an historical note, Arthurian romance, in the poem’s sense is thought to be based on Gnostic belief. Gnostics were considered heretics by the bulk of Christians as they worshipped the goddess Venus (Isis) who stood for the femininity of Mary, the mother of Christ. Though a hidden and secret sect, their influence percolated main stream Christianity in various ways, one of which we still see today – the carvings of roses with five petals in and on churches and cathedrals of that period, the feminine pentagram.

Perhaps due to its use by ceremonial magicians, the pentagram later began to be associated with Satanism and subsequently rejected by most of Christianity sometime in the twentieth century. This does not mean that it has entirely lost its Christian associations as The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has traditionally used pentagrams and five-pointed stars in Temple architecture.

The Jewish kabbalists incorporated many Pythagorean ideas in their tradition including the pentagram. In this tradition the pentagram represents the topmost five sephiroth on the Tree of Life. Five prime numbers representing the purity of the concepts of wisdom, justice, mercy, understanding, and transcendent splendour. In Judaism, the pentagram was the official seal of the city of Jerusalem for a time. It should be noted that due to the similarity of the star shapes, it is occasionally confused with the Star of David by those unfamiliar with the symbols.

Satanists, in their beliefs, inverted and often as a double circled pentacle with the head of a goat inside the pentagram. This is referred to as the “Sigil of Baphomet”. The occultist and magician Giordano Bruno was making it known that he had serious reservations on the ways in which the pentagrams and pentacles were being incorporated into Satanic rites. Today, LaVeyan Satanists use it to signify their belief, as the three downward points symbolise rejection of the holy Trinity. It is used in a very similar fashion to the Pythagoreans concept involving Tartaros. Christian belief has it that Tartaros is the place where the fallen angels are fettered and therefore the place where the Satanist wishes to contact. In the Satanic context, the Greek letters are replaced by the Hebrew letters לויתן forming the name Leviathan.

Inverted Goats Head Pentagram

Many Neopagans, especially Wiccans, use the pentagram as a symbol of faith similar to the Christian cross or the Jewish Star of David. It is not, however, a universal symbol for Neopaganism. Its symbolism references the neo-Pythagorean concept of the five vertices. At the beginning of a Wiccan ritual, the pentagram is used to summon the spirits of the four directions.

Neopagan Pentagram

When in pentacle form, the circle round the pentagram is often seen as tying the four elements together and with the spirit thus creating harmony within all. The Neopagan pentagram is usually one point up but in some Wiccan traditions a pentagram with two points up reflects Second Degree Initiation and has no Satanic overtones.

Other faiths have adopted the pentagram, for example, the pentagram is the official symbol of the Bahá’í Faith. In the Bahá’í Faith, the pentagram is known as the Haykal (Arabic: “temple”), and it was initiated and established by the Báb. Both Báb and Bahá’u’lláh wrote various works in the form of a pentagram.

Others have used the pentagram for various purposes. On the one hand, Aleister Crowley made use of it in his Thelemic system of magick, He used an inverted pentagram that depicted the falling of spiritual supremacy into matter and material values. But Samael Aun Weor used the pentagram as a symbol for Atman, the spirituality of man. Arms outstretched, feet firmly planted on the ground and head topmost. With this pentagram in mind or displayed and by chanting the mantra “Klim, Krishna, Govindaya, Gopijana, Vallebayah, Swahah” the chanter’s inner spiritual strength is summoned to aid the chanter against evil.

Freemasonry dates back to the medieval Christian traditions and so it comes as no surprise to see that this tradition utilises the inverted pentagram. In Freemasonry it is called the “Blazing Star”. It calls on this form of symbolism as Masonic tradition uses Pythagorean geometry in its system of representational symbolism. This particular symbol has not helped the Freemasons to fight off accusations of Satanism although the Satanic use of the inverted pentagram is only of recent origin, the Star has been used for centuries. As the Masonic pentagram is also known as the “Star of Bethlehem”, due to their early Christian beginnings, the link with Satanism becomes even less tenable.

In the public eye, the inverted Satanic form of the pentagram is the best known and gains the most attention. Although the general belief is that the evil context of this pentagram dates back centuries, it is of fairly recent origin, from 1950 onwards. To the modern Satanist, it symbolizes the self and self gain over spiritual ideals as modern Satanism places man into a god-like position. The pentagram most often aligned with Satanic belief is the “Goat of Mendes Pentacle”, otherwise known as the “Sabbatic Goat”. Eliphas Levi, the 19th century occultist is usually acknowledged as the first to associate the inverted pentagram/pentacle with a sense of evil although Bruno had laid the groundwork for this concept. As stated, above, Levi’s ‘Mendes’ pentacle is a recent addition to symbols within Satanism.

Eliphas Levi Pentagram

This depiction is often confused with the Templar’s Baphomet or the Greek God Pan, who is also depicted as a goat. An interesting point this as the goat itself is closely entwined with medieval ideas of witchcraft. Witches were often shown consorting with goats and the goat was frequently shown as Satan incarnate. It was not lost on those chroniclers that the goat had sexual connotations and this, in turn is not lost on modern Satanists.

Goat Head Pentagram

It is not surprising, therefore that the pentagram sits right at the heart of national symbols in numerous countries. Many flags show it. The United States could not help but be influenced by it and wield influence with it. Several of the Founding Fathers were Freemasons and used this device as they knew its meaning well. The U.S. flag, the Great Seal of the U.S.A. and the dollar bill still use the symbol. Even the White House sits atop a giant pentagram. We are all well aware that conspiracy theorists have found rich pickings with this.

Many of you will be well versed in the beliefs and meanings of the pentagram, perhaps the foregoing might have provided a titbit or two that added to your understanding. In any event, apart from magicians’ stars, look around and see how the design still springs eternal in the world of today. The pentagram has stood the test of time. Whether it has power within itself or is a symbol that evokes power in the mind of man, it is a power to be reckoned with.

The Mayans used the stars and planetary cycles to keep time since the stars and planets can pretty much be counted on to remain the same from year to year. Many cultures did this – keeping track of the rising and setting of the moon, sun, and various planets and stars over time, marking them with standing stones such as Stonehenge and others around the world like that.

Here are some examples:


According to the Manuscript of Serna, a missionary report from central Mexico, the natives “adored and made more sacrifices” to Venus than any other “celestial or terrestrial creatures” apart from the sun. The Manuscript also tells us that

“The reason why this star  was held in such esteem by the lords and people, and the reason why they counted their days by this star and yielded reverence and offered sacrifices to it, was because these deluded natives thought or believed that when one of their principal gods, named Topilzin or Quetzalcoatl, died and left this world, he transformed himself into that resplendent star.”

The Maya equivalent of Quetzalcoatl was Kukulkan. Both the Nahautl and Yucatec names translate as “quetzel bird-snake” or “plumed serpent”. Kukulkan was a post-Classical deity, perhaps introduced to the Maya by the Toltecs, who were influential at Chichen Itza and other centres in the northern Yucatan. Bishop Landa, writing in 1566 reported that

“[With] the Itzas who settled Chichen Itza there ruled a great lord named Cuculcan, as an evidence of which the principal building [pyramid] is called Cuculcan. They said he came from the West, but are not agreed as to whether he came before or after the Itzas, or with them. . . and that after his return he was regarded in Mexico as one of their gods, and called Cezalcohuati [Quetzalcoatl]. In the Yucatan also he was reverenced as a god, because of his great services to the state, as appeared in the order which he established in the Yucatan after the death of the chiefs, to settle the discord caused in the land . “

In Maya myth, Venus is the companion of the sun. This no doubt reflects the fact that Venus is always close to the sun in the sky, rising not long before sunrise as morning star or after sunset as evening star. In the Classical period (250-900 AD), Venus was associated with Hun Ahaw, who guided his twin Yax Balam, the sun, through the Underworld. Hun Ahaw later became Hunaphu in the Hero Twins myth cycle in the post-Conquest Popul Vuh. Translator Dennis Tedlock interprets these myths as an account of the apparitions of Venus from heliacal rise as morning star, through disappearance beneath the night time horizon, to rise again as evening star. See “The Chinkultic disk” for more about the Hero twins
Hun Ahaw Hunapu

The association between the sun and Venus appears to date back to the pre-Classical period.  A huge pair of jaguar masks decorated a temple facade at Cerros in about 50 BC.  According to Schele and Freidel, the lower masks represent the sun at each horizon; the upper masks symbolize Venus as morning and evening star.

The Venus table in the post-Classical Dresden Codex (c. 1200 AD) begins with heliacal rise of the planet on the date 1 (hun) Ahaw in the sacred almanac known as the tzolk’in.  But the post-Classical deity most closely associated with Venus is Kukulkan, the Maya counterpart of the Aztec/Toltec culture hero Quetzelcoatl. He is illustrated in the Dresden Codex Venus table. However,  the table actually includes a whole pantheon of Venus deities. Kulkukan is portrayed as only one of four Lords of Venus at heliacal rise. There are also four Lords of Venus as morning star, and Venus Lords for each of the other apparitions of the planet. More about the Dresden Codex Venus table and Venus deities

From: http://members.shaw.ca/mjfinley/glyphs.html

Patrick Geryl writes in Chapter 17 of his book “The World Cataclysm in 2012″, “Venus, The Key to All Mysteries”.  He writes on page 244:  ” I want to pay full attention go the planet Venus.  As you know, it takes 243 days to make an entire circle around the sun. With this number, many codes can be broken. My intuition drew me straight to the number that shows the shifting of the Zodiac.  I divided this number by the orbit period of Venus and came to the amazing conclusion:  25,920 divided by 243 = 106.66666. “

Patrick Geryl relates the number 106.66666 to the Apocalypse. After a lot of calculations, on page 247, he says, “I found it! This was exactly what the Bible predicted. The number 66666 indicates that the end of an era has been or will be reached. And Venus is the main code in it!”

On page 249, he writes: “my attention was drawn to a chapter about the period of the orbit of Venus. I thumbed through it – maybe I could discover something interesting, you never know. Suddenly I felt as thought I had been struck by lightning. What I saw that the period of the orbit of Venus was not 243 but 224.7 days. the number 243 was mentioned beneath the orbit period, and involved the number of days Venus needs to rotate on its own axis. Our earth only needs one day to do this, but Venus takes a lot more time. It turns so slowly that it takes over a Venusian year to make one rotation – the Venusian day is longer than its year. … This led me  to discover something incredibly important, you will understand in a minute. “

On page 250, he continues: ” Since 1964, radar observations have provided another point of view, proving that the rotation lasts 243 days and runs backwards! ,,,,

“1) The codes prove that the number 243 is important and was well known by the people of Atlantis.

2) The number 25,920 shows us the precession of the earth. That means that after 25,920 years, the earth has made one retrograde rotation around its axis. Each year, the earth rotates 3,333 seconds less around its axis, which amounts to 86,400 seconds (or one day) after 25,920 years. This is a similar code to the one of Venus because the movement of Venus is opposite of the earth. It takes Venus 243 days to turn around its axis in reverse mode to the earth. That is the reason why these 243 days were found amongst their code calculations. The earth and Venus have a common point of contact, the orbit period lasts one day in 25,920 years in earthly time and 243 days in Venus time! They couldn’t have chosen a more brilliant point of departure.

3) The orbit period of Venus can only be registered by a sophisticated technological apparatus. Did the people of Atlantis have such equipment? If they did, the implications are enormous, but I cannot find any other explanation. Furthermore, we know now that they had knowledge about solar magnetism, and the sunspot cycle, for which you need at least telescopes and probably other equipment. And what is more, you need precision clockwork to measure the orbit period of Venus and the earth, as well as to fix your position…… continuing: The Venus table in the Dresden Codex gives us a clear view of the ritual Maya calendar, showing the positions of Venus in the sky. This Venus table refers to 65 cycles of 584 days, which means 37,960 days all together, equal to `46 of the total number of cycles of 260 days of the Maya calendar, as well as to 104 of the Maya solar years of 365 days.

In Chapter 18, on page 254, Patrick Geryl refers us to the number 20, also prominent in Maya time references:

He writes: “The number 20 in the calculations of the solar magnetism: 68, 328 x 20 – 1,366,560 = code number  The Dresden Codex for the Maya sunspot cycle.

“68,302 x 20 = 1,366,040 = the number that refers to the 20th cycle in which the sunspot cycle switches poles. All these numbers show us very clearly the source of this number 20. In this case you still don’t believe me, divide 576 by 50 invisible days and the result is: 576 divided by 50 = 11.52.  When you now multiply this by 1000, you get the exact interval of the previous crash!

He continues: ” There were still the eight days during which Venus disappears behind the sun. When I multiplied eight by the small “Holy Numbers’ of the Maya and the Egyptians, I obtained the number of the shifting of the Zodiac and the orbit period of Venus. Now I know both numbers refer to Venus.

72 x 8 = 576
73 x 8 = 584

“Once again, this proved that the codes were related to each other. The period of eight days when Venus disappears behind the sun indicates that Venus and the sun are closely connected. Venus refers to the bygone switches of the magnetic field of the sun, and also the big one to come, which will cause the catastrophe on earth.

“I found one additional connection: Venus makes 13 orbits around the sun in eight years. This was once more a remarkable reference to the previous numbers already known.

13 x 8 = 104.  104 is a well-known Mayan number. “

After many more number calculations, all relating to Venus and the Sun, he concludes that in 2012, we are going to have a major crash catastrophe on earth because it has happened previously.

Poleshift in 9792 BC

Slosman’s translation of Chapter 17 of the Book of the Dead implies that the Earth has previously undergone some kind of pole-shift which caused the “sun to rise at a new horizon”, and that Osiris, who was represented in the sky by the Orion constellation, had something to do with it. This could have been via an axis shift, crustal displacement, or a change in the direction of rotation. Slosman also gives “an intermediate note” that this event – the Great Cataclysm – happened on July 27th in the year 9792 BC. Gino Ratinckx checked manually, (since his astronomical software didn’t go back to 9792 BC), to see if there was any astronomical pattern on 27th July 9792 BC that repeated on 21-22 December 2012 AD. He claims to have found “the positions of Orion and Aldebaran match both data precisely”. Not only that, but Gino says (p.28) that the configuration “occurs three times in twelve thousand years! The other date is 3114 BC.” This latter year is, of course, the year in which the Mayan long count started. Later in the book, when checked with astronomical software, only 2 matches were found to be correct- 9792 BC and 2012 AD.

Eventually, Slosman’s even-rarer second book, Le Grand Cataclysme, was tracked down, in which he tells the whole story of the end of Atlantis, and how the Atlanteans had calculated the precise date 200 years before the event. They were able to do this because there had been a previous cataclysm in 21,312 BC, and a third one back in 29,808 BC. Slosman had given various lengths for 8 of the astronomical ages, and Geryl went to work decoding precessional clues. The next step was to try and find The Labyrinth, since Slosman indicated that the Atlanteans built this huge building in order to store all their astronomical and cataclysm-calculating knowledge. Gino followed the lead of Robert Bauval, and laid a sky-map over a map of Egypt, lining up Orion’s belt with the 3 Giza pyramids. The temple of Dendera was found to correspond to the star Deneb; Esna temple corresponded to the star Altair; the Hawara area corresponded to the position of the Hyades, and Hawara pyramid corresponded to the star Aldebaran. The Hyades are known to astronomers as…the Labyrinth! What is more, this place is exactly where an explorer called Lespius claimed that the Labyrinth had once been. After visiting Egypt, the pair confirmed that Dendera has an association with Deneb, and also that all the signs reported by Herodotus, who had visited the Labyrinth, showed that Hawara was the location, but that it was not destroyed, but buried right there, beneath the water table, and that Lespius had not dug deep enough! However, it would take a lot of funding to excavate under the water table.

Appleby parallels & retrograde loops

At this point, Geryl and Ratinckx’s quest was sounding very similar to that of Nigel Appleby and his Operation Hermes team (see items 26-28). Appleby had also laid a sky-map over a map of Egypt, lining up the belt of Orion with the 3 Giza pyramids, to find the position of the Hall of Records, which would contain a time-capsule of crucial information left by Atlanteans, to prepare us for another catastrophe in 2012. In Appleby’s case, the time-capsule corresponded with the position of the star Sirius. There is also another parallel: on p.359 of his book, Hall of the Gods, Appleby refers us to a figure 121 and says,

“you will notice that as Leo and the Sun are rising at the same time, Venus is visible above them, following the same path. In these particular circumstances, Venus’s path forms a planetary loop, lasting for just 6 months in any one year, which takes it across the top of the constellation of Orion. This phenomenon only occurs once every 12,500 years, and the next time it will occur happens to be the year 2012.”

When Gino got a new astronomical software package, (“Loadstar”), and was able to reconstruct the sky of 9792 BC, Patrick asked him to look for a link between Venus and Orion. Gino found that in both 9792 BC and 2012 AD, Venus makes a “planetary retrograde loop” above Orion, and near Gemini. Gino said that Venus makes the same “movement” “about every 250 years”, but “only in 9792 BC and 2012 is the precession the same!” This seems to contradict the earlier conclusion that the position of Orion (and Aldebaran), recur 3 times in 12,000 years (and we can only assume, since it is not explained, that the 3114 BC position was an error due to working it out manually). It also contradicts what Appleby said, and I asked Patrick about it in the following e-mail exchange;

I said:
Interesting about the planetary retrograde loop of Venus – Appleby said in Hall of the Gods, (p.359) that this effect occurs every 12,500 years – where it goes across the top of Orion (you said every 11,000 years). Like you, he said it will happen in 2012, but implies it last happened around 10,500 BC, where you say 9792 BC
His reply:


I then remembered that Adrian Gilbert had referred to the same event in his book, Signs in the Sky (see item 47), but had said that in August 2012, Venus will be “stationary in the hand of Orion”. I also remembered that at the Gizagate conference in London in March 1998, I had heard lectures by Nigel Appleby, Adrian Gilbert, and Gino Ratinckx! West and Bauval were also speaking. (See SC magazine number 80 – Sep/Oct 1998 – for summary of the conference). I will have more to say about this later in this review.

Book of the dead confirms it

When Geryl turned back to Slosman’s Le Livre de l’Au-dela , de la Vie, he found that there was a paragraph that was written entirely in red to stress its importance, and in Slosman’s commentary, he said that within this paragraph (or just following it) there was a hidden code concerning the 9792 BC catastrophe. Geryl and Ratinckx were astounded to find what seemed to be corroboration for their discovery of the retrograde loop linking 9792 BC to 2012 AD. The passage concerns the “Mathematical Combinations” of the starry vault that were a portent of destruction, following which, “the old Lion turned around”. These starry combinations would seem to involve “The Twins” and “Osiris (Orion)”. “Life began again after that, under the course of the new Sun….Thus the survivors of the catastrophe coming from heaven, are purified, in order to accomplish the Orders originally passed on by Osiris (Orion).”

To the authors, here was conformation from ancient Egypt that around the time of the catastrophe, in 9792 BC, there was an astronomical phenomenon occurring near Gemini (the Twins) and Orion, and that the survivors’ task was to transmit the knowledge down the ages, that when it recurred, so would the catastrophe. The catastrophe, which came from heaven, during the age of Leo, caused the Earth’s magnetic poles to reverse, (scientists now warn this is about to happen) and (as the core disconnected from the mantle), crustal slip occurred, accompanied by earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and tidal waves. The Sun was reborn from a new horizon, as the Earth came to a stand-still in its axial rotation, and began to rotate in the opposite direction (see item item32). From this point on, the precession of the equinoxes were reversed, so that the equinox sun slowly precessed back out of Leo into Cancer. This was supported by Herodotus when he said “The Sun fell into the sea”.

Surprisingly, Geryl and Ratinckx forgot to include an even more significant quote from Herodotus, who said, when reporting the wisdom of Egyptian priests, “The sun, however, had within this period of time [341 generations], on four several (sic) occasions, moved from his wonted course, twice rising where he now sets and twice setting where now he rises.’3 Herodotus converts the figure of 341 generations into a period of 11,340 years. This fits their data very well, including the previous catastrophes. If the average age of a generation used by Herodotus was increased by about 1.4 years, from 33.25 to 34.6, it would give a period around the 11,803 year-period of Slosman.

Part 2: The down-side

Geryl and Ratinckx go on to conclude that Maurice Cotterell (in The Mayan Prophecies) was right, and that the cataclysm will be caused by a major magnetic reversal on the Sun, that reverses the earth’s magnetic poles, and they also (p.152) repeat from The Mystery of the Crystal Skulls (Morton & Thomas p.206); “just before sunset, Central American time, 21-22* December 2012″, that “Venus sinks below the western horizon, and at the same time, the Pleiades will rise above the horizon in the east. Symbolically speaking, we will see the death of Venus and the birth of the Pleiades” This, they say, means a new precessional cycle. Morton & Thomas got the whole idea from Adrian Gilbert, (Cotterell’s co-author of The Mayan Prophecies,) who based it around his discovery that the Birth of Venus occurred in the same symbolic way, on 12 August 3114 BC, at the start of the current 13-Baktun cycle (see item 35 ). However, John Major Jenkins checked and double-checked Gilbert’s claims and found Gilbert had made a mistake. He then interviewed him, but Gilbert had no explanation (click here for the interview). In the same interview, regarding the observation that the complex mathematics and graphs in The Mayan Prophecies do not actually explain the end of the 13-Baktun cycle in 2012, Gilbert’s answers were not convincing (see item 3 ) *Morton & Thomas have “21 December 2012″

Apart from the authors’ endorsement of The Mayan Prophecies, there are several other points that did not quite add up. The first is the authors’ identification of the Amenhemet III pyramid at Hawara with the star Aldebaran. As you can see in this map of the Nile area (from The Complete Pyramids by Mark Lehner, Orion added), when Orion is drawn to scale, with the belt stars aligned to the 3 Giza pyramids, Aldebaran’s position ( in the constellation of Taurus), is nowhere near the Hawara area – not even in the same direction.

This means that the identification of the Labyrinth building with the Hyades (the astronomical Labyrinth) is also wrong. I haven’t got a map showing Dendera and Esna’s positions in relation to Giza, so I can’t comment on those.

Retrograde loops: explained

I did an internet search on the retrograde loops of Venus, to try and find the facts. I found out that all the planets perform a retrograde loop, when they pass the earth (Mercury & Venus), or when the earth overtakes them (the other planets). The whole thing is covered on a site called AJ’s Cosmic Thing, which includes this explanation:

“The simplest familiar analogy to this phenomenon is perhaps that of two vehicles passing one another on a freeway. The vehicle being passed is moving forward relative to a distant object (say a tree some distance from the road) as seen from the other vehicle when at a significant distance. Once the passing vehicle comes close to and overtakes the other vehicle, the passed vehicle will briefly appear to move backwards as against the distant tree. As the passing vehicle moves farther away, the regular apparent relative motion resumes, with the passed vehicle appearing to move forward relative to the tree”.

There is also a Cosmic Thinglet (applet) at this site, where you can project the orbit of Venus and some of the other planets, forward at a variety of speeds. It only goes up to 2003 unfortunately, but you can watch as Venus goes through a loop starting on (approximately) Jan 1st 1998 where she reverses direction until 6/7 February 1998, when when she resumes normal rotation. If you keep it running, you will find that the next time Venus stops in her tracks is 2 August 1999, when she loops backward until 12 September 1999, then resumes forward motion. The period between retrograde loops (6 Feb 98 – 12 September 99) is thus 584 days. This 584-day Venus cycle was watched very closely by the Maya – 65 of these 584-day cycles = 1 Venus round (37,960 days), which equals 2 Calendar Rounds; (584 is the average figure, since there are slight variations). The first of these loops had Sagittarius in the background; the second had Leo in the background. The pattern continues, with Venus looping against another part of the zodiac every 584 days. After 5 loops, Venus is back to its starting point, so that the 5 points form a pentagram. 5 x 584 = 2920 days = exactly 8 Mayan Haab cycles (of 365 days each).

As you can see in this diagram, (which is not accurate, but just for illustration purposes), when Venus returns to the its starting point, (at the top of the circle) after 8 years, it is actually slightly further round the zodiac circle (by about 2.4 degrees). It takes 243 years for Venus to return to the exact point where it started, which is 152 of the 584-day cycles (the true average is around 583.92). This is equal to 30.4 pentagrams, or 30 pentagrams plus 2 extra 584 day cycles (or 2 points of a pentagram), bringing it into alignment with the original 5 points. NB This is not a complete revolution of the pentagram, but a 72 degree revolution. It takes more than a multiple of the 8-year pentagram because the constellations have also precessed over 240 years, by about 3 degrees. One complete revolution of the pentagram takes 1199 years. I have checked all these movements on astronomical software – thus, the pattern which starts with a standstill on 14th May 2012 AD, is a repeat of the pattern which started 243 years previously on 12th May 1769 AD, and these are both repeats of the pattern which occurred 1199 years previous to 2012, on 26th April 813 AD. Here are 3 sites where you can download free astronomical software, to check for yourself (thanks to Zyzygyz of Time Wave Zero 2012 for his help on this):

Loops – all loopy

This explains Geryl & Ratinckx’s “250-year” Venus retrograde loop cycle, but what about the 11,803-year cycle (between 9792 BC & 2012 AD)? None of the above free software is designed to go back as far as 9792 BC, but the My Stars software can be “forced into it” by entering the date BC 9792/11/25, then running it back & forth till you find it. (The display date will probably show something like” BC 9790/-8/-12 “; but be warned: my computer crashed several times trying this). However, just around here was the exact pattern shown by Geryl & Ratinckx for 9792 BC:

The Venus loop in 9792 BC

The loop in 2012 was at first thought by the authors of The Orion Prophecy to be the same as the 9792 BC loop, (p.137-138), then they realized that in 2012, the loop appeared to the right of Orion, while in 9792 BC, it had appeared to the left of Orion:

The “opposite” Venus loop in 2012

Patrick Geryl had thought this loop was the code they were looking for, but now, he was “starting to doubt it” (p.138), until Gino reassured him that it only happens “about every 250 years”, but that precession only matched in 9792 BC and 2012. The authors then concluded that, since the 9792 BC & 2012 loops are “opposites of each other” in 3 ways,4 and that “the Earth also starts turning in the OPPOSITE direction after a polar reversal”, then this must be a code of OPPOSITES. However, they failed to spot that, since every 8 years, the point of the pentagram returns to a point about 2 degrees away from its position 8 years previously, this means that between 1924 and 2012 there are 12 retrograde loops of Venus above Orion.

Positions of 12 Venus loops at 8-year intervals above Orion, between 1924 and 2012

This has all been checked on the free software mentioned above. Every 243 years, the loops recur in exactly these same 12 positions over another 88-year period (1681-1769). As a result, the “opposite” status of the 9792 BC loop position and the 2012 loop position becomes much less obvious. Scroll up to the 9792 BC loop, above, and then back to this selection of 12 loops, to decide which is “opposite” to the 9792 BC one. All of them have the same 3 opposite criteria 4 as the 2012 loop. I would say that the 1980 loop is the best candidate for opposite, ( 9792 BC: 2nd standstill above hand of Orion, 1980: first standstill above hand of Orion) while the 1924 loop is the best match (which is what authors were originally searching for p.137-138) to the 9792 BC loop, since these both stand still in Gemini and loop back towards the hand of Orion.

The implication of this finding is that, either…

a)…the 11,803-year period is wrong, and it should be a period of the same length as that between 9792 BC and 1980 AD (or 1924), but obviously not this particular period itself, since the world did not end in 1980 (or 1924). Therefore it should be a period of 11,715 (or 11,771) years (don’t forget there was no “year zero”, if you’re working this out!), and that, presuming that the 2012 AD pattern is the warning sign, the original catastrophe must have been in 9704 (or 9648)BC. We are not told how Slosman got the year 9792 BC, so cannot speculate further… except, maybe it should be 11,520 years, since that is the period between the catastrophe in 21,312 BC and 9792 BC; and 11,520 = 7200 x 584, or 7200 Venus cycles. However, there was no Venus loop in 21,312 BC, so the authors say…so maybe that’s wrong too.


b)…the whole theory is seriously flawed.

This means that not only is Appleby’s conclusion erroneous as he was connecting it with 10,500 BC, but also Adrian Gilbert’s, since the position of Venus as “stationary in the hand of Orion” was more accurate in 1924.

“Esoteric numerology”

Since we have now determined that the 11,803-year period is wrong, it makes most of the mathematics in the book superfluous. However, on p.135, Geryl says, “I’m begging you on hands and knees to review my calculations and maybe find other connections”, so let’s have a look: (skip this paragraph if big decimals make you giddy)

On p.129, Geryl admits that he made an error in calculating the period between the 9792 BC catastrophe and the one which follows it. He forgot about the fact that there is no “year zero” in the Gregorian calendar, since the year following the theoretical birth of Christ was 1 AD and the year previous to it was 1 BC. So one year always has to be taken off the calculation from minus to plus numbers. As a result, he initially calculated 11,804 years for the cycle length, and went on to play with the figure to see what he came up with. He claims that this helped him to solve the riddle, even though it was the wrong number. On p.130 he divides 11,804 by 117, which he got from The Mayan Prophecies (p.296-297), “because it was known and used by the Maya to obtain large numbers”. The result is 100.8888888888. He then divided by 36 and 52 “because they were known by the Maya and old Egyptians”, to get the numbers 327.88888888 and 227. He then subtracted 100.888888888 from 327.88888888 and got 227 (despite there being 10 eights after the first 100.8etc and 9 after the second, and eight after 327.8etc. – probably just a “misprint”). He then started to “multiply the number of days in a year, following the two calendars” (i.e. 11,804 multiplied by 365.25; 365; and 360 – Julian year, Haabs & Tuns). He got 3 numbers as a result – 4,311,411; 4,308,460; and 4,249,440. He then divided these 3 numbers by 227 to get 18,993; 18,980; 18,720. Then he couldn’t believe his eyes, when he recognised the “”holy” numbers of the Maya” – 18,980 and 18,720.

18,980 is the number of days in a Calendar Round of 52 Haabs (52 x 365 = 18,980). Geryl probably takes 18,720 as a holy number because there are 1,872,000 days in the 13-Baktun cycle, and 18,720 is a harmonic of this number.

However, ANY number could have been used in place of 11,804, even 11,803 (we’ll take 18,980 as an example, but this is true of all 3 calculations), because he originally got the number 227 by dividing 11,804 by 52. Then he multiplied the same number by 365, to get 4,308,460. He then divided the second result by the first to get 18,980. We can do the same thing with any number, such as 104 for example: 104 divided by 52 = 2. 104 x 365 = 37,960. 37,960 divided by 2 = 18,980. That’s a simple example, but it will work with any number! Here is a similar problem:

if 10/5 =2; and 10 x 3 = 30; then 30/2 = 5 x 3

The numbers are developed further, until the conclusion is reached that the Maya and Egyptians predicted the same day for the end of the world.

The Maya and Egyptians used 10 decimal places!

On p.235-6, Geryl says that if he sees a decimal with repeating numbers, he takes it as a clue, and his calculations involve up to 10 decimal places (after the point), subtracting certain numbers “without knowing why” (p.131), or multiplying and dividing “purely out of curiosity” (p.133) any numbers used by the Maya or Egyptians. I pointed out to Patrick that the Maya did not use a decimal point (and that is why they used so many calendars as cross-checks, and counted long cycles to get extra accuracy using whole numbers):

I said:
But the Maya did not use the decimal point!

His reply:

It’s time to name that mathematician! There are many more examples of this number-play, and Geryl himself, comes up with the term “esoteric numerology” (p.182), to describe these kind of machinations, even going as far as to say, (p.237), “If this is not a brilliant game, I am insane” (!) but thank Osiris, I don’t have to go through them all because we have now shown that the cycle is not 11,803 years, unless the retrograde loops have nothing to do with it, and even if they don’t, the maths needs to be completely re-done.

Other wild claims

p.184: “Finding the precession requires the knowledge of two points in a year when days and nights were equal”

Sorry, not true: Precession can just as easily, if not more easily, be measured from the Winter Solstice as Jenkins has shown the Maya did, (see item 5) or from the Summer Solstice, as Gilbert has suggested the Egyptians did (see item 47).

p.133-134: By a logic impossible to follow, Geryl concludes that “each year the earth is 3.33333 seconds behind, compared with the year before”.

If you do an internet search on the slowing rotation of the Earth, you will find 3 main groups of answers to this. they lie in the range of 1.1-2.0 milliseconds per century; 4 to 5 milliseconds per year; 0.6-2.3 milliseconds per day; or the highest single claim I found: 0.8395 seconds per year. A huge variation, but none as large as Geryl’s. Three examples: http://pages.prodigy.com/suna/earth.htm http://imagine.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/ask_astro/answers/980421b.html http://bowie.gsfc.nasa.gov/ggfc/tides/intro.html

p.110: Having found, with a GPS meter, that the Dendera Zodiac, the axis of the Dendera Temple, and the Temple at Esna all showed a deviation of 5 degrees to the East, the authors were unsurprised to find that the Great Pyramid and its 2 companions, were all aligned 5 degrees East of North.

Mark Lehner was director of the Giza Plateau Mapping Project, and in his book, The Complete Pyramids, p.108 &109, he gives the Great pyramid’s deviation from North as 3 minutes and 6 seconds of arc. This is about 0.05 degrees, not 5.00 degrees! – More trouble with decimal points. This is even worse than Wilkie and Jones in their book Giza-Genesis – (see Whats New 29 ). The Great Pyramid has always been a marvel of precision, and famous for its accurate alignment to North. Either the GPS meter needs destroying or a visit to the optician may be in order.


The most crucial passage is given by the authors in the French translation of Slosman, and in the English version of the Belgian authors. On p148, the following announcement is made, regarding this translation:

“Anyone who can prove that we have incorrectly translated Slosman’s work can have our royalties from this book.”

Directly after this, on p.149-150, the French text is given, from line “161 to 167″, (= Budge Ch. 17 line 126-132), followed by 2 paragraphs of Slosman’s Commentary. The English translation of the verses can be found between pages 140 -145, while the English translation of Slosman’s 2-paragraph commentary is on page 141-142. I’m afraid I’ve got some bad news for our authors…

In line 164, the words “…DES IMPORTANTES COMBINAISONS D’EN HAUT…” is translated as “…of the higher Important Orders…” Obviously, the word “Orders” here, is a mis-translation of the word “Combinaisons”. “Commandements” has been translated as “Orders” 3 times; “Combinaisons” as “Combinations”, once.5

If that’s not enough to secure me the cash prize, brace yourselves for the 2 original French paragraphs (sorry – can’t do the accents on this keyboard):

“Revenons plutot a l’explication de ce verset tres important qui merite que l’on s’y arrete du point de vue astronomique avec la Constellation du Lion. Car manifestement il s’agit d’une explication concernant le plus important changement dans les configurations astrales de notre ciel. Et elle vient apres un paragraphe ecrit presqu’entierement en rouge qui montre l’extreme importance du texte, tout en cachant la fin de l’alinea non pas pour en amoindrir la portee, mais plutot par une crainte instinctive d’en decrire les effets!

Lors du Grand Cataclysme, survenu le 27 juillet 9792 avant Christ, donc dans ce que nous appelons pour les natifs “en Lion” ou le Soleil durant son periple annuel y sejourne 30 jours environ. Mais le Soleil avancait aussi precessionnellement (durant plus de 2000 ans) devant la constellation du Lion, la Terre bascule sur son axe. Et, comme l’ecrivait Herodote “le Soleil tomba dans la mer”. Ceci n’etant qu’une apparence puisque notre astre du jour est “fixe”. Ce fut donc notre globe qui se retourna sur lui-meme et fit apparaitre depuis ce jour memorable le Soleil reculant dans l’Espace . Ce qu’il continue de faire encore aujour-d’hui.”

The parts in bold red have been totally ignored in the English translation. That constitutes gross mis-translation. Here’s the English translation as given by Geryl & Rattinckx:

“This is undoubted(ly) the most important explanation concerning the changing of the star-world in the sky. And this comes after a paragraph almost entirely written in red to stress its importance. The code is hidden in the end of the paragraph, so the full significance of the effects blows you in the face!

The Great cataclysm happened on 27th of July, 9792 BC. This was the age of the Lion and the earth turned on its axis. And as Herodotus wrote, “The Sun fell into the sea”. This is because the earth started turning the other way around, which she still does to this today.”

Blue = should have been included; green = should have been omitted. This should be enough to release a few Euros.


I had high hopes that this book might shed some new light on the 2012 Mayan end-point, but when the most fascinating part turned out to be a mistake, (the retrograde loops of Venus “code”), and the next most interesting item – the discovery (by overlaying sky maps onto a map of Egypt) that the “astronomical Labyrinth” (the Hyades) corresponds to the already known position of the Labyrinth building – also turned out to be wrong; that only left a French translation of the Egyptian Book of the Dead (or Chapter 17 of it, anyway), that has been partly translated into English (by a Belgian), and may contain codes about a catastrophe.

On the plus side, the book gives us access to part of a rare translation of Chapter 17 of the Egyptian Book of the Dead, encoding 3 catastrophes, (for which, as I said above, David Pratt has found corroboration in the Dendera zodiac). On the negative side, there is alot of misinformation in the book, but at least it does not add much to any anxiety we might have about the World ending soon.

When we’re ready for another brilliant game, Geryl promises us (p.171), that when we read his “unbelievably accurate” decoding of the Dresden codex, in his next book, that we “will be almost shocked to death”. I look forward to it.

UPDATE (1st /Nov/03)

When I reviewed the Orion prophecy, the three astronomical software programs I used, (all freeware or shareware), would not go back as far as 9792 BC (one of them almost did it, but kept crashing the computer & giving nonsense readings).

I recently tried the same thing on a program called Skyglobe. If that sounds familiar, that’s because its the one used by Cotterell, Gilbert, Hancock and Bauval in their investigations of ancient Egyptian skies. Well, Skyglobe will reproduce any sky configuration visible from any from any of 120 cites on Earth, between 30,000 BC and 30,000 AD!

Skyglobe shows the 2012 loop exactly as described by Geryl and Rattinckx, when set to show the sky from a Cairo vantage point between May 14th 2012 and June 26th 2012 (the two standstill points in the loop of Venus. However, the 9792 BC loop is not at all the same as that shown in the Orion Prophecy. Skyglobe shows the loop in the Orion Prophecy to be one that occurred 96 years later, in 9696 BC.

In fact, the Venus retrograde loop of 9792 BC as shown on Skyglobe, has an exact match in the year 1609 AD! The exact match for the 2012 AD loop, actually happened in 9389 BC, (starting on 12 February), I found after much searching with Skyglobe. Check it for yourself if you don’t believe me:

Download Skyglobe (shareware)


1.Orion Prophecy p.25: Book of the Dead Ch. 17, lines 5-9 (Budge 1999 edition, p.376); Orion Prophecy p.25-26: Book of the Dead Ch. 17 lines 25-30; Orion Prophecy p.139-141: Book of the Dead Ch.17, lines 121-130; Orion Prophecy p.145: Book of the Dead Ch.17, lines 131-132; Orion Prophecy p.149-150: Book of the Dead Ch.17, lines126-132 (=Slosman’s lines 161-167).

2. They are by P.Pierret, M. Lepage-Renouf, E. Amelineau, and Vicomte Emmanuel de Rouge,

3. Herodotus, The Histories, translated by G. Rawlinson, Everyman’s Library, 1992, p. 194

4. Firstly (p.151): ” in 9792 BC Venus made its circle above Orion AFTER the cataclysm. In 2012, Venus will make it BEFORE the cataclysm. Secondly (p.151): “In 2012, Venus will turn to the right above Orion, and in 9792 BC, it turned to the left above Orion. Thirdly (p.151): “in 2012, Venus will reach its furthest point at the 30th of June and then turn back to Orion. At that moment, Venus will be between Orion and the Pleiades. In 9792 BC, Venus reached its furthest point at the 25th of December, and then turned back toward Orion.”…”The OPPOSITE turnings are very close to the days of the cataclysm.” In other words, 30th June (2012 loop date) is close (ish) to 27th July, when the cataclysm supposedly occurred in 9792BC; 25th December (9792 BC loop date) is close to 21st December, when the next cataclysm will supposedly happen.

UPDATE 1/12/2004

Patrick Geryl replies:

On 7th November 2004, Patrick Geryl e-mailed me:
“I have send you my defintive answer to your remarks concerning the Venus-Orion code for 2012.
If you are a honest person, you will put it in RED on your review.
=> The facts are from experienced astronomers!”

“I had seen on the computer simulation that Venus makes its retrograde movement slightly to the right-hand side above Orion. But, was that true? Wasn’t the screen giving an unclear image? I therefore decided to go to Urania, a star observatory and planetarium near my home. On an “open day” they simulated planetary movements, and I asked them to plot the movement of Venus in 2012. It was projected on an immense screen on which you could clearly see the circle-shaped movement. Some adjustments relating to the angle of the earth in relation to Venus were made, in such a way that Betelgeuse and Bellatrix came to lie aligned beneath Venus. The outcome was sensational!”

“In 2012 Venus will stand still exactly above Betelgeuse, a red super giant, and will make its retrograde loop. But this is not all. Venus also stands still above Bellatrix after which it will continue its loop! This means therefore that Venus will make an exact circle-shaped movement above the most important and highest stars of Orion, among which is found Betelgeuse! You cannot imagine a more spectacular code than this one! By this and other reasons am I so convinced of the fact that 2012 is the date of the next cataclysm.”

“A Double Even More Spectacular Code!

While Venus makes her retrograde loop, it will pass before the Sun!

Venus passes before the Sun on the sixt of June 2012. She will be in the middle of the Sun at exactly 1.30 AM.

Venus will be in the middle of her retrograde loop the fifth of June at 20.18 PM. This means that Venus will stand in the middle above Orion while it passes before the middle of the Sun! Hence the connection from Venus, Orion and the Sun.

It is for this obvious reason that these scientists took this code as a warning for the End Times! The glyphs from my book The Orion Prophecy will become much clearer now!”

Straydog’s comment:

So, if the software (“Loadstar”), showing the 2012 loop of Venus to the right of Orion is inaccurate, it is quite amazing that the independent software package, SkyGlobe, shows the exact same configuration for 2012 (see 2003 update, above). If both these packages have got the 2012 configuration wrong, and Venus will actually reach standstill in its loop above Betelgeuse, thus matching the pattern that Geryl and Rattinckx found for 9792 BC, then this means the modern software packages can’t even predict the position of Venus just a decade from the event, so surely their configuration for the pattern in 9792 BC is far more unreliable than the pattern they predicted for 2012! In order to prove his point, Mr. Geryl needs to get the observatory to show him the pattern for 9792 BC. The need for this confirmation for the 9792 position is heightened by the 2003 update above, in which we found that SkyGlobe disagreed with the pattern for 9792 BC, and found that the SkyGlobe version of the 9792 BC pattern actually matched the pattern for 1609 AD!

The Venus Transit of 2012, which happens during the loop, may well be significant (it is already covered in several places on this site) and the Venus retrograde loop may also be significant (see 2012 & crop circles page), but as for any evidence that there was a catastrophe in 9792 BC, and that Atlanteans encoded the pattern of Venus looping over Orion as a warning of a repeat catastrophe in 2012; the evidence is still absent.

Birth and Death of Venus. In The Mayan Prophecies, Adrian Gilbert said that he used astronomical software called SKYGLOBE to look at the sky as it was at dawn, on 12 August 3114 BC (where he dates the beginning of the Great Cycle). He found that as the Pleiades were on the meridian, the Sun was preceded by Venus as the morning star. This he took to be the mythical “Birth of Venus” associated with the start of the Great Cycle. Just as in ancient Egypt, the dawn rising of Sirius heralded the flooding of the Nile and the beginning of a new year, and the meridian transits of Orion correlated to the First Time and Last Time of Osiris; to the Maya, the meridian transit of the Pleiades announced the “Birth of Venus” as it rose over the horizon.

Gilbert used SKYGLOBE to check the sky on 22 December 2012 (where he dates the end of the Great Cycle), and found that, just before sunset, as the Pleiades rise over the eastern horizon, Venus sinks below the western horizon. This, he thinks, is the symbolic “Death of Venus”, indicating the start of a new precessional age.

Velikovsky                                                                        The elliptical orbit of Venus following “her birth”

Immanuel Velikovsky has said in his book Worlds in Collision, that the Birth of Venus occurred when Venus was “born” from Jupiter. A cosmic collision caused a part of Jupiter to burst out, becoming a comet, and leaving the famous red spot where it burst out.  This is clearly illustrated in the Greek myth of Athene who sprang from the head of Zeus, making Mount Olympus tremble and stirring the sea, (Athene, reasons Velikovsky, is the planet Venus, and Zeus is the planet Jupiter). Velikovsky dated this event as contemporary with the Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt, explaining the plagues and parting of the Red Sea. Several Mayan and Aztec myths were also cited as evidence, including the fact that Quetzalcoatl, which means feathered serpent, is the well-known name for the planet Venus. It was also called “the star that smoked”. Velikovsky quotes from Brasseur de Bourbourg’s Histoire Des Nations Civilisees du Mexique:
“…the sun refused to show itself and during four days the world was deprived of light. Then a great star …appeared; it was given the name Quetzal-cohuatl …the sky, to show its anger…caused to perish a great number of people who died of famine and pestilence…It was then…that the people [of Mexico] regulated anew the reckoning of days, nights, and hours, according to the difference in time.”

Quetzalcoatl, the plumed serpent causes death                       The planet Venus, associated by the Maya & Aztecs with Quetzalcoatl
This would explain the Mayan obsession with Venus, and we can now see why the Birth of Venus has been associated with the start of the Great Cycle. However, Velikovsky dated the event around 1500 BC with the Exodus. Graham Phillips has also convincingly explained the events of the Exodus as side-effects of the eruption of the volcano Thera (in his book Act of God), but Nigel Appleby has unified the theories with that of Nibiru, the tenth planet (see item 27).

The existence of Nibiru was postulated by Zecharia Sitchin in his book The Twelfth Planet-(12 counting the Sun and Moon). Ancient Sumerian mythology implies that there is a large planet –Nibiru- on an elliptical orbit, which enters the solar system every 3,600 years. Velikovsky and Sitchin actually used the same Sumerian myth as part of the evidence for their respective theories (the Marduk and Tiamat myth). According to Sitchin’s chronology, the next return is due in 3400-3600 AD.

Appleby suggests that it was Nibiru that caused the disasters of the Exodus as it “shunted both Earth and Mars close to each other’s orbit…” and that it was this which triggered the eruption of Thera. However, Velikovsky didn’t say Mars was involved in the original Birth of Venus incident, but two later ones around 700 BC. Anyway, it IS an interesting idea, since it provides a large passing body to interfere with Jupiter and cause the ejection of Venus. What is more, it would mean that Nibiru is due to return soon (1500 BC to 2000 AD =3500 years), as Appleby suggested: 2012 – 2036 (see item 27).

If we prefer  to correlate the Birth of Venus incident to 3114 BC, then the implication is that the Great Cycle is measuring the period of return of some OTHER huge planetoid (see items 8 & 10), due in 2012, on Snake Day.

FROM: http://www.diagnosis2012.co.uk/5.htm

Venus orbits the Sun just a bit faster than 8 thirteenths of a year, more like 7.997. As we shall see this is a small but crucial difference.

Venus crossing the Sun at 6:30 am EDT on June 8th. Venus is the round black disk near the Sun’s limb; the other object is a sunspot. This is a single frame from a movie created by Frank Reddy of Astronomy magazine.

The transit begins at 1:13 a.m. EDT (in the middle of the night) and ends at 7:26 a.m. EDT. If you can see the Sun before 7:26 a.m. EDT, then you can see the transit. Sky watchers east of the Mississippi River are favored. The transit will not be visible at all from Mexico, British Columbia and the following US states: Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Nevada, New Mexico, Montana, Oregon, Texas, Utah, Washington, Wyoming.

A transit of Venus isn’t like a solar eclipse. The Sun won’t be blotted out or even noticeably dimmed. Venus is too small; the disk of the planet covers only 0.1% of the Sun.

Above: A visibility map of the 2004 transit of Venus for North Americans. In the yellow zones, sky watchers can see, at most, Venus taking a tiny bite out of the sun’s limb. In Alaska the transit begins at sunset on June 7th. Also available: A world map and a more detailed US visibility map.

From: http://science.nasa.gov/headlines/y2004/02jun_viewersguide.htm

Using data from NASA’s SORCE satellite, scientists noticed that, when Venus came between the Earth and the sun on June 8, the other planet reduced the amount of sunlight reaching Earth by 0.1 percent. This Venus transit occurs when, from an earthly perspective, Venus crosses in front of the sun. When it happens, once every 122 years, there are two transits eight years apart. The next crossing happens in 2012 and will be visible to people on the U.S. West Coast.

“Because of its distance from Earth, Venus appeared to be about the size of a sunspot,” said Gary Rottman, SORCE Principal Investigator and a scientist at the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP), at the University of Colorado at Boulder. The SORCE team had seen similar reductions in the sun’s energy coming Earthward during the October 2003 sunspot activity.

In October 2003 the Earth-bound sunlight dimmed 0.3 percent for about four days, due to three very large sunspot groups moving across the face of the sun.

“This is an unprecedented large decrease in the amount of sunlight, and it is comparable to the decrease that scientists estimate occurred in the seventeenth century,” Rottman said. That decrease lasted almost 50 years, and was likely associated with the exceptionally cold temperatures throughout Europe at that time, a period from the 1400s to the 1700s known as the “little ice age.”

Solar conditions during the little ice age were quite different, as there were essentially no sunspots. Astronomers of the time, like Galileo, kept a good record of sunspot activity before and during the period, encountering only about 50 sunspots in 30 years.

Rottman said, “Something very different was happening during the seventeenth century, and it produced a much more permanent change in the sun’s energy output at that time.” Today, the large sunspots are surrounded by bright areas called “faculae.” Faculae more than compensate for the decrease in sunlight from sunspots, and provide a net increase in sunlight when averaged over a few weeks.

The large number of sunspots occurring in October/November 2003 indicated a very active sun, and indeed many very large solar flares occurred at that time. SORCE observed the massive record-setting solar flares in x-rays

The flares were accompanied by large sunspots, which produced a 0.3 percent decrease in the sun’s energy output. SORCE simultaneously collected the energy from all wavelengths, something that had never been done before.

“The SORCE satellite instruments provide measurements of unprecedented accuracy, so the sun’s energy output is known with great precision, and precise knowledge of variations in the sun’s energy input to Earth is a necessary prerequisite to understanding Earth’s changing climate,” said Robert F. Cahalan, SORCE Project Scientist and Head of the Climate and Radiation Branch at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md.

From: http://www.spacedaily.com/news/solarscience-04u.html

The time of 1.6 years between Sun, Venus and Earth lining up is called the synodic period (synod = meeting). Fig 1 shows the lined-up positions from 1996 to 2002. You can see that there is a five spoke pattern. (Ignore for the moment the dotted line). The planets travel anti-clockwise and each lined-up position is 3/5 of the circle on from the previous one.

If we continue the pattern we can see that the next lining-up after 2002 will be in June 2004 in the same place as June 1996, 8 years previously. Almost, but not quite. Since Venus travels a little bit faster than one orbit in 8/13 of a year it catches up with the Earth a little bit before the meeting place 8 years previous. Consequently, if you draw the five spoke pattern 8 years on from Fig 1 it will look like Fig 1 but with the spokes rotated slightly clockwise.

We can start to see that 8 years might be a significant interval but it is still not clear how it relates to transits. For a start we have said that Earth, Venus and the Sun are lined up every 1.6 years, so why is there not a transit of Venus every 1.6 years? The answer is there would be if the orbital planes were exactly aligned. However, the orbit of Venus is at a small angle (3.4 degrees) to that of Earth. The result is that, although the planets appear lined up when looking down on the orbital planes, most of the time Venus viewed from the Earth will be either above or below the Sun. For a transit to occur the planets not only have to line up as in Fig 1 but they have to do it just in the place where the orbital planes cross, which makes it a much rarer event.

Referring back to Fig 1 the dotted line shows where the orbit planes of Earth and Venus cross. The crossing line corresponds to about 7 June and 8 December. We can see that the lining-up in 1996 was very close to the orbit-crossing line but was not quite there. Venus was near to the Sun but passed just south of it. On 8 June 2004 the lining-up will be even closer to the orbit-crossing line, in fact so close that Venus will transit the south side of the Sun for some 6 hours from about 5h 15m to 11h 15m UT. Eight years later in 2012 the lining-up will occur just the other side of the orbit-crossing line and there will be another transit, this time with Venus transiting the north of the Sun.

Fig 2 illustrates the position of the Sun seen from Earth relative to the orbit path of Venus on the three occasions. (The orbit angle has been exaggerated so Fig 2 is an illustration rather than a precise picture).

After that there is a long wait until the January 1998 “spoke” in Fig 1 slowly makes its way round clockwise in eight year ticks until it gets close to the December orbit-crossing line in 2117. Eight years later in 2125 there will be another transit when the “spoke” ticks through to the other side of the orbit-crossing line. This time the orbit path rises from south to north so the first transit will be north of the ecliptic and the second transit south. There is then a long wait while the “spokes” tick round until the lower one arrives close to the June orbit-crossing line again. And so the process continues.

On a final note we saw that because the orbit time of Venus (measured in units of Earth-orbit time, ie one year) was close to 8/13 it led to 8 year cycles. A closer approximation to the orbit time of Venus is 243/395 years, which by similar logic leads to a longer run 243 year cycle.

FROM: http://www.chocky.demon.co.uk/oas/venus.html

SPACEWEATHER.COM – Shows current sunspots