The Pope

Before the “Polish” Pope came to Poland for the second time I was starting out as a young journalist. I was eighteen but had articles in the newspapers since sixteen. I was being arranged to do an interview with the chief of Pope’s security who was coming earlier and was some Italian Jesuit. Because of my Italian which I spoke at the time. And enough of English. The interview has been canceled. I was supposed to prepare the questions and present them before the actual interview. I did, in English and Italian (just in case). I wonder which questions were not that good. I had many. Two pages of questions. Why am I writing about it?
Because of sexual harassment in my mind. I will elaborate on this post a little later today, here.
I was thinking about it because the Current Black Pope is coming to US. Mark this date. It is an important beginning.
He is a Black Pope because he was a general of Jesuits.

Still running

I am too tired to run for US president today. Today I could run for the president of Luxembourg, Monaco or Vatican but not US.
Even Israel. But not US. Maybe if there was no Texas and Alaska in US and California was in Mexico – maybe then I could. Too tired for the whole of US today I am.
Anyway, with my attitude I would be sent to jail in Israel for sexual harassment, they do that to their presidents. President of Vatican, who is called Pope and walks with fish on his head is not allowed to harass sexually, so it is not my type of presidency. Luxembourg and Monaco are still and option but if I get a good night sleep I can run for US president tomorrow with Alaska and Texas included and California being Mexican but not in Mexico no problem.
Maybe I should just hold my horses a little and run for the governor of Hawaii. Or US Virgin Islands. Or maybe I should organize Alamo in the Bahamas with few artillery officers from Poland (like they did in the past) and get Bahamas for the USSA.
Make myself governor of US Bahamas. Get some girl to be my Queen over there. For six months or a year. Who did I harass sexually today?
Veronica likes to be harassed sexually. I took her hand and held it against the wall. Looked at it.
– What are you doing?
– Checking something?
– What?
– If that color goes with your hand.
– Does it?
– It is perfect for you.
– And?
– I am going to paint my bedroom this color.
– You are weird.
But she liked that. Veronica is so mature and so young. And married. And not happy. To make sure she knows I am only kidding I told her at the beginning, couple of weeks ago, that I was married and I loved my wife. I do not touch married women. Especially my wife. (Because I am not married). Generally I love women with green eyes and she has green eyes.I love women from her country and she is from that country and I love women because they are funny by not being men. Men are dumb. Being born a man when you could have been born Veronica is a torture.
– I wish I were you, Veronica.
– Why?
– Look at your boobs, what they do to me. You have power. Look at my boobs – no power.
She didn’t look at my boobs. But I did look at hers.
– Stop it or I will call your wife (That she said in a broken, poorly accented Polish).
– Please don’t. But can I check the color on the wall again?
– No.
– Just once more.
– No.
– It is important.
– Nope. You will not see me in your bedroom.
– I lied. I meant master bathroom.
Now she looked at me.
– Robert, can we do business, just business?
– Yes. Next time we meet in some coffee shop though. Do you know any in this area?
– I do.
I was taken by surprise.
– Some time next week?
– Call first to make sure I am in the office. I am off on Fridays.
– Me too.
– Shut up and go already. Call first.



I am going into coffee business. Not. Few things made me think about it though. It is easy to start.
The last condo building I built had a commercial space downstairs.
First, Chinese People of America wanted it for a Massage Parlor which is a nice way of calling brothel.
You, people, have no idea how many brothels are on Ashland Ave. in Chicago. It is like some Underground
Brothel Strip in Thailand. They didn’t get a permit because the Alderman was my man. Loved the guy for doing that. Headache was gone.
If the real estate agent – an Asian American woman (gorgeous) – was one of the girls there – I would fight for it. But she was just a real estate agent – it is a completely different kind of prostitution.
Then two lawyers showed up with so many masonic signs on their business card I was going to send them straight to hell (foreigners) but we negotiated instead for few weeks,
in the end I showed them a finger for wasting my time. That was a mistake. I should have lowered the price, I knew crash was coming since 2005. Snake was eating its tail. It was obvious.
Got called names, including stupid Pollock on many blogs.
This one guy, who was a broker in some real estate office took his time and wrote three pages why America is the greatest country in a world and real estate will never crash.
I wrote back: “really?”
It matters for what.
So the third party that wanted to buy the commercial space was a husband and a wife team from Honduras who owned a coffee plantation there.
We met many times. He was going to have a small coffee shop for buyers of his coffee. I laid it out with him. Great space.
We went to a store next door to start negotiating parking spaces. Hamburgers didn’t like the idea. Deal was over. Last time I met with them over a cup of coffee at Julius Meinl Coffee Shop on Addison and Damen, not too far from my building. Till today I consider it, possibly, the only NON PRETENSIONAL (?), FULLY FUNCTIONAL AND MATURE coffee shop in Chicago. Why?
People SPOKE LOUD, PEOPLE LAUGHED LOUD, THEY WERE TALKING WITH EACH OTHER. Coffee was good (Honduran man said his would be better) and pastries were phenomenal.
The whole place showed no trace of YUPPIE BOY SCOUTS  learning how to order. You could be at ease. When I was sixteen I spoke fluent Italian. Now I don’t.
I went to Starbucks on Ogden couple of days ago (breaking my rules) to meet with a friend.
The girl behind the counter seemed sane.
– Hi.
– What would you like, sir?
– How do you call medium in this place?
She smiles.
– Medium.
– Thank you. ( I am relieved. I have a mature woman with boobs in front of me. Full of milk). Medium latte, please. How do you call latte?
– Latte.
– Thank you. Thank you so much.
Later I talked to a friend of mine about his and my plans. We try to connect. Arrange. Make things work for both of us. It is about sailing.
I left with this conviction in my heart that I love small boobs. It is a sport thing, small boobs are as lovely but are better for kayaking, sailing, diving (wet suits can be annoying).
I love small boobs. Big boobs are occasional perversion. But only that.


Scientific President

I have been running from US Presidency till I become The One and my whole running away over the years will turn out to be running for. Polish luck.
If I am to be the New Official Messiah of The New Atlantis I’d better stop calling Americans – Hamburgers in my posts. Or at least start being more scientific about it, along socialist lines and use my Marxist
childhood brain damage from communist occupied Poland, start calling them Hamburgeroise Class of Americans.
Who are the Hambergoroise Class of Americans?
I have no fucking clue but I know that in order to become your president I must become this Super Hamburger myself and that is a problem.
I have not watched television since 2005.
I do not follow sports.
Never got a flu shot because I hate half-viruses, love my blood type and I am not some low-life no matter how poor. I know free is bad for you.
I do not eat red meat, especially hamburgers or anything that is grained into some faceless, armless, legless feed and thermally abused for this brown, sickening look.
Too bad US Presidents are chosen twenty years before elections and there is no South Pole. Facts. I have no history of the above features of Super Hamburger in my past too much. Fact again.
I will only remind this Polish, epic, legendary documentary “Szczurolap” – “Rat catcher”.
It is about a man who was hired by various businesses (mainly in human feed storage section of the economy) – who was feeding the rats, whole wild tribes of them till he identified the King of The Rats and through
generosity and basic human goodness was able to replace the King. Killing him at some point as well. Rats didn’t mind the murder of ex-King. From that moment he would be followed blindly by all the rats, as their best King ever … where ? into a trap.
He was mercilessly killing them through poison in the food they so deeply and willingly loved him for, for the food he was sharing with them. He got so well known among different tribes of Rats that there were moments when he would show up at a new business to do the usual King Replacement Act and the next day all the rats were gone. Rats were smart after few genocides. Humans are not that smart. Humans follow. Every generation gets its Rat Catcher King.
Germany got Merkel, England Cameron, Poland had Tusk, France seven million Arabs but US must get me. Why?
I am not like them.I know genocides are wrong regardless of results.
And I have a Queen for you. She laughs like no one I have ever known. She laughs like life was now.
It is now.This might be the official beginning of my campaign to save US from Fake Rat Kings and give US its first US Queen as well.
“Before you destroy them, you must choose a method by studying them” – Fake Rat Kings words.
I know how to tell the fakes. Here I am. Use me before it is too late. I will not live for ever, My Queen.


You couldn’t trust Andy. He was Slovak and gay.
Weird. Had his fantasies. He has applied his fantasies to US bands creating the American Rock Idol of which hair bands of the eighties were the apogee of gay orgasm.
But I like the beginnings better. For headache. I am going back to sleep listening to origins. What a headache! I will not be able to take another birthday this year. Maybe next.
His last name – Warhol – pretty much translates in Polish into – Pigman. (Someone behaving like a pig).
Supermodels are the other apogee.
OMG. Everyday you learn something. I have just learned that his parents came from Slovakia (actually his mother had a typical Polish last name) but I DIDN’T KNOW they have considered themselves Lemkos.
ŁEMKOWIE in Polish. Who are they? It is a fairly interesting tribe of Slavs with its own cultural identity. I knew only one person who was a Łemek. An older lady. It is a long story.
Amazing story of love and sex in a remote mountains in Poland, where I went with my English teacher for a vacation, slept in a highlanders hut used as a station to impregnate sheep during two months, and vacant for the rest of the year. It was our good-by vacation since she was leaving Poland for US. I couldn’t. Became English teacher in New York, for immigrants from all over the world.  That’s what I think happened.
The only other person in that part of the mountains was an old woman, living alone and she was a Łemek. My teacher, Anna, I owe Anna a long, long story. She was the love I will never forget.
Loved her since sixteen, got her when nineteen. She didn’t hesitate any more. Won her over so many other men. Why was I so lucky? Always getting what others could only dream about?
ALWAYS ! I am OK with a wake up call. It had to come. She was ten years older. The first night we had sex I had seventeen orgasm, she had sixteen. Because the first time I had one before she came but carried on and my second orgasm was her first. All the next ones we had together. From 10 pm till noon next day. My body was a body an athlete. I was kick-boxing and wrestling at the time. She said  I could live off of women.
I never did. She was the first woman I have considered my baby. Someone I need to take care of and protect. And make happy. Happy part is getting more difficult over the years. Till today I wish I had a baby with her.

Earl Gray

I need my tea today. So bad.
I talked to the Associate. He is on the way to Poker Game. In Austria or Czech Republic.
We talked about the Portal a little. Wished him luck.
He wished me you.
I am OK with the image.
My dear partner in misery. Half of my brain. A Taurus.
I know our portal will be a success. If women were smarter – it would be so much easier.
But they are not.
I am leaving the house. Being so close and so far.
Peter – my good friend – said:
– take it easy , jealous monkeys around her are not helping.
Forget her and do your thing. She will or she will not contact you.  Make sure you don’t care.-

I don’t. Whenever I don’t want to care I think of M. and Maserati. What if I took Lamborghini from K.?
Another loser.
I had at least ten friends of mine who live in the area look at you and tell me what they think.
99% of them love you like me. What can I say – you are a marvel, Mrs. Taurus.
I wish to remain free though.

not really. :)


When I was playing stone Temple Pilots in my loft in Bucktown  before the area turned into brainless Yuppie Project, lesbians upstairs were going crazy.
They were also going crazy because of Bianca. Once we had sex and she started to moan, so I stopped for a moment, started kissing her arm and neck, whispering:
– baby, it is  a loft. Neighbors will hear everything. I got lesbians above me.
she grabbed my ass and started fucking like a mad women, screaming and laughing so loud I was first destructed then got the pace of her and joke of what I have just said.
Lesbians have never looked the same at me or the Jewish gay lawyer next door. Lesbians have even asked me during one Association meeting to become the president.
– Robert, what about you, you have a lot experience.
-No, sorry. I am too busy.