Kalendarze to tresura

Kalendarze to tresura, ustawianie dni w szergu to bląd. To nie wojsko. Zawsze jest jednym dniem. Porozmawiaj z nim, nie boj sie. Z niego sie nie strzela. Strzela sie z wojska.

State Casino

Each Government manages a Casino called State. That’s why it needs all the cameras. You can’t just walk out of it. You can’t.

Choroba morska

Ostatnio to, co chodzi mi po głowie, zaczeło sie w niej huśtać. Może dlatego, jak patrzę, na to, co widzę, to dostaje choroby morskiej.

Young world.

Those who ask questions die early. Those who provide answers still need to be born. It is a young Colony here. Young world.


Nie mozna miec jednej kobiety. Zeby miec jedna kobiete, ona ciagle musialaby byc soba.
You can’t have only one woman. For that, she would have to be herself all the time.

It is your world

It is not the world that you see. It is your world. Share it, there is help out there and it is not your television. Your television is just a pill administered by sicker than you.