
I never lost my soul to Whispering Entities
at first I thought there was only one
naïve me

sorry hog in a slaughterhouse
distracted by banana peels

there were many
Whispering Entities
the whole tribe fought for the hog
desperate parasites in feeding frenzy
because the hog turned God
exhibition of energies was phenomenal
a drop of genius since the flood
levitating above the surface of million droughts

imagine that

golden kill above the field of fire
wild and crazy
they wanted it
unless thinking back
there was another reason for being chosen
by the desert snakes

inhumane dusk
wind pushing darkness West
trees religiously touching ground with crowns
my chair in the house of Devil

tomorrow you will be home
madness bluffed again
breathe through the tube
this magic flute will help you
escape into the shell of inter dimensional calm